OpendTect  7.0

WellAttrib User Interface. More...


class  WellTie::DahObjUndoEvent
class  WellTie::uiCheckShotEdit::DriftCurve
class  WellTie::EventStretch
class  uiStratSeisEvent::Setup
class  uiWellLogExtractGrp::Setup
class  uiMultiSynthSeisSel::Setup
class  WellTie::uiCheckShotEdit
class  WellTie::uiControlView
class  uiCreateAttribLogDlg
class  uiCreateLogCubeDlg
class  uiCreateLogCubeOutputSel
class  WellTie::uiCrossCorrView
class  uiFullSynthSeisSel
 Interface for selecting all parameters to run a Seis::RaySynthGenerator for multiple synthetic types (Zero-offset, prestack, ...), and interface for selecting synthetic datasets derived from raw types. More...
class  WellTie::uiInfoDlg
class  uiMultiSynthSeisSel
 Interface for selecting all parameters to run a Seis::RaySynthGenerator for multiple synthetic types (Zero-offset, prestack, ...) More...
class  WellTie::uiSaveDataDlg
class  uiStratLayerModel
class  uiStratLayerModelManager
class  uiStratLevelHorSel
 selector for Strat::Level and a horizon to go with it. More...
class  uiStratSeisEvent
 allows user to specify an auto-pick event on synthetic traces. More...
class  uiStratSynthCrossplot
 Dialog specifying what to crossplot. More...
class  uiStratSynthDisp
class  uiStratSynthExport
class  uiSynthGenDlg
class  uiSynthParsGrp
class  uiSynthToRealScale
 To determine scaling of synthetics using real data. More...
class  WellTie::uiTieView
class  WellTie::uiTieWin
class  WellTie::uiTieWinMGRDlg
class  WellTie::uiWavelet
class  WellTie::uiWaveletView
class  uiWellAttribCrossPlot
class  uiWellAttribPartServer
 Part Server for Wells. More...
class  uiWellAttribSel
 Dialog for marker specifications. More...
class  uiWellLogAttrib
 Energy Attribute ui. More...
class  uiWellLogExtractGrp
class  uiWellTo2DLineDlg

Detailed Description

WellAttrib User Interface.

Here you will find all attribute handling regarding wells. The uiAttribWellPartServer delivers the services needed.

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2024