OpendTect  7.0
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ui3DViewer Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for ui3DViewer:

Public Types

enum  PlaneType {
  X , Y , Z , Inl ,
  Crl , YZ
enum  StereoType { None , RedCyan , QuadBuffer }
enum  WheelMode { Never , Always , OnHover }
- Public Types inherited from uiObject
enum  SzPolicy {
  Undef , Small , Medium , Wide ,
  SmallVar , MedVar , WideVar , SmallMax ,
  MedMax , WideMax
 How should the object's size behave? Undef : use default. Small : 1 base sz. Medium : 2* base sz + 1. Wide : 4* base sz + 3. The xxVar options specify that the element may have a bigger internal preferred size. In that case, the maximum is taken. The xxMax options specify that the element should take all available space ( stretch = 2 ) More...
- Public Types inherited from ObjectWithName
typedef OD::String name_type

Public Member Functions

 ui3DViewer (uiParent *, bool direct, const char *nm="ui3DViewer")
 ~ui3DViewer ()
void align ()
void dolly (float rel)
void enableAnimation (bool)
void fillPar (IOPar &) const
void getAllKeyBindings (BufferStringSet &) const
OD::Color getAnnotationColor () const
OD::Color getBackgroundColor () const
const Coord3 getCameraPosition () const
float getCameraZoom ()
const char * getCurrentKeyBindings () const
float getMouseWheelZoomFactor () const
const osgViewer::View * getOsgViewerHudView () const
const osgViewer::View * getOsgViewerMainView () const
visBase::PolygonSelectiongetPolygonSelector ()
bool getReversedMouseWheelDirection () const
visBase::ScenegetScene ()
const visBase::ScenegetScene () const
visBase::SceneColTabgetSceneColTab ()
float getScenesPixelDensity () const
float getStereoOffset () const
StereoType getStereoType () const
Geom::Size2D< int > getViewportSizePixels () const
WheelMode getWheelDisplayMode () const
bool isAnimationEnabled () const
bool isCameraPerspective () const
bool isMapView () const
bool isViewMode () const
void resetHomePos ()
void rotateH (float angle)
void rotateV (float angle)
bool rotAxisShown () const
void saveHomePos ()
void savePropertySettings () const
SceneID sceneID () const
void setAnnotationColor (const OD::Color &)
void setAnnotationFont (const FontData &)
void setBackgroundColor (const OD::Color &) override
void setCameraPerspective (bool yn)
void setCameraZoom (float)
void setKeyBindings (const char *keybindname)
void setMapView (bool yn)
void setMouseWheelZoomFactor (float)
void setReversedMouseWheelDirection (bool)
void setSceneID (SceneID)
void setScenesPixelDensity (float dpi)
void setStartupView ()
void setStereoOffset (float)
bool setStereoType (StereoType)
void setViewMode (bool)
void setWheelDisplayMode (WheelMode)
void showRotAxis (bool)
void toggleCameraType ()
void toHomePos ()
bool usePar (const IOPar &)
void viewAll (bool animate=true)
void viewPlane (PlaneType)
- Public Member Functions inherited from uiObject
 ~uiObject ()
uiSize actualSize (bool include_border=true) const
void attach (constraintType, int margin=-1)
 attaches object to another In case the stretched... options are used, margin=-1 (default) stretches the object not to cross the border. margin=-2 stretches the object to fill the parent's border. This looks nice with separators. More...
void attach (constraintType, uiObject *, int margin=-1, bool reciprocal=true)
void attach (constraintType, uiParent *, int margin=-1, bool reciprocal=true)
virtual OD::Color backgroundColor () const
virtual const ObjectSet< uiBaseObject > * childList () const
void close ()
void deepRedraw ()
void disabFocus ()
void display (bool yn, bool shrink=false, bool maximized=false)
const uiFontfont () const
QWidget * getWidget () override
virtual bool handleLongTabletPress ()
bool hasFocus () const
virtual int height () const
 Actual size in pixels. More...
bool isCursorInside () const
bool isDisplayed () const
virtual bool isEmpty () const
bool isSensitive () const
uiMainWinmainwin ()
uiParentparent ()
const uiParentparent () const
int prefHNrPics () const
int prefVNrPics () const
QWidget * qwidget ()
const QWidget * qwidget () const
void reDraw (bool deep)
void reParent (uiParent *)
OD::Color roBackgroundColor () const
bool sensitive () const
virtual void setBackgroundPixmap (const uiPixmap &)
void setCaption (const uiString &)
virtual void setCursor (const MouseCursor &)
void setFocus ()
void setFont (const uiFont &)
void setHSzPol (SzPolicy)
void setMaximumHeight (int)
void setMaximumHeightInChar (int)
void setMaximumWidth (int)
void setMaximumWidthInChar (int)
void setMinimumHeight (int)
void setMinimumHeightInChar (int)
void setMinimumWidth (int)
void setMinimumWidthInChar (int)
virtual void setName (const char *) override
virtual void setPrefHeight (int)
void setPrefHeightInChar (float)
void setPrefHeightInChar (int)
virtual void setPrefWidth (int)
void setPrefWidthInChar (float)
void setPrefWidthInChar (int)
void setSensitive (bool yn=true)
void setStretch (int hor, int ver)
 Sets stretch factors for object If stretch factor is > 1, then object will already grow at pop-up. More...
virtual void setStyleSheet (const char *)
virtual void setTextColor (const OD::Color &)
void setToolTip (const uiString &)
void setVSzPol (SzPolicy)
void shallowRedraw ()
int stretch (bool hor) const
SzPolicy szPol (bool hor=true) const
const uiStringtoolTip () const
void translateText () override
bool visible () const
virtual int width () const
 Actual size in pixels. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from uiBaseObject
 uiBaseObject (const char *nm, uiBody *=0)
virtual ~uiBaseObject ()
int beginCmdRecEvent (const BufferString &msg)
int beginCmdRecEvent (const char *msg=0)
int beginCmdRecEvent (od_uint64 id, const char *msg=0)
uiBodybody ()
const uiBodybody () const
void clear ()
void endCmdRecEvent (int refnr, const char *msg=0)
void endCmdRecEvent (od_uint64 id, int refnr, const char *msg=0)
void finalise ()
bool finalised () const
void finalize ()
bool finalized () const
const QWidget * getWidget () const
virtual Notifier< uiBaseObject > & postFinalise ()
virtual Notifier< uiBaseObject > & postFinalize ()
virtual Notifier< uiBaseObject > & preFinalise ()
virtual Notifier< uiBaseObject > & preFinalize ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from NamedCallBacker
 NamedCallBacker (const char *nm=0)
 NamedCallBacker (const NamedCallBacker &)
virtual Notifier< NamedCallBacker > & objectToBeDeleted () const
bool operator== (const NamedCallBacker &oth) const
bool operator== (const NamedObject &oth) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from CallBacker
 CallBacker ()
 CallBacker (const CallBacker &)
virtual ~CallBacker ()
bool attachCB (const NotifierAccess &, const CallBack &, bool onlyifnew=false) const
bool attachCB (const NotifierAccess *notif, const CallBack &cb, bool onlyifnew=false) const
void detachAllNotifiers () const
 Call from the destructor of your inherited object. More...
void detachCB (const NotifierAccess &, const CallBack &) const
void detachCB (const NotifierAccess *notif, const CallBack &cb) const
virtual bool isCapsule () const
bool isNotifierAttached (const NotifierAccess *) const
 Only for debugging purposes, don't use. More...
void stopReceivingNotifications () const
virtual CallBackertrueCaller ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from NamedObject
 NamedObject (const char *nm=nullptr)
 NamedObject (const NamedObject &oth)
virtual ~NamedObject ()
virtual BufferString getName () const
bool getNameFromPar (const IOPar &)
const name_typename () const override
NamedObjectoperator= (const NamedObject &)
bool operator== (const NamedObject &oth) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ObjectWithName
virtual ~ObjectWithName ()
bool hasName (const char *nm) const
bool hasName (const name_type &nm) const
void putNameInPar (IOPar &) const

Static Public Member Functions

static StringView sKeyBindingSettingsKey ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from uiObject
static int baseFldSize ()
static int iconSize ()
static void setTabOrder (uiObject *first, uiObject *second)
static void updateToolTips ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from uiBaseObject
static void addCmdRecorder (const CallBack &)
static void removeCmdRecorder (const CallBack &)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CallBacker
static void createReceiverForCurrentThread ()
static void removeReceiverForCurrentThread ()

Public Attributes

Notifier< ui3DViewerdestroyed
CNotifier< ui3DViewer, bool > pageupdown
Notifier< ui3DViewerviewmodechanged
- Public Attributes inherited from uiObject
Notifier< uiObjectclosed
 Triggered when object closes. More...
CNotifier< uiObject, uiRect & > setGeometry
 triggered when getting a new geometry A reference to the new geometry is passed which can be manipulated, before the geometry is actually set to the QWidget. More...

Private Member Functions

uiObjectBodymkBody (uiParent *, bool direct, const char *)

Static Private Member Functions

static const char * sKeyAnimate ()
static const char * sKeyBGColor ()
static const char * sKeyMapView ()
static const char * sKeyPersCamera ()
static const char * sKeyPrintDlg ()
static const char * sKeyQuadBuf ()
static const char * sKeySceneID ()
static const char * sKeyStereo ()
static const char * sKeyStereoOff ()

Private Attributes



class ui3DViewerBody

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from uiObject
 uiObject (uiParent *, const char *nm)
 uiObject (uiParent *, const char *nm, uiObjectBody &)
virtual bool closeOK ()
 hook. Accepts/denies closing of window. More...
uiObjectBodyobjBody ()
const uiObjectBodyobjBody () const
void triggerSetGeometry (const i_LayoutItem *, uiRect &)
 setGeometry should be triggered by this's layoutItem More...
void updateToolTip (CallBacker *=nullptr)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from uiBaseObject
void setBody (uiBody *b)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from NamedCallBacker
void sendDelNotif () const
- Protected Attributes inherited from uiObject
uiString tooltip_
uiObjEventFilter * uiobjeventfilter_
- Protected Attributes inherited from NamedCallBacker
Threads::Atomic< bool > delalreadytriggered_
Notifier< NamedCallBackerdelnotif_
- Protected Attributes inherited from NamedObject
BufferString name_

Detailed Description


Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ PlaneType


◆ StereoType


◆ WheelMode


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ui3DViewer()

ui3DViewer::ui3DViewer ( uiParent ,
bool  direct,
const char *  nm = "ui3DViewer" 

◆ ~ui3DViewer()

ui3DViewer::~ui3DViewer ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ align()

void ui3DViewer::align ( )

◆ dolly()

void ui3DViewer::dolly ( float  rel)

◆ enableAnimation()

void ui3DViewer::enableAnimation ( bool  )

◆ fillPar()

void ui3DViewer::fillPar ( IOPar ) const

◆ getAllKeyBindings()

void ui3DViewer::getAllKeyBindings ( BufferStringSet ) const

◆ getAnnotationColor()

OD::Color ui3DViewer::getAnnotationColor ( ) const

◆ getBackgroundColor()

OD::Color ui3DViewer::getBackgroundColor ( ) const

◆ getCameraPosition()

const Coord3 ui3DViewer::getCameraPosition ( ) const

◆ getCameraZoom()

float ui3DViewer::getCameraZoom ( )

◆ getCurrentKeyBindings()

const char* ui3DViewer::getCurrentKeyBindings ( ) const

◆ getMouseWheelZoomFactor()

float ui3DViewer::getMouseWheelZoomFactor ( ) const

◆ getOsgViewerHudView()

const osgViewer::View* ui3DViewer::getOsgViewerHudView ( ) const

◆ getOsgViewerMainView()

const osgViewer::View* ui3DViewer::getOsgViewerMainView ( ) const

◆ getPolygonSelector()

visBase::PolygonSelection* ui3DViewer::getPolygonSelector ( )

◆ getReversedMouseWheelDirection()

bool ui3DViewer::getReversedMouseWheelDirection ( ) const

◆ getScene() [1/2]

visBase::Scene* ui3DViewer::getScene ( )

◆ getScene() [2/2]

const visBase::Scene* ui3DViewer::getScene ( ) const

◆ getSceneColTab()

visBase::SceneColTab* ui3DViewer::getSceneColTab ( )

◆ getScenesPixelDensity()

float ui3DViewer::getScenesPixelDensity ( ) const

◆ getStereoOffset()

float ui3DViewer::getStereoOffset ( ) const

◆ getStereoType()

StereoType ui3DViewer::getStereoType ( ) const

◆ getViewportSizePixels()

Geom::Size2D<int> ui3DViewer::getViewportSizePixels ( ) const

◆ getWheelDisplayMode()

WheelMode ui3DViewer::getWheelDisplayMode ( ) const

◆ isAnimationEnabled()

bool ui3DViewer::isAnimationEnabled ( ) const

◆ isCameraPerspective()

bool ui3DViewer::isCameraPerspective ( ) const

◆ isMapView()

bool ui3DViewer::isMapView ( ) const

◆ isViewMode()

bool ui3DViewer::isViewMode ( ) const

◆ mkBody()

uiObjectBody& ui3DViewer::mkBody ( uiParent ,
bool  direct,
const char *   

◆ resetHomePos()

void ui3DViewer::resetHomePos ( )

◆ rotateH()

void ui3DViewer::rotateH ( float  angle)

◆ rotateV()

void ui3DViewer::rotateV ( float  angle)

◆ rotAxisShown()

bool ui3DViewer::rotAxisShown ( ) const

◆ saveHomePos()

void ui3DViewer::saveHomePos ( )

◆ savePropertySettings()

void ui3DViewer::savePropertySettings ( ) const

◆ sceneID()

SceneID ui3DViewer::sceneID ( ) const

◆ setAnnotationColor()

void ui3DViewer::setAnnotationColor ( const OD::Color )

◆ setAnnotationFont()

void ui3DViewer::setAnnotationFont ( const FontData )

◆ setBackgroundColor()

void ui3DViewer::setBackgroundColor ( const OD::Color )

Reimplemented from uiObject.

◆ setCameraPerspective()

void ui3DViewer::setCameraPerspective ( bool  yn)

◆ setCameraZoom()

void ui3DViewer::setCameraZoom ( float  )

◆ setKeyBindings()

void ui3DViewer::setKeyBindings ( const char *  keybindname)

◆ setMapView()

void ui3DViewer::setMapView ( bool  yn)

◆ setMouseWheelZoomFactor()

void ui3DViewer::setMouseWheelZoomFactor ( float  )

Always positive, direction is set by setReversedMouseWheelDirection()

◆ setReversedMouseWheelDirection()

void ui3DViewer::setReversedMouseWheelDirection ( bool  )

◆ setSceneID()

void ui3DViewer::setSceneID ( SceneID  )

◆ setScenesPixelDensity()

void ui3DViewer::setScenesPixelDensity ( float  dpi)

◆ setStartupView()

void ui3DViewer::setStartupView ( )

◆ setStereoOffset()

void ui3DViewer::setStereoOffset ( float  )

◆ setStereoType()

bool ui3DViewer::setStereoType ( StereoType  )

◆ setViewMode()

void ui3DViewer::setViewMode ( bool  )

◆ setWheelDisplayMode()

void ui3DViewer::setWheelDisplayMode ( WheelMode  )

◆ showRotAxis()

void ui3DViewer::showRotAxis ( bool  )

◆ sKeyAnimate()

static const char* ui3DViewer::sKeyAnimate ( )

◆ sKeyBGColor()

static const char* ui3DViewer::sKeyBGColor ( )

◆ sKeyBindingSettingsKey()

static StringView ui3DViewer::sKeyBindingSettingsKey ( )

◆ sKeyMapView()

static const char* ui3DViewer::sKeyMapView ( )

◆ sKeyPersCamera()

static const char* ui3DViewer::sKeyPersCamera ( )

◆ sKeyPrintDlg()

static const char* ui3DViewer::sKeyPrintDlg ( )

◆ sKeyQuadBuf()

static const char* ui3DViewer::sKeyQuadBuf ( )

◆ sKeySceneID()

static const char* ui3DViewer::sKeySceneID ( )

◆ sKeyStereo()

static const char* ui3DViewer::sKeyStereo ( )

◆ sKeyStereoOff()

static const char* ui3DViewer::sKeyStereoOff ( )

◆ toggleCameraType()

void ui3DViewer::toggleCameraType ( )

◆ toHomePos()

void ui3DViewer::toHomePos ( )

◆ usePar()

bool ui3DViewer::usePar ( const IOPar )

◆ viewAll()

void ui3DViewer::viewAll ( bool  animate = true)

◆ viewPlane()

void ui3DViewer::viewPlane ( PlaneType  )

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ ui3DViewerBody

friend class ui3DViewerBody

Member Data Documentation

◆ destroyed

Notifier<ui3DViewer> ui3DViewer::destroyed

◆ osgbody_

ui3DViewerBody* ui3DViewer::osgbody_

◆ pageupdown

CNotifier<ui3DViewer,bool> ui3DViewer::pageupdown

◆ viewmodechanged

Notifier<ui3DViewer> ui3DViewer::viewmodechanged

◆ vmcb

CallBack* ui3DViewer::vmcb

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2024