![]() |
This is the complete list of members for ServiceClientMgr, including all inherited members.
addApplicationAuthority(OS::MachineCommand &) | ServiceClientMgr | static |
ServiceMgrBase::addApplicationAuthority(bool local, OS::MachineCommand &) | ServiceMgrBase | protectedstatic |
addLocalServer() | ServiceMgrBase | protected |
addService(const OD::JSON::Object &) | ServiceClientMgr | private |
addService(Network::Service &) | ServiceClientMgr | private |
addTCPServer(bool assignport=true, Network::SpecAddr=Network::Any) | ServiceMgrBase | protected |
appClosingCB(CallBacker *) | ServiceMgrBase | private |
applydata_ | ServiceMgrBase | private |
applyInOtherThread(const packetData &) | ServiceMgrBase | private |
attachCB(const NotifierAccess &, const CallBack &, bool onlyifnew=false) const | CallBacker | |
attachCB(const NotifierAccess *notif, const CallBack &cb, bool onlyifnew=false) const | CallBacker | |
attachednotifiers_ | CallBacker | private |
attachednotifierslock_ | CallBacker | mutableprivate |
CallBacker() | CallBacker | |
CallBacker(const CallBacker &) | CallBacker | |
canClaimService(const Network::Service &) const =0 | ServiceClientMgr | protectedpure virtual |
canDoAction(const OD::JSON::Object &, packetData &) | ServiceMgrBase | private |
canDoRequest(const OD::JSON::Object &, packetData &) | ServiceMgrBase | private |
canParseAction(const char *, uiRetVal &) override | ServiceClientMgr | protectedvirtual |
canParseRequest(const OD::JSON::Object &, uiRetVal &) override | ServiceClientMgr | protectedvirtual |
checkService(const Network::Service::ID) const | ServiceClientMgr | protected |
cleanupServices() | ServiceClientMgr | private |
closeApp() override | ServiceClientMgr | protectedvirtual |
connClosedCB(CallBacker *) | ServiceMgrBase | private |
createReceiverForCurrentThread() | CallBacker | static |
debugMsg(const char *) | ServiceMgrBase | protectedstatic |
delalreadytriggered_ | NamedCallBacker | mutableprotected |
delnotif_ | NamedCallBacker | protected |
detachAllNotifiers() const | CallBacker | |
detachCB(const NotifierAccess &, const CallBack &) const | CallBacker | |
detachCB(const NotifierAccess *notif, const CallBack &cb) const | CallBacker | inline |
doAppClosing(CallBacker *) override | ServiceClientMgr | protectedvirtual |
doHandleAction(const char *action) override | ServiceClientMgr | protectedvirtual |
doHandleActionRequest(CallBacker *) | ServiceMgrBase | private |
doHandleRequest(const OD::JSON::Object &) override | ServiceClientMgr | protectedvirtual |
doPyEnvChange(CallBacker *) | ServiceMgrBase | inlineprotectedvirtual |
doSurveyChanged(CallBacker *) | ServiceMgrBase | inlineprotectedvirtual |
getAuthority(bool islocal) const | ServiceMgrBase | |
getName() const | NamedObject | inlinevirtual |
getNameFromPar(const IOPar &) | NamedObject | |
getPythEnvRequestInfo(OD::JSON::Object &) | ServiceMgrBase | protectedstatic |
getService(const Network::Service::ID) const | ServiceClientMgr | protected |
getService(const Network::Service::ID) | ServiceClientMgr | protected |
handleActionRequestInThread(const packetData &) | ServiceMgrBase | private |
hasName(const char *nm) const | ObjectWithName | inline |
hasName(const name_type &nm) const | ObjectWithName | inline |
init(bool local) | ServiceClientMgr | private |
isAlive(const Network::Service::ID) const | ServiceClientMgr | |
isCapsule() const | CallBacker | inlinevirtual |
isMainService() const | ServiceMgrBase | protected |
isNotifierAttached(const NotifierAccess *) const | CallBacker | |
isOK(bool islocal) const | ServiceMgrBase | |
isPresent(const Network::Service::ID) const | ServiceClientMgr | |
isServerOK(bool local) const | ServiceMgrBase | private |
localconn_ | ServiceMgrBase | private |
localserver_ | ServiceMgrBase | private |
localserverismine_ | ServiceMgrBase | private |
name() const | NamedObject | inlinevirtual |
name_ | NamedObject | protected |
name_type typedef | ObjectWithName | |
NamedCallBacker(const char *nm=0) | NamedCallBacker | |
NamedCallBacker(const NamedCallBacker &) | NamedCallBacker | |
NamedObject(const char *nm=nullptr) | NamedObject | inline |
NamedObject(const NamedObject &oth) | NamedObject | inline |
newConnectionCB(CallBacker *) | ServiceMgrBase | private |
notifyShutdown(const NotifierAccess *, bool wait) const | CallBacker | private |
objectToBeDeleted() const | NamedCallBacker | inlinevirtual |
operator=(const ServiceMgrBase &)=delete | ServiceMgrBase | private |
operator=(ServiceMgrBase &&)=delete | ServiceMgrBase | private |
NamedCallBacker::operator=(const NamedObject &) | NamedObject | |
operator==(const NamedCallBacker &oth) const | NamedCallBacker | inline |
operator==(const NamedObject &oth) const | NamedCallBacker | inline |
packet_ | ServiceMgrBase | private |
packetArrivedCB(CallBacker *) | ServiceMgrBase | private |
printInfo(const Network::Service::ID, const char *desc=nullptr, od_ostream *=nullptr) const | ServiceClientMgr | |
putNameInPar(IOPar &) const | ObjectWithName | |
pyenvChangeCB(CallBacker *) | ServiceMgrBase | private |
pythEnvChangedReq(const OD::JSON::Object &) | ServiceMgrBase | private |
removeReceiverForCurrentThread() | CallBacker | static |
removeService(const OD::JSON::Object &) | ServiceClientMgr | private |
removeService(const Network::Service::ID) | ServiceClientMgr | private |
sendAction(const Network::Service::ID, const char *) const | ServiceClientMgr | |
sendAction(const Network::Service &, const char *) const | ServiceClientMgr | protected |
ServiceMgrBase::sendAction(const Network::Authority &, const char *servicenm, const char *action) | ServiceMgrBase | protectedstatic |
sendDelNotif() const | NamedCallBacker | protected |
sendErr(uiRetVal &) | ServiceMgrBase | protected |
sendOK() | ServiceMgrBase | protected |
sendRequest(const Network::Service::ID, const char *, const OD::JSON::Object &) const | ServiceClientMgr | |
sendRequest(const Network::Service &, const char *, const OD::JSON::Object &) const | ServiceClientMgr | protected |
ServiceMgrBase::sendRequest(const Network::Authority &, const char *servicenm, const char *reqkey, const OD::JSON::Object &) | ServiceMgrBase | protectedstatic |
sendRequest_(const Network::Authority &, const char *servicenm, const OD::JSON::Object &) | ServiceMgrBase | privatestatic |
serverIsMine(bool islocal) | ServiceMgrBase | private |
serviceAdded | ServiceClientMgr | |
ServiceClientMgr(const char *servicenm) | ServiceClientMgr | protected |
ServiceClientMgr(const char *servicenm, bool assignport, Network::SpecAddr=Network::Any) | ServiceClientMgr | protected |
ServiceMgrBase(const char *servicenm) | ServiceMgrBase | protected |
ServiceMgrBase(const char *servicenm, bool assignport, Network::SpecAddr=Network::Any) | ServiceMgrBase | protected |
ServiceMgrBase(const ServiceMgrBase &)=delete | ServiceMgrBase | private |
ServiceMgrBase(ServiceMgrBase &&)=delete | ServiceMgrBase | private |
serviceName(const Network::Service::ID) const | ServiceClientMgr | |
serviceRemoved | ServiceClientMgr | |
services_ | ServiceClientMgr | protected |
serviceSubID(const Network::Service::ID) const | ServiceClientMgr | |
serviceToBeAdded | ServiceClientMgr | protected |
serviceToBeRemoved | ServiceClientMgr | protected |
setName(const char *nm) | NamedObject | inlinevirtual |
sKeyAction() | ServiceMgrBase | inlineprivatestatic |
sKeyClientAppCloseEv() | ServiceMgrBase | inlineprotectedstatic |
sKeyCloseEv() | ServiceMgrBase | inlinestatic |
sKeyDeregister() | ServiceMgrBase | inlinestatic |
sKeyError() | ServiceMgrBase | inlineprivatestatic |
sKeyEvent() | ServiceMgrBase | inlinestatic |
sKeyODServer() | ServiceMgrBase | inlinestatic |
sKeyOK() | ServiceMgrBase | inlineprivatestatic |
sKeyPyEnvChangeEv() | ServiceMgrBase | inlinestatic |
sKeyRegister() | ServiceMgrBase | inlinestatic |
sKeyStatusEv() | ServiceMgrBase | inlinestatic |
sKeySurveyChangeEv() | ServiceMgrBase | inlinestatic |
startHandleAction | ServiceMgrBase | protected |
startHandleRequest | ServiceMgrBase | protected |
stopReceivingNotifications() const | CallBacker | inline |
stopServer(bool islocal) | ServiceMgrBase | virtual |
stopService(const Network::Service::ID) | ServiceClientMgr | |
survChangedReq(const OD::JSON::Object &) | ServiceMgrBase | private |
surveyChangedCB(CallBacker *) | ServiceMgrBase | private |
tcpconn_ | ServiceMgrBase | private |
tcpserver_ | ServiceMgrBase | private |
tcpserverismine_ | ServiceMgrBase | private |
theMain() | ServiceMgrBase | protectedstatic |
theNewMain(ServiceMgrBase *) | ServiceMgrBase | privatestatic |
useServer(Network::RequestServer *, bool islocal) | ServiceMgrBase | private |
~CallBacker() | CallBacker | virtual |
~NamedObject() | NamedObject | inlinevirtual |
~ObjectWithName() | ObjectWithName | inlinevirtual |
~ServiceClientMgr() | ServiceClientMgr | virtual |
~ServiceMgrBase() | ServiceMgrBase | virtual |
Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2022