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WellTie::uiControlView Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for WellTie::uiControlView:

Public Member Functions

 uiControlView (uiParent *, uiToolBar *, uiFlatViewer *, Server &)
 ~uiControlView ()
void fillPar (IOPar &iop) const
void setSelView (bool isnewsel=true, bool viewall=false)
void usePar (const IOPar &iop)
- Public Member Functions inherited from uiFlatViewStdControl
 uiFlatViewStdControl (uiFlatViewer &, const Setup &)
virtual ~uiFlatViewStdControl ()
virtual uiFlatViewColTabEdcolTabEd ()
NotifierAccesseditPushed ()
float getCurrentPosPerCM (bool forx1) const
bool isEditModeOn () const
bool isRubberBandOn () const
void setEditMode (bool yn)
- Public Member Functions inherited from uiFlatViewControl
 ~uiFlatViewControl ()
void addViewer (uiFlatViewer &)
 No attaching done. Viewer may be in other window. More...
virtual void doPropertiesDialog (int vieweridx=0)
virtual void flip (bool hor)
 reverses uiWorldRect's LR or TB swapping More...
TypeSet< uiWorldRectgetBoundingBoxes () const
 Returns bounding boxes of all viewers. More...
int getViewerIdx (const MouseEventHandler *, bool ofscene)
void reInitZooms ()
void removeViewer (uiFlatViewer &)
virtual void setNewView (Geom::Point2D< double > mousepos, Geom::Size2D< double > newsize, uiFlatViewer *vwr=0)
const FlatView::ZoomMgrzoomMgr () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from uiGroup
 uiGroup (uiParent *, const char *nm="uiGroup", bool manage=true)
virtual ~uiGroup ()
uiObjectattachObj ()
const uiObjectattachObj () const
uiObjecthAlignObj ()
uiObjecthCenterObj ()
uiMainWinmainwin () override
 operator const uiGroupObj * () const
 operator const uiObject & () const
 operator uiGroupObj * ()
 operator uiObject & ()
uiParentparent ()
const uiParentparent () const
Notifier< uiBaseObject > & postFinalise () override
Notifier< uiBaseObject > & postFinalize () override
Notifier< uiBaseObject > & preFinalise () override
Notifier< uiBaseObject > & preFinalize () override
void setBorder (int l, int t, int r, int b)
void setBorder (int)
void setChildrenSensitive (bool)
void setFrame (bool yn=true)
void setHAlignObj (uiGroup *o)
void setHAlignObj (uiObject *)
void setHCenterObj (uiGroup *o)
void setHCenterObj (uiObject *)
void setHSpacing (int)
void setIsMain (bool)
 internal use only. Tells the layout manager it's a toplevel mngr. More...
void setNoBackGround ()
virtual void setSize (const uiSize &)
void setSpacing (int s=0)
void setVSpacing (int)
- Public Member Functions inherited from uiParent
uiSize actualsize (bool inclborder=true) const
uiSize actualSize (bool include_border) const
void addChild (uiBaseObject &)
void attach (constraintType t, int margin=-1)
void attach (constraintType t, uiObject *oth, int margin=-1, bool reciprocal=true)
void attach (constraintType t, uiParent *oth, int margin=-1, bool reciprocal=true)
void attachChild (constraintType tp, uiObject *child, uiObject *other, int margin, bool reciprocal)
OD::Color backgroundColor () const
const ObjectSet< uiBaseObject > * childList () const
void deepRedraw (CallBacker *=0)
virtual void display (bool yn, bool shrk=false, bool maximize=false)
const uiFontfont () const
bool hasFocus () const
bool isDisplayed () const
uiObjectmainObject ()
const uiObjectmainObject () const
void manageChild (uiBaseObject &, uiObjectBody &)
uiParentBodypbody ()
const uiParentBodypbody () const
int prefHNrPics () const
int prefVNrPics () const
virtual void reDraw (bool deep)
OD::Color roBackgroundColor () const
bool sensitive () const
void setBackgroundColor (const OD::Color &c)
void setCaption (const uiString &c)
void setCursor (const MouseCursor &c)
void setFocus ()
void setFont (const uiFont &f)
void setPrefHeight (int h)
void setPrefHeightInChar (float h)
void setPrefHeightInChar (int h)
void setPrefWidth (int w)
void setPrefWidthInChar (float w)
void setPrefWidthInChar (int w)
void setSensitive (bool yn=true)
void setStretch (int h, int v)
void shallowRedraw (CallBacker *=0)
int stretch (bool h) const
void translateText () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from uiBaseObject
 uiBaseObject (const char *nm, uiBody *=0)
virtual ~uiBaseObject ()
int beginCmdRecEvent (const BufferString &msg)
int beginCmdRecEvent (const char *msg=0)
int beginCmdRecEvent (od_uint64 id, const char *msg=0)
uiBodybody ()
const uiBodybody () const
void clear ()
void endCmdRecEvent (int refnr, const char *msg=0)
void endCmdRecEvent (od_uint64 id, int refnr, const char *msg=0)
void finalise ()
bool finalised () const
void finalize ()
bool finalized () const
virtual QWidget * getWidget ()
const QWidget * getWidget () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from NamedCallBacker
 NamedCallBacker (const char *nm=0)
 NamedCallBacker (const NamedCallBacker &)
virtual Notifier< NamedCallBacker > & objectToBeDeleted () const
bool operator== (const NamedCallBacker &oth) const
bool operator== (const NamedObject &oth) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from CallBacker
 CallBacker ()
 CallBacker (const CallBacker &)
virtual ~CallBacker ()
bool attachCB (const NotifierAccess &, const CallBack &, bool onlyifnew=false) const
bool attachCB (const NotifierAccess *notif, const CallBack &cb, bool onlyifnew=false) const
void detachAllNotifiers () const
 Call from the destructor of your inherited object. More...
void detachCB (const NotifierAccess &, const CallBack &) const
void detachCB (const NotifierAccess *notif, const CallBack &cb) const
virtual bool isCapsule () const
bool isNotifierAttached (const NotifierAccess *) const
 Only for debugging purposes, don't use. More...
void stopReceivingNotifications () const
virtual CallBackertrueCaller ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from NamedObject
 NamedObject (const char *nm=nullptr)
 NamedObject (const NamedObject &oth)
virtual ~NamedObject ()
virtual BufferString getName () const
bool getNameFromPar (const IOPar &)
const name_typename () const override
NamedObjectoperator= (const NamedObject &)
bool operator== (const NamedObject &oth) const
virtual void setName (const char *nm)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ObjectWithName
virtual ~ObjectWithName ()
bool hasName (const char *nm) const
bool hasName (const name_type &nm) const
void putNameInPar (IOPar &) const

Public Attributes

Notifier< uiControlViewredrawAnnotNeeded
Notifier< uiControlViewredrawNeeded
- Public Attributes inherited from uiFlatViewControl
Notifier< uiFlatViewControlinfoChanged
Notifier< uiFlatViewControlrubberBandUsed
Notifier< uiFlatViewControlviewerAdded
Notifier< uiFlatViewControlzoomChanged

Protected Member Functions

void applyProperties (CallBacker *) override
bool checkIfInside (double, double)
void dispHorMrks (CallBacker *)
uiToolBareditToolBar () override
bool handleUserClick (int vwridx) override
void keyPressCB (CallBacker *) override
void loadHorizons (CallBacker *)
void reDrawNeeded (CallBacker *)
void rubBandCB (CallBacker *) override
uiToolBartoolBar () override
void viewChangedCB (CallBacker *)
void wheelMoveCB (CallBacker *) override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from uiFlatViewStdControl
void aspectRatioCB (CallBacker *)
virtual void cancelZoomCB (CallBacker *)
void clearToolBar ()
virtual void coltabChg (CallBacker *)
void createMenuCB (CallBacker *)
virtual void dispChgCB (CallBacker *)
void displayColTabCB (CallBacker *)
void displayScaleBarCB (CallBacker *)
void doZoom (bool zoomin, bool onlyvertzoom, uiFlatViewer &)
virtual void dragModeCB (CallBacker *)
void editModeCB (CallBacker *)
void finalPrepare () override
void fitToScreenCB (CallBacker *)
void flipCB (CallBacker *)
virtual void gotoHomeZoomCB (CallBacker *)
void handDragged (CallBacker *) override
void handDragging (CallBacker *) override
void handDragStarted (CallBacker *) override
void handleMenuCB (CallBacker *)
void helpCB (CallBacker *)
void homeZoomOptSelCB (CallBacker *)
virtual void parsCB (CallBacker *)
virtual void pinchZoomCB (CallBacker *)
virtual void rubBandUsedCB (CallBacker *)
void setViewToCustomZoomLevel (uiFlatViewer &) override
void setVwrCursor (uiFlatViewer &, const MouseCursor &)
void updatePosButtonStates ()
void updateZoomLevel (float x1pospercm, float x2pospercm)
void updateZoomLevel (float x1start, float x2start, float x1pospercm, float x2pospercm)
void vwrAdded (CallBacker *) override
void zoomApplyCB (CallBacker *)
virtual void zoomCB (CallBacker *)
virtual void zoomChgCB (CallBacker *)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from uiFlatViewControl
 uiFlatViewControl (uiFlatViewer &, uiParent *, bool)
virtual bool canReUseZoomSettings (Geom::Point2D< double >, Geom::Size2D< double >) const
virtual void dataChangeCB (CallBacker *)
void initZoom (CallBacker *)
MouseEventHandlermouseEventHandler (int vwridx, bool ofscene)
virtual void mouseMoveCB (CallBacker *)
virtual void onFinalize (CallBacker *)
virtual void propDlgClosed (CallBacker *)
virtual void saveProperties (FlatView::Viewer &)
virtual void setNewWorldRect (uiFlatViewer &, uiWorldRect &)
void setVwrsToBoundingBox ()
virtual void updateZoomManager ()
virtual void usrClickCB (CallBacker *)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from uiGroup
void attach_ (constraintType, uiObject *oth, int margin=-1, bool reciprocal=true) override
void bodyDel (CallBacker *)
uiObjectmainobject () override
virtual void reDraw_ (bool deep)
void reSizeChildren (const uiObject *, float, float)
void setFrameStyle (int)
void setShrinkAllowed (bool)
bool shrinkAllowed ()
void uiobjDel (CallBacker *)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from uiParent
 uiParent (const char *nm, uiParentBody *)
 ~uiParent ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from uiBaseObject
void setBody (uiBody *b)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from NamedCallBacker
void sendDelNotif () const

Protected Attributes

uiWorldRect curview_
int horbut_ = -1
int hormrkdispbut_ = -1
uiMrkDispDlg * mrkrdlg_ = nullptr
uiIOObjSelDlgselhordlg_ = nullptr
- Protected Attributes inherited from uiFlatViewStdControl
int cancelzoombut_ = -1
int coltabbut_ = -1
uiFlatViewColTabEdctabed_ = nullptr
float defx1pospercm_ = mUdf(float)
float defx2pospercm_ = mUdf(float)
int editbut_ = -1
uiToolBaredittb_ = nullptr
int fittoscrnbut_ = -1
int gotohomezoombut_ = -1
HelpKey helpkey_
uiPoint mousedownpt_
bool mousepressed_ = false
int parsbut_ = -1
MenuItem propertiesmnuitem_
int rubbandzoombut_ = -1
int scalebarbut_ = -1
int sethomezoombut_ = -1
const Setup setup_
int vertzoominbut_ = -1
int vertzoomoutbut_ = -1
float x1start_ = mUdf(float)
float x2start_ = mUdf(float)
int zoominbut_ = -1
int zoomoutbut_ = -1
- Protected Attributes inherited from uiFlatViewControl
bool haverubber_
IOPar infopars_
bool initdone_ = false
uiFlatViewPropDlgpropdlg_ = nullptr
ObjectSet< uiFlatViewervwrs_
FlatView::ZoomMgr zoommgr_
- Protected Attributes inherited from uiGroup
- Protected Attributes inherited from NamedCallBacker
Threads::Atomic< bool > delalreadytriggered_
Notifier< NamedCallBackerdelnotif_
- Protected Attributes inherited from NamedObject
BufferString name_


class uiTieWin

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ObjectWithName
typedef OD::String name_type
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from uiFlatViewStdControl
static void getGlobalZoomLevel (float &x1pospercm, float &x2pospercm, bool isvertical)
static void setGlobalZoomLevel (float x1pospercm, float x2pospercm, bool isvertical)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from uiFlatViewControl
static uiWorldRect getZoomOrPanRect (Geom::Point2D< double > mousepos, Geom::Size2D< double > newsz, const uiWorldRect &view, const uiWorldRect &bbox)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from uiGroup
static uiGroupgtDynamicCastToGrp (QWidget *)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from uiBaseObject
static void addCmdRecorder (const CallBack &)
static void removeCmdRecorder (const CallBack &)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CallBacker
static void createReceiverForCurrentThread ()
static void removeReceiverForCurrentThread ()

Detailed Description


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ uiControlView()

WellTie::uiControlView::uiControlView ( uiParent ,
uiToolBar ,
uiFlatViewer ,

◆ ~uiControlView()

WellTie::uiControlView::~uiControlView ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ applyProperties()

void WellTie::uiControlView::applyProperties ( CallBacker )

Reimplemented from uiFlatViewControl.

◆ checkIfInside()

bool WellTie::uiControlView::checkIfInside ( double  ,

◆ dispHorMrks()

void WellTie::uiControlView::dispHorMrks ( CallBacker )

◆ editToolBar()

uiToolBar* WellTie::uiControlView::editToolBar ( )

Reimplemented from uiFlatViewStdControl.

◆ fillPar()

void WellTie::uiControlView::fillPar ( IOPar iop) const

◆ handleUserClick()

bool WellTie::uiControlView::handleUserClick ( int  vwridx)

Reimplemented from uiFlatViewStdControl.

◆ keyPressCB()

void WellTie::uiControlView::keyPressCB ( CallBacker )

Reimplemented from uiFlatViewStdControl.

◆ loadHorizons()

void WellTie::uiControlView::loadHorizons ( CallBacker )

◆ reDrawNeeded()

void WellTie::uiControlView::reDrawNeeded ( CallBacker )

◆ rubBandCB()

void WellTie::uiControlView::rubBandCB ( CallBacker )

Reimplemented from uiFlatViewControl.

◆ setSelView()

void WellTie::uiControlView::setSelView ( bool  isnewsel = true,
bool  viewall = false 

◆ toolBar()

uiToolBar* WellTie::uiControlView::toolBar ( )

Reimplemented from uiFlatViewStdControl.

◆ usePar()

void WellTie::uiControlView::usePar ( const IOPar iop)

◆ viewChangedCB()

void WellTie::uiControlView::viewChangedCB ( CallBacker )

◆ wheelMoveCB()

void WellTie::uiControlView::wheelMoveCB ( CallBacker )

Reimplemented from uiFlatViewStdControl.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ uiTieWin

friend class uiTieWin

Member Data Documentation

◆ curview_

uiWorldRect WellTie::uiControlView::curview_

◆ horbut_

int WellTie::uiControlView::horbut_ = -1

◆ hormrkdispbut_

int WellTie::uiControlView::hormrkdispbut_ = -1

◆ mrkrdlg_

uiMrkDispDlg* WellTie::uiControlView::mrkrdlg_ = nullptr

◆ redrawAnnotNeeded

Notifier<uiControlView> WellTie::uiControlView::redrawAnnotNeeded

◆ redrawNeeded

Notifier<uiControlView> WellTie::uiControlView::redrawNeeded

◆ selhordlg_

uiIOObjSelDlg* WellTie::uiControlView::selhordlg_ = nullptr

◆ server_

Server& WellTie::uiControlView::server_

◆ toolbar_

uiToolBar* WellTie::uiControlView::toolbar_

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