OpendTect-6_4  6.4


class  visBase::Annotation
 Annotation is a simple wireframe box with text on its axis. More...
class  visBase::Axes
class  visBase::BoxDragger
class  visBase::Camera
 keep osg camera status and render info More...
class  visBase::Coordinates
 A set of coordinates. The coordinates will be transformed by the transformation before given to Coin, and transformed back when doing a getPos. More...
class  visBase::CoinFloatVertexAttribList
class  visBase::CoordListAdapter
class  visBase::DataObject
 DataObject is the base class off all objects that are used in Visualization and ought to be shared in visBase::DataManager. The DataManager owns all the objects and is thus the only one that is allowed to delete it. The destructors on the inherited classes should thus be protected. More...
class  visBase::DataObjectGroup
class  visBase::DataManager
class  visBase::DepthTabPlaneDragger
class  visBase::DraggerBase
class  visBase::Dragger
class  visBase::DrawStyle
class  visBase::EventInfo
class  visBase::EventCatcher
class  visBase::FlatViewer
class  visBase::GeomIndexedShape::ColorHandler
class  visBase::GeomIndexedShape
class  visBase::GridLines
class  visBase::HorizonSection
class  visBase::HorizonTileResolutionTesselator
 HorizonTileResolutionTesselator class is an independent usage for tesselating coordinates, normals and primitive set of horizon tiles. it is specifically for exporting horizon to Pdf3D in which the exported horizon has no relation with the existing displayed horizon in coordinates, normals and primitive set. thus we can export horizon into different resolution without influence current displayed horizon in the secne. note: the class doesn't do anything with texture. More...
class  visBase::Image
class  visBase::RGBImage
class  visBase::ImageRect
class  visBase::Light
 Class for all lights. More options are available in osg, but only what we currently need is implemented. More...
class  visBase::Lines
class  visBase::MarchingCubesSurface
class  visBase::MarkerSet
 MarkerSet is a set of basic pickmarker with a constant size on screen. Size and shape are settable. More...
class  visBase::Material
class  visBase::NodeState
class  visBase::Normals
class  visBase::NormalListAdapter
class  visBase::VisualObject
class  visBase::VisualObjectImpl
class  visBase::PointSet
class  visBase::PolygonOffset
class  visBase::PolygonSelection
class  visBase::PolygonCoord3Selector
class  visBase::PolyLine
class  visBase::PolyLine3D
class  visBase::RandomPos2Body
class  visBase::RandomTrackDragger
class  visBase::RGBATextureChannel2RGBA
class  visBase::ScaleBar
 ScaleBar base object. More...
class  visBase::Scene
 Scene manages all DataObjects and has some managing functions such as the selection management and variables that should be common for the whole scene. More...
class  visBase::SceneColTab
class  visBase::SelectionManager
 SelectionManager handles DataObject that can be selected. If an object can be selected, it has to register himself with regSelObject. At registration it has to give two objects, first of all, he gives the object that outside users will associate him with when they want to add their CB to detect his selection. More...
class  visBase::Shape
class  visBase::VertexShape
class  visBase::Text
class  visBase::OsgFontCreator
class  visBase::Text2
class  visBase::TextureChannel2RGBA
class  visBase::MappedTextureDataSet
class  visBase::ColTabTextureChannel2RGBA
class  visBase::TextureChannel2VolData
class  visBase::TextureChannels
class  visBase::TextureCoords
class  visBase::TextureCoordListAdapter
class  visBase::TexturePanelStrip
 A TexturePanelStrip is geometrically invariant in the z-direction. Its serially connected panels are painted with a layered texture. More...
class  visBase::TextureRectangle
 A TextureRectangle is a Rectangle with a datatexture. The data is set via setData. More...
class  visBase::ThumbWheel
class  visBase::TopBotImage
class  visBase::Transformation
 The Transformation is an object that transforms everything following the node. More...
class  visBase::TriangleStripSet
class  visBase::OrthogonalSlice
 Slice that cuts orthogonal through a VolumeData. More...
class  visBase::VolumeRenderScalarField
class  visBase::Well
 Base class for well display. More...

Detailed Description

Visualisation - Open Inventor-based tools

All 3D visualisation in OpendTect is COIN based. COIN is an implementation of the OpenInventor interface sepecification. As usual, the external package (i.e. COIN) is not visible to any object outside this module. This module can be seen as a layer on top of the COIN library. Compliant with the 'DIF' principle (Don't implement the future), the layer only contains those tools that are really used in OpendTect.

The function initODInventorClasses() initialises our own Inventor classes, which are in fact extensions of the COIN library. These classes can be found is SoOD. The 'vis' classes in this module are used in the rest of OpendTect.

In the 3D visualisation world you'll see that it is almost unavoidable that all objects will be managed by a centralised manager. That is DataManager.

The main classes for displaying scene objects are:

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B. V. 2019