OpendTect  7.0
EM::RelationTree Member List

This is the complete list of members for EM::RelationTree, including all inherited members.

addRelation(const MultiID &id1, const MultiID &id2, bool write=true)EM::RelationTree
clear(bool is2d, bool dowrite=true)EM::RelationTreestatic
findNode(const MultiID &) constEM::RelationTreeprotected
findRelation(const MultiID &, const MultiID &) constEM::RelationTree
getNode(const MultiID &) constEM::RelationTree
getParents(int, TypeSet< int > &) constEM::RelationTree
getSorted(const TypeSet< MultiID > &unsortedids, TypeSet< MultiID > &sortedids) constEM::RelationTree
getSorted(bool is2d, TypeSet< MultiID > &)EM::RelationTreestatic
getSorted(bool is2d, BufferStringSet &)EM::RelationTreestatic
read(bool removeoutdated)EM::RelationTreeprotected
RelationTree(bool is2d, bool read=true)EM::RelationTree
removeNode(const MultiID &, bool write=true)EM::RelationTree
sortHorizons(bool is2d, const TypeSet< MultiID > &unsortedids, TypeSet< MultiID > &sortedids)EM::RelationTreestatic
update(bool id2d, const TypeSet< MultiID > &sortedids)EM::RelationTreestatic
write() constEM::RelationTree

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2024