OpendTect  7.0
Classes | Functions
Vel Namespace Reference

Velocity. More...


class  DixConversion
 Rms velocity to interval velocity conversion using the Dix formula. More...
class  Function
class  FunctionAscIO
class  FunctionSource
class  GriddedFunction
class  GriddedSource
class  IntervalFunction
class  IntervalSource
class  Pick
class  PickAddEvent
 Undo event for added velocity pick. More...
class  PickRemoveEvent
 Undo event for removed velocity pick. More...
class  Picks
class  PickSetEvent
 Undo event for changed velocity pick. More...
class  PicksMgr
class  StoredFunction
class  StoredFunctionSource
class  uiAddFunction
class  uiBatchVolumeConversion
class  uiEditFunction
class  uiFunctionSel
 uiGroup to select a velocity function type More...
class  uiFunctionSettings
 Base class for velocity function settings. More...
class  uiImportVelFunc
class  uiLinearVelTransform
class  uiStoredFunction
class  uiVolumeFunction
class  VolumeConverter
class  VolumeConverterNew
class  VolumeFunction
class  VolumeFunctionSource
class  Vrms2Vint
 Rms velocity to interval velocity conversion. More...
class  Worker
 Class that should be used for applying functions of the Vel namespace. More...


bool calcDepthsFromLinearV0k (double v0, double k, const ZValueSeries &times, ValueSeries< double > &depths)
bool calcDepthsFromVavg (const ValueSeries< double > &Vavg, const ZValueSeries &times, ValueSeries< double > &depths)
bool calcDepthsFromVint (const ValueSeries< double > &Vint, const ZValueSeries &times, ValueSeries< double > &depths)
bool calcDepthsFromVrms (const ValueSeries< double > &Vrms, const ZValueSeries &times, ValueSeries< double > &depths, double t0=0.)
bool calcTimesFromLinearV0k (double v0, double k, const ZValueSeries &depths, ValueSeries< double > &times)
bool calcTimesFromVavg (const ValueSeries< double > &Vavg, const ZValueSeries &depths, ValueSeries< double > &times)
bool calcTimesFromVint (const ValueSeries< double > &Vint, const ZValueSeries &depths, ValueSeries< double > &times)
bool computeDix (const ValueSeries< double > &Vrms, const ZValueSeries &, ValueSeries< double > &Vint, double t0=0.)
void computeResidualMoveouts (double z0, double rmo, double refoffset, int nroffsets, bool outputdepth, const double *offsets, double *output)
bool computeVavg (const ValueSeries< double > &Vint, const ZValueSeries &, ValueSeries< double > &Vavg)
bool computeVint (const ValueSeries< double > &Vavg, const ZValueSeries &, ValueSeries< double > &Vint)
 Converts a number of layers with Vavg to Vint velocities. More...
bool computeVrms (const ValueSeries< double > &Vint, const ZValueSeries &, ValueSeries< double > &Vrms, double t0=0.)
bool fitLinearVelocity (const ValueSeries< double > &Vint, const ZValueSeries &, const ::Interval< double > &zlayer, double reference_z, double &V_0, double &gradient, double &error)
float getGUIDefaultVelocity ()
bool getSampledZ (const ValueSeries< double > &vels, const ZValueSeries &zvals_in, OD::VelocityType, const ZValueSeries &zvals_out, ValueSeries< double > &Zout, double t0=0.)
void sampleEffectiveThomsenPars (const ValueSeries< double > &inparr, const ZValueSeries &z_in, const ZValueSeries &z_out, ValueSeries< double > &res)
void sampleIntvThomsenPars (const ValueSeries< double > &inparr, const ZValueSeries &z_in, const ZValueSeries &z_out, ValueSeries< double > &res)
bool sampleVavg (const ValueSeries< double > &Vin, const ZValueSeries &z_in, const ZValueSeries &z_out, ValueSeries< double > &Vout)
bool sampleVint (const ValueSeries< double > &Vin, const ZValueSeries &z_in, const ZValueSeries &z_out, ValueSeries< double > &Vout)
bool sampleVrms (const ValueSeries< double > &Vin, const ZValueSeries &z_in, const ZValueSeries &z_out, ValueSeries< double > &Vout, double t0_in=0.)
PicksMgrVPM ()

Detailed Description


Function Documentation

◆ calcDepthsFromLinearV0k()

bool Vel::calcDepthsFromLinearV0k ( double  v0,
double  k,
const ZValueSeries times,
ValueSeries< double > &  depths 

Compute depth values for the times array using a V0/K function v0 is velocity at surface datum, in SI units (m/s) k is the velocity gradient with depth (always in s-1 thus)

◆ calcDepthsFromVavg()

bool Vel::calcDepthsFromVavg ( const ValueSeries< double > &  Vavg,
const ZValueSeries times,
ValueSeries< double > &  depths 

Given an array of average velocities and corresponding times, compute the associated depth values. Velocities must be average velocities in m/s, times must be as TWT in seconds. depths output values as TVDSD in meters

◆ calcDepthsFromVint()

bool Vel::calcDepthsFromVint ( const ValueSeries< double > &  Vint,
const ZValueSeries times,
ValueSeries< double > &  depths 

Given an array of interval velocities and corresponding times, compute the associated depth values. Velocities must be interval velocities in m/s, times must be as TWT in seconds. depths output values as TVDSD in meters

◆ calcDepthsFromVrms()

bool Vel::calcDepthsFromVrms ( const ValueSeries< double > &  Vrms,
const ZValueSeries times,
ValueSeries< double > &  depths,
double  t0 = 0. 

Given an array of RMS velocities and corresponding times, compute the associated depth values. Velocities must be RMS velocities in m/s, times must be as TWT in seconds. depths output values as TVDSD in meters

◆ calcTimesFromLinearV0k()

bool Vel::calcTimesFromLinearV0k ( double  v0,
double  k,
const ZValueSeries depths,
ValueSeries< double > &  times 

Compute time values for the depths array using a V0/K function v0 is velocity at surface datum, in SI units (m/s) k is the velocity gradient with depth (always in s-1 thus)

◆ calcTimesFromVavg()

bool Vel::calcTimesFromVavg ( const ValueSeries< double > &  Vavg,
const ZValueSeries depths,
ValueSeries< double > &  times 

Given an array of average velocities and corresponding depths, compute the associated time values. Velocities must be average velocities in m/s, depths values must be as TVDSD in meters times out values as TWT in seconds.

◆ calcTimesFromVint()

bool Vel::calcTimesFromVint ( const ValueSeries< double > &  Vint,
const ZValueSeries depths,
ValueSeries< double > &  times 

Given an array of interval velocities and corresponding depths, compute the associated time values. Velocities must be interval velocities in m/s, depths values must be as TVDSD in meters times out values as TWT in seconds.

◆ computeDix()

bool Vel::computeDix ( const ValueSeries< double > &  Vrms,
const ZValueSeries ,
ValueSeries< double > &  Vint,
double  t0 = 0. 

Converts a number of layers with Vrms to interval velocities. Note that the times in t refers to the bottom of each layer, and t0 has the start time of the top layer.

◆ computeResidualMoveouts()

void Vel::computeResidualMoveouts ( double  z0,
double  rmo,
double  refoffset,
int  nroffsets,
bool  outputdepth,
const double *  offsets,
double *  output 

Given a residual moveout at a reference offset, comput the residual moveout at other offsets

◆ computeVavg()

bool Vel::computeVavg ( const ValueSeries< double > &  Vint,
const ZValueSeries ,
ValueSeries< double > &  Vavg 

◆ computeVint()

bool Vel::computeVint ( const ValueSeries< double > &  Vavg,
const ZValueSeries ,
ValueSeries< double > &  Vint 

Converts a number of layers with Vavg to Vint velocities.

◆ computeVrms()

bool Vel::computeVrms ( const ValueSeries< double > &  Vint,
const ZValueSeries ,
ValueSeries< double > &  Vrms,
double  t0 = 0. 

Converts a number of layers with Vint to rms velocities. Note that the times in t refers to the bottom of each layer, and t0 has the start time of the top layer.

◆ fitLinearVelocity()

bool Vel::fitLinearVelocity ( const ValueSeries< double > &  Vint,
const ZValueSeries ,
const ::Interval< double > &  zlayer,
double  reference_z,
double &  V_0,
double &  gradient,
double &  error 

Given a layered V_int model (in time or depth), compute the best fit for a V_int = V_0 + gradient * (z-reference_z). The fit is such that the time/depth pairs at the layer's boundary will be preserved.

◆ getGUIDefaultVelocity()

float Vel::getGUIDefaultVelocity ( )

If survey display unit is feet, it returns 8000 otherwise 2000. Its purpose is to get nice values of velocity when initializing velocity fields

◆ getSampledZ()

bool Vel::getSampledZ ( const ValueSeries< double > &  vels,
const ZValueSeries zvals_in,
OD::VelocityType  ,
const ZValueSeries zvals_out,
ValueSeries< double > &  Zout,
double  t0 = 0. 

Given an array of velocities and the corresponding times or depths, calculate a regularly sampled array of times or depth Velocities must be in m/s, input/output times values as TWT in seconds. input/output depths values as TVDSD in meters.

◆ sampleEffectiveThomsenPars()

void Vel::sampleEffectiveThomsenPars ( const ValueSeries< double > &  inparr,
const ZValueSeries z_in,
const ZValueSeries z_out,
ValueSeries< double > &  res 

Given an irregularly sampled effective Thomsen parameter array, create a regularly sampled one. The function assumes constant value of the parameter before and after the input interval.

◆ sampleIntvThomsenPars()

void Vel::sampleIntvThomsenPars ( const ValueSeries< double > &  inparr,
const ZValueSeries z_in,
const ZValueSeries z_out,
ValueSeries< double > &  res 

Given an irregularly sampled interval Thomsen parameter array, create a regularly sampled one. The function assumes constant value of the parameter before and after the input interval.

◆ sampleVavg()

bool Vel::sampleVavg ( const ValueSeries< double > &  Vin,
const ZValueSeries z_in,
const ZValueSeries z_out,
ValueSeries< double > &  Vout 

Given an irregularly sampled Vavg, create a regularly sampled one. The function assumes constant average velocity before and after the input interval.

◆ sampleVint()

bool Vel::sampleVint ( const ValueSeries< double > &  Vin,
const ZValueSeries z_in,
const ZValueSeries z_out,
ValueSeries< double > &  Vout 

Given an irregularly sampled Vint, create a regularly sampled one. The function assumes constant interval velocity before and after the input interval.

◆ sampleVrms()

bool Vel::sampleVrms ( const ValueSeries< double > &  Vin,
const ZValueSeries z_in,
const ZValueSeries z_out,
ValueSeries< double > &  Vout,
double  t0_in = 0. 

Given an irregularly sampled Vrms, create a regularly sampled one. The function assumes constant interval velocity before and after the input interval.

◆ VPM()

PicksMgr& Vel::VPM ( )

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2024