OpendTect  7.0

This module contains support for processing prestack gathers. More...


class  PreStack::AGC
 Processor for PreStack AGC. More...
class  PreStack::AngleCompParams
 Base class for AngleMute and AngleMuteComputer. More...
class  PreStack::AngleComputer
 Computes angles for PreStack::Gather. More...
class  PreStack::AngleMute
 Angle mute. More...
class  PreStack::AngleMuteBase
class  PreStack::AngleMuteComputer
 Computes angle mute. More...
class  dgbMuteDefTranslator
 dgb MuteDefTranslator More...
class  dgbPreStackProcTranslator
 dgb PreStackProcTranslator More...
class  dgbPSEventTranslator
 dgb PSEventTranslator. More...
class  PreStack::Event
 A Event is a set of picks on an event on a single PreStack gather. More...
class  PreStack::EventAscIO
 Ascii I/O for PreStack event. More...
class  PreStack::EventDuplicator
 Duplicator for PreStack events. More...
class  PreStack::EventExporter
 Outputs an ascii string with all PreStack event, each pick on one row. The columns are as follows: More...
class  PreStack::EventImporter
 PreStack event importer. More...
class  PreStack::EventManager
 A EventManager is a set of EventsSet on multiple PreStack gathers, and are identified under the same MultiID. More...
class  PreStack::EventReader
 Reader for PreStack events. More...
class  PreStack::EventsAPIMgr
 API Manager for PreStack Events. More...
class  PreStack::EventSet
 A EventSet is a set of Events on a single PreStack gather. More...
class  PreStack::EventTracker
 Base class for algorithms that track PreStack events on a gather. More...
class  PreStack::EventWriter
 Writer for PreStack events. More...
class  PreStack::Gather
 PreStack gather. More...
class  PreStack::GatherSetDataPack
 A DataPack containing a set of gathers. More...
class  PreStack::TrimStatics::Iteration
class  PreStack::LateralStack
 Lateral stack. More...
class  PreStack::ModelBasedAngleComputer
 Computes angles for PreStack::Gather from ElasticModel. More...
class  PreStack::Mute
 Processor for PreStack muting. More...
class  PreStack::MuteAscIO
 Ascii I/O for PreStack mute. More...
class  PreStack::MuteDef
 NamedObject for definition of a mute function. More...
class  MuteDefTranslator
 Translator for mute definition. More...
class  MuteDefTranslatorGroup
 TranslatorGroup for mute definition. More...
class  PreStackProcTranslator
 Translator for PreStack processing. More...
class  PreStackProcTranslatorGroup
 TranslatorGroup for PreStack processing. More...
class  PreStack::ProcessManager
 Orgainizes a number of PreStack::Processors into a chain which can be processed. More...
class  PreStack::Processor
 Processes PreStack data at one cdp location. The algorithm is implemented in subclasses, and can be created by the PreStack::PF() factory. More...
class  PreStack::PropCalc
 Calculates 'post-stack' properties of a PreStack data store. More...
class  PSEventTranslator
 Translator for PreStack Event. More...
class  PSEventTranslatorGroup
 TranslatorGroup for PreStack Event. More...
class  PreStack::SemblanceAlgorithm
 Base class for algorithms that compute semblance along a moveout. More...
class  PreStack::SetEventUndo
 UndoEvent for PreStack pick. More...
class  PreStack::SetPickUndo
 BinIDUndoEvent for PreStack pick. More...
class  PreStack::PropCalc::Setup
class  PreStack::Stack
 Stacks PreStack data. More...
class  PreStack::TrimStatics
 Processor for PreStack Trim Statics. More...
class  PreStack::VelocityBasedAngleComputer
 Computes angles for PreStack::Gather from velocity model. More...

Detailed Description

This module contains support for processing prestack gathers.

See PreStack::ProcessManager for an example on how to make a chain of processing steps.

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2024