OpendTect  7.0

Where OSG meets Qt. More...


class  EventButton
 Event button. More...
class  GLInfo
class  KeyBindings
 Class for setting keybindings. More...
class  KeyBindMan
 Manages keybindings. More...
class  OD3DViewer
class  ODFontImplementation
class  ODGLWidget
class  ODGraphicsWindow
class  ODGraphicsWindow2
class  ODOpenGLWidget
class  ui3DIndirectViewBody
 Class used by ui3DViewer to render things indirectly. More...
class  ui3DViewer
class  ui3DViewer2Image
 Print scene dialog box. More...
class  ui3DViewerBody
 Baseclass for different body implementation (direct & indirect) of OSG. More...
class  uiGLInfo
class  uiOsgFontCreator
class  uiPrintSceneDlg
class  uiStereoDlg
 Dialog for stereo. More...

Detailed Description

Where OSG meets Qt.

Qt and OSG are both wonderful packages. Unfortunately, they both want to grab the main loop of an application. Fortunately, the OSG people have made the bridge: the osgQt package.

As both OSG and Qt are covered with our interfaces, we also had to cover the osgQt part with the uiOSG module.

The core class in this module is the ui3DViewer class, using OSG's osgViewer::View class. This is the viewer where the scene will be rendered. Other classes handle viewer related issues, like keybindings and stereoviewing.

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2024