OpendTect  7.0
Classes | Functions
Math Namespace Reference


class  Expression
 Parsed Math expression. More...
class  ExpressionOperatorDesc
 Expression desc to build UI. More...
class  ExpressionOperatorDescGroup
 Group of similar expression descs. More...
class  ExpressionParser
 Parses a string with a mathematical expression. More...
class  Formula
 Math formula: (expression, inputs, units, calculation, storage). More...
class  SpecVar
 Special variables for Math Formulae/Expressions. More...
class  SpecVarSet
 Set of special variables for Math Formulae/Expressions. More...


double Abs (double)
float Abs (float)
float Abs (float_complex)
unsigned int Abs (int i)
long double Abs (long double)
std::uint64_t Abs (std::int64_t i)
std::uint64_t Abs (std::uint64_t i)
unsigned int Abs (unsigned int i)
double ACos (double)
float ACos (float)
long double ACos (long double)
bool AreBitsSet (unsigned int curflags, unsigned int mask, bool all=true)
double ASin (double)
float ASin (float)
long double ASin (long double)
double Atan2 (double y, double x)
float Atan2 (float y, float x)
float Atan2 (float_complex timeval)
double BesselI0 (double)
float BesselI0 (float)
long double BesselI0 (long double)
double Ceil (double)
float Ceil (float)
float degFromNorth (float azimuth)
double Exp (double)
float Exp (float)
double Floor (double)
float Floor (float)
const FormulagetRelevant (const Mnemonic &, const ObjectSet< const Formula > &, const MnemonicSelection *inpmns=nullptr)
bool getRelevant (const Mnemonic &rettp, const ObjectSet< const Formula > &, ObjectSet< const Formula > &, const MnemonicSelection *inpmns=nullptr)
int HCFOf (int, int)
double IntPowerOf (double, int)
float IntPowerOf (float, int)
template<class iT , class iPOW >
iT IntPowerOf (iT i, iPOW p)
long double IntPowerOf (long double, int)
bool IsNormalNumber (double)
bool IsNormalNumber (float)
bool IsNormalNumber (long double)
int LCMOf (int, int)
double Log (double)
float Log (float)
long double Log (long double)
double Log10 (double)
float Log10 (float)
long double Log10 (long double)
double NiceNumber (double, bool round=true)
float NiceNumber (float, bool round=true)
int NrSignificantDecimals (double)
double PowerOf (double, double)
float PowerOf (float, float)
long double PowerOf (long double, long double)
unsigned int SetBits (unsigned int curflags, unsigned int mask, bool yn)
float_complex Sqrt (const float_complex &)
double Sqrt (double)
float Sqrt (float)
long double Sqrt (long double)
double toDB (double)
float toDB (float)
long double toDB (long double)
double toDegrees (double r)
float toDegrees (float r)
double toRadians (double d)
float toRadians (float d)

Function Documentation

◆ Abs() [1/8]

double Math::Abs ( double  )

◆ Abs() [2/8]

float Math::Abs ( float  )

◆ Abs() [3/8]

float Math::Abs ( float_complex  )

◆ Abs() [4/8]

unsigned int Math::Abs ( int  i)

◆ Abs() [5/8]

long double Math::Abs ( long double  )

◆ Abs() [6/8]

std::uint64_t Math::Abs ( std::int64_t  i)

◆ Abs() [7/8]

std::uint64_t Math::Abs ( std::uint64_t  i)

◆ Abs() [8/8]

unsigned int Math::Abs ( unsigned int  i)

◆ ACos() [1/3]

double Math::ACos ( double  )

◆ ACos() [2/3]

float Math::ACos ( float  )

Checks the input range before calling acos, and does thus avoid nan's due to roundoff errors.

◆ ACos() [3/3]

long double Math::ACos ( long double  )

◆ AreBitsSet()

bool Math::AreBitsSet ( unsigned int  curflags,
unsigned int  mask,
bool  all = true 

Returns wether the bits in the flag are set. If mask has multiple bits, the all boolean specifies if all bits are required.

◆ ASin() [1/3]

double Math::ASin ( double  )

◆ ASin() [2/3]

float Math::ASin ( float  )

Checks the input range before calling asin, and does thus avoid nan's due to roundoff errors.

◆ ASin() [3/3]

long double Math::ASin ( long double  )

◆ Atan2() [1/3]

double Math::Atan2 ( double  y,
double  x 

◆ Atan2() [2/3]

float Math::Atan2 ( float  y,
float  x 

◆ Atan2() [3/3]

float Math::Atan2 ( float_complex  timeval)

◆ BesselI0() [1/3]

double Math::BesselI0 ( double  )

◆ BesselI0() [2/3]

float Math::BesselI0 ( float  )

Zeroth order modified Bessel function of the first kind

◆ BesselI0() [3/3]

long double Math::BesselI0 ( long double  )

◆ Ceil() [1/2]

double Math::Ceil ( double  )

◆ Ceil() [2/2]

float Math::Ceil ( float  )

◆ degFromNorth()

float Math::degFromNorth ( float  azimuth)

◆ Exp() [1/2]

double Math::Exp ( double  )

◆ Exp() [2/2]

float Math::Exp ( float  )

Checks the input range before calling exp, if too large value is given, mUdf(float) is returned.

◆ Floor() [1/2]

double Math::Floor ( double  )

◆ Floor() [2/2]

float Math::Floor ( float  )

◆ getRelevant() [1/2]

const Formula* Math::getRelevant ( const Mnemonic ,
const ObjectSet< const Formula > &  ,
const MnemonicSelection inpmns = nullptr 

◆ getRelevant() [2/2]

bool Math::getRelevant ( const Mnemonic rettp,
const ObjectSet< const Formula > &  ,
ObjectSet< const Formula > &  ,
const MnemonicSelection inpmns = nullptr 

◆ HCFOf()

int Math::HCFOf ( int  ,

<Lowest Common Multiple.

◆ IntPowerOf() [1/4]

double Math::IntPowerOf ( double  ,

◆ IntPowerOf() [2/4]

float Math::IntPowerOf ( float  ,

◆ IntPowerOf() [3/4]

template<class iT , class iPOW >
iT Math::IntPowerOf ( iT  i,
iPOW  p 

◆ IntPowerOf() [4/4]

long double Math::IntPowerOf ( long double  ,

◆ IsNormalNumber() [1/3]

bool Math::IsNormalNumber ( double  )

<Highest Common Factor.

◆ IsNormalNumber() [2/3]

bool Math::IsNormalNumber ( float  )
0 for for infinite, NaN, and that sort of crap

◆ IsNormalNumber() [3/3]

bool Math::IsNormalNumber ( long double  )

◆ LCMOf()

int Math::LCMOf ( int  ,

◆ Log() [1/3]

double Math::Log ( double  )

◆ Log() [2/3]

float Math::Log ( float  )

Checks the input range before calling log, returns undefined if negative or zero value is given.

◆ Log() [3/3]

long double Math::Log ( long double  )

◆ Log10() [1/3]

double Math::Log10 ( double  )

◆ Log10() [2/3]

float Math::Log10 ( float  )

Checks the input range before calling log10, returns mUdf(float) if negative or zero value is given.

◆ Log10() [3/3]

long double Math::Log10 ( long double  )

◆ NiceNumber() [1/2]

double Math::NiceNumber ( double  ,
bool  round = true 

◆ NiceNumber() [2/2]

float Math::NiceNumber ( float  ,
bool  round = true 

◆ NrSignificantDecimals()

int Math::NrSignificantDecimals ( double  )

◆ PowerOf() [1/3]

double Math::PowerOf ( double  ,

◆ PowerOf() [2/3]

float Math::PowerOf ( float  ,

PowerOf(-2,2) returns -4. This may be mathematically incorrect, it delivers continuity with negative numbers

◆ PowerOf() [3/3]

long double Math::PowerOf ( long double  ,
long double   

◆ SetBits()

unsigned int Math::SetBits ( unsigned int  curflags,
unsigned int  mask,
bool  yn 

Takes curflags, sets/clears the bits in flag, and returns the composite value.

◆ Sqrt() [1/4]

float_complex Math::Sqrt ( const float_complex &  )

◆ Sqrt() [2/4]

double Math::Sqrt ( double  )

◆ Sqrt() [3/4]

float Math::Sqrt ( float  )

Checks the input range before calling sqrt, if negative value is given, zero is returned.

◆ Sqrt() [4/4]

long double Math::Sqrt ( long double  )

◆ toDB() [1/3]

double Math::toDB ( double  )

◆ toDB() [2/3]

float Math::toDB ( float  )

◆ toDB() [3/3]

long double Math::toDB ( long double  )

◆ toDegrees() [1/2]

double Math::toDegrees ( double  r)

◆ toDegrees() [2/2]

float Math::toDegrees ( float  r)

◆ toRadians() [1/2]

double Math::toRadians ( double  d)

◆ toRadians() [2/2]

float Math::toRadians ( float  d)

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2024