![]() |
This is the complete list of members for ReflCalcRunner, including all inherited members.
addToNrDone(std::int64_t increment) | ParallelTask | protected |
attachCB(const NotifierAccess &, const CallBack &, bool onlyifnew=false) const | CallBacker | |
attachCB(const NotifierAccess *notif, const CallBack &cb, bool onlyifnew=false) const | CallBacker | |
attachednotifiers_ | CallBacker | private |
attachednotifierslock_ | CallBacker | mutableprivate |
calculateThreadSize(std::int64_t totalnr, int nrthreads, int thread) const | ParallelTask | protected |
CallBacker() | CallBacker | |
CallBacker(const CallBacker &) | CallBacker | |
computeTotalNr() | ReflCalcRunner | private |
Control enum name | Task | |
control_ | Task | protected |
controlWork(Control) | Task | virtual |
createReceiverForCurrentThread() | CallBacker | static |
delalreadytriggered_ | NamedCallBacker | mutableprotected |
delnotif_ | NamedCallBacker | protected |
detachAllNotifiers() const | CallBacker | |
detachCB(const NotifierAccess &, const CallBack &) const | CallBacker | |
detachCB(const NotifierAccess *notif, const CallBack &cb) const | CallBacker | inline |
doFinish(bool) override | ReflCalcRunner | privatevirtual |
doParallel(bool yn) | ParallelTask | inline |
doPrepare(int) override | ReflCalcRunner | privatevirtual |
doWork(od_int64, od_int64, int) override | ReflCalcRunner | private |
enableWorkControl(bool=true) | Task | virtual |
errorWithDetails() const | Task | inlinevirtual |
execute() override | ParallelTask | inlinevirtual |
executeParallel(bool parallel) | ParallelTask | virtual |
getName() const | NamedObject | inlinevirtual |
getNameFromPar(const IOPar &) | NamedObject | |
getProgress(const ReportingTask &) | ReportingTask | |
getRefModels() const | ReflCalcRunner | |
getRefModels(const ElasticModelSet &, const IOPar &reflpar, uiString &msg, TaskRunner *=nullptr, const ObjectSet< const TimeDepthModel > *=nullptr) | ReflCalcRunner | static |
getRefModels(const ElasticModelSet &, const IOPar &reflpar, uiString &msg, const ReflCalc1D::Setup *, TaskRunner *=nullptr, const ObjectSet< const TimeDepthModel > *=nullptr) | ReflCalcRunner | static |
getResults(ReflectivityModelSet &) const | ReflCalcRunner | private |
getState() const | Task | virtual |
hasName(const char *nm) const | ObjectWithName | inline |
hasName(const name_type &nm) const | ObjectWithName | inline |
incrementProgress() | ReportingTask | protected |
isCapsule() const | CallBacker | inlinevirtual |
isNotifierAttached(const NotifierAccess *) const | CallBacker | |
lastupdate_ | ReportingTask | private |
maxNrThreads() const | ParallelTask | protectedvirtual |
message() const | Task | inlineprivatevirtual |
minThreadSize() const | ParallelTask | inlineprotectedvirtual |
modelIdx(od_int64, bool &startlayer) const | ReflCalcRunner | private |
msg_ | ReflCalcRunner | private |
name() const override | NamedObject | inlinevirtual |
name_ | NamedObject | protected |
name_type typedef | ObjectWithName | |
NamedCallBacker(const char *nm=0) | NamedCallBacker | |
NamedCallBacker(const NamedCallBacker &) | NamedCallBacker | |
NamedObject(const char *nm=nullptr) | NamedObject | inline |
NamedObject(const NamedObject &oth) | NamedObject | inline |
notifyShutdown(const NotifierAccess *, bool wait) const | CallBacker | private |
nrDone() const override | ReflCalcRunner | virtual |
nrdone_ | ParallelTask | private |
nrdonebigchunksz_ | ParallelTask | private |
nrDoneText() const | Task | inlineprivatevirtual |
nrIterations() const override | ReflCalcRunner | privatevirtual |
objectToBeDeleted() const | NamedCallBacker | inlinevirtual |
operator=(const NamedObject &) | NamedObject | |
operator==(const NamedCallBacker &oth) const | NamedCallBacker | inline |
operator==(const NamedObject &oth) const | NamedCallBacker | inline |
parallel_ | ParallelTask | private |
ParallelTask(const char *nm=0) | ParallelTask | protected |
ParallelTask(const ParallelTask &) | ParallelTask | protected |
Pause enum value | Task | |
progressMeter() const | ReportingTask | inlineprotected |
progressmeter_ | ReportingTask | private |
progressUpdated | ReportingTask | |
putNameInPar(IOPar &) const | ObjectWithName | |
quickAddToNrDone(std::int64_t loopidx) | ParallelTask | protected |
ReflCalcRunner(const char *refl1dfactkeywd=AICalc1D::sFactoryKeyword()) | ReflCalcRunner | |
ReflCalcRunner(const IOPar &reflpar) | ReflCalcRunner | |
ReflCalcRunner(const ElasticModelSet &, const IOPar &reflpar) | ReflCalcRunner | |
ReflCalcRunner(const ElasticModelSet &, const IOPar &reflpar, const ReflCalc1D::Setup *) | ReflCalcRunner | |
reflcalcs_ | ReflCalcRunner | private |
reflpar_ | ReflCalcRunner | private |
removeReceiverForCurrentThread() | CallBacker | static |
ReportingTask(const char *nm=nullptr) | ReportingTask | protected |
reportProgressFinished() | ReportingTask | protected |
reportProgressStarted() | ReportingTask | protected |
resetNrDone() | ParallelTask | protected |
resetProgress() | ReportingTask | protected |
Run enum value | Task | |
sendDelNotif() const | NamedCallBacker | protected |
setAngle(float thetaang, bool angleisindegrees) | ReflCalcRunner | |
setAngle(float thetaang, Seis::OffsetType) | ReflCalcRunner | |
setAngles(const TypeSet< float > &, bool angleisindegrees) | ReflCalcRunner | |
setAngles(const TypeSet< float > &, Seis::OffsetType) | ReflCalcRunner | |
setModel(const ElasticModelSet &) | ReflCalcRunner | |
setModel(const ElasticModelSet &, const ReflCalc1D::Setup *) | ReflCalcRunner | |
setName(const char *nm) | NamedObject | inlinevirtual |
setProgressMeter(ProgressMeter *) override | ReportingTask | protectedvirtual |
shouldContinue() | Task | protectedvirtual |
sKeyParallel() | ReflCalcRunner | static |
sPosFinished() | ParallelTask | inlinestatic |
stdNrDoneText() | Task | inlinestatic |
Stop enum value | Task | |
stopAllOnFailure() const | ParallelTask | inlineprotectedvirtual |
stopReceivingNotifications() const | CallBacker | inline |
sTrcFinished() | ParallelTask | inlinestatic |
Task(const char *nm=nullptr) | Task | protected |
totalNr() const override | ParallelTask | inlinevirtual |
totalnr_ | ReflCalcRunner | private |
totalnrcache_ | ParallelTask | private |
trueCaller() | CallBacker | inlinevirtual |
uiMessage() const override | ReflCalcRunner | inlinevirtual |
uiNrDoneText() const override | ReflCalcRunner | virtual |
uiStdNrDoneText() | Task | inlinestatic |
updateProgressMeter(bool forced=false, std::int64_t *totalnr=0) | ReportingTask | protected |
updateReportedName() | ReportingTask | protected |
workcontrolcondvar_ | Task | protected |
workControlEnabled() const | Task | |
~CallBacker() | CallBacker | virtual |
~NamedObject() | NamedObject | inlinevirtual |
~ObjectWithName() | ObjectWithName | inlinevirtual |
~ParallelTask() | ParallelTask | virtual |
~ReflCalcRunner() | ReflCalcRunner | |
~ReportingTask() | ReportingTask | virtual |
~Task() | Task | virtual |
Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2024