OpendTect  7.0
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uiTable Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for uiTable:


class  SelectionRange
class  Setup

Public Types

enum  ResizeMode { Interactive , Stretch , Fixed , ResizeToContents }
enum  SelectionBehavior { SelectItems , SelectRows , SelectColumns }
enum  SelectionMode {
  NoSelection , Single , Multi , SingleRow ,
- Public Types inherited from uiObject
enum  SzPolicy {
  Undef , Small , Medium , Wide ,
  SmallVar , MedVar , WideVar , SmallMax ,
  MedMax , WideMax
 How should the object's size behave? Undef : use default. Small : 1 base sz. Medium : 2* base sz + 1. Wide : 4* base sz + 3. The xxVar options specify that the element may have a bigger internal preferred size. In that case, the maximum is taken. The xxMax options specify that the element should take all available space ( stretch = 2 ) More...
- Public Types inherited from ObjectWithName
typedef OD::String name_type

Public Member Functions

 uiTable (uiParent *, const char *nm)
 uiTable (uiParent *, const Setup &, const char *nm)
virtual ~uiTable ()
void clearCell (const RowCol &)
void clearCellObject (const RowCol &)
void clearTable ()
const char * columnLabel (const RowCol &rc) const
const char * columnLabel (int) const
int columnWidth (int) const
RowCol currentCell () const
int currentCol () const
int currentRow () const
void editCell (const RowCol &, bool replace=false)
void ensureCellVisible (const RowCol &)
RowCol getCell (uiGroup *)
RowCol getCell (uiObject *)
uiGroupgetCellGroup (const RowCol &) const
uiObjectgetCellObject (const RowCol &) const
OD::Color getColor (const RowCol &) const
double getDValue (const RowCol &) const
double getdValue (const RowCol &rc) const
float getFValue (const RowCol &) const
float getfValue (const RowCol &rc) const
OD::Color getHeaderBackground (int, bool isrow) const
od_int64 getInt64Value (const RowCol &) const
int getIntValue (const RowCol &) const
const TypeSet< RowCol > & getNotifCells () const
const TypeSet< int > & getNotifRCs () const
SelectionBehavior getSelBehavior () const
bool getSelectedCells (TypeSet< RowCol > &) const
bool getSelectedCols (TypeSet< int > &) const
bool getSelectedRows (TypeSet< int > &) const
bool gridShown () const
bool handleLongTabletPress () override
void hideColumn (int, bool)
void hideRow (int, bool)
void insertColumns (const RowCol &rc, int count)
void insertColumns (int col, int count)
void insertRows (const RowCol &rc, int count)
void insertRows (int row, int count)
bool isCellChecked (const RowCol &) const
bool isCellReadOnly (const RowCol &) const
bool isCellVisible (const RowCol &) const
bool isColumnHidden (int) const
bool isColumnReadOnly (int) const
bool isColumnSelected (int) const
bool isColumnStretchable (int) const
bool isLeftHeaderHidden () const
bool isRowHidden (int) const
bool isRowReadOnly (int) const
bool isRowSelected (int) const
bool isRowStretchable (int) const
bool isSelected (const RowCol &) const
bool isTableReadOnly () const
bool isTopHeaderHidden () const
int maxNrOfSelections () const
bool needOfVirtualKeyboard () const
const RowColnewCell () const
const RowColnotifiedCell () const
int nrCols () const
int nrRows () const
void popupVirtualKeyboard (int globalx=-1, int globaly=-1)
void removeAllSelections ()
void removeColumn (const RowCol &rc)
void removeColumn (int)
void removeColumns (const TypeSet< int > &)
void removeRow (const RowCol &rc)
void removeRow (int)
void removeRows (const TypeSet< int > &)
void resizeColumnsToContents ()
void resizeColumnToContents (int)
void resizeHeaderToContents (bool hor)
void resizeRowsToContents ()
void resizeRowToContents (int)
int rowHeight (int) const
const char * rowLabel (const RowCol &rc) const
const char * rowLabel (int) const
void selectColumn (int col)
const ObjectSet< SelectionRange > & selectedRanges () const
void selectItems (const TypeSet< RowCol > &, bool)
void selectRow (int row)
void setCellChecked (const RowCol &, bool yn)
void setCellGroup (const RowCol &, uiGroup *)
void setCellObject (const RowCol &, uiObject *)
void setCellReadOnly (const RowCol &, bool)
void setCellToolTip (const RowCol &, const uiString &)
void setColor (const RowCol &, const OD::Color &)
void setColumnLabel (const RowCol &rc, const uiString &lbl)
void setColumnLabel (int, const uiString &)
void setColumnLabels (const BufferStringSet &)
void setColumnLabels (const uiStringSet &)
void setColumnReadOnly (int, bool)
void setColumnResizeMode (ResizeMode)
 Default is Stretch. More...
void setColumnSortIndicator (int, bool asc)
void setColumnStretchable (int, bool)
void setColumnToolTip (int, const uiString &)
void setColumnWidth (int col, int w)
void setColumnWidthInChar (int col, float w)
void setCurrentCell (const RowCol &, bool noselection=false)
void setDefaultColLabels ()
void setDefaultRowLabels ()
void setHeaderBackground (int, const OD::Color &, bool isrow)
void setLabelAlignment (Alignment::HPos, bool cols)
void setLabelBGColor (int, OD::Color, bool isrow)
void setLeftHeaderHidden (bool)
void setLeftMargin (int)
void setMouseTracking (bool)
void setNotifiedCell (const RowCol &rc)
void setNrCols (int)
void setNrRows (int)
void setPixmap (const RowCol &, const uiPixmap &)
void setPrefHeightInRows (int)
void setPrefWidthInChars (int)
void setRowHeight (int row, int h)
void setRowHeightInChar (int row, float h)
void setRowLabel (const RowCol &rc, const uiString &lbl)
void setRowLabel (int, const uiString &)
void setRowLabels (const BufferStringSet &)
void setRowLabels (const uiStringSet &)
void setRowReadOnly (int, bool)
void setRowResizeMode (ResizeMode)
 Default is ResizeToContents. More...
void setRowStretchable (int, bool)
void setRowToolTip (int, const uiString &)
void setSelected (const RowCol &, bool yn=true)
void setSelectionBehavior (SelectionBehavior)
void setSelectionMode (SelectionMode)
void setSortable (bool)
void setTableReadOnly (bool)
void setText (const RowCol &, const char *)
void setText (const RowCol &, const OD::String &)
void setText (const RowCol &, const uiString &)
void setTopHeaderHidden (bool)
void setTopMargin (int)
Setupsetup ()
const Setupsetup () const
void setValue (const RowCol &, double)
void setValue (const RowCol &, double, int nrdec)
void setValue (const RowCol &, float)
void setValue (const RowCol &, float, int nrdec)
void setValue (const RowCol &, int)
void setValue (const RowCol &, od_int64)
void showGrid (bool)
void showOuterFrame (bool)
const char * text (const RowCol &) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from uiObject
 ~uiObject ()
uiSize actualSize (bool include_border=true) const
void attach (constraintType, int margin=-1)
 attaches object to another In case the stretched... options are used, margin=-1 (default) stretches the object not to cross the border. margin=-2 stretches the object to fill the parent's border. This looks nice with separators. More...
void attach (constraintType, uiObject *, int margin=-1, bool reciprocal=true)
void attach (constraintType, uiParent *, int margin=-1, bool reciprocal=true)
virtual OD::Color backgroundColor () const
virtual const ObjectSet< uiBaseObject > * childList () const
void close ()
void deepRedraw ()
void disabFocus ()
void display (bool yn, bool shrink=false, bool maximized=false)
const uiFontfont () const
QWidget * getWidget () override
bool hasFocus () const
virtual int height () const
 Actual size in pixels. More...
bool isCursorInside () const
bool isDisplayed () const
virtual bool isEmpty () const
bool isSensitive () const
uiMainWinmainwin ()
uiParentparent ()
const uiParentparent () const
int prefHNrPics () const
int prefVNrPics () const
QWidget * qwidget ()
const QWidget * qwidget () const
void reDraw (bool deep)
void reParent (uiParent *)
OD::Color roBackgroundColor () const
bool sensitive () const
virtual void setBackgroundColor (const OD::Color &)
virtual void setBackgroundPixmap (const uiPixmap &)
void setCaption (const uiString &)
virtual void setCursor (const MouseCursor &)
void setFocus ()
void setFont (const uiFont &)
void setHSzPol (SzPolicy)
void setMaximumHeight (int)
void setMaximumHeightInChar (int)
void setMaximumWidth (int)
void setMaximumWidthInChar (int)
void setMinimumHeight (int)
void setMinimumHeightInChar (int)
void setMinimumWidth (int)
void setMinimumWidthInChar (int)
virtual void setName (const char *) override
virtual void setPrefHeight (int)
void setPrefHeightInChar (float)
void setPrefHeightInChar (int)
virtual void setPrefWidth (int)
void setPrefWidthInChar (float)
void setPrefWidthInChar (int)
void setSensitive (bool yn=true)
void setStretch (int hor, int ver)
 Sets stretch factors for object If stretch factor is > 1, then object will already grow at pop-up. More...
virtual void setStyleSheet (const char *)
virtual void setTextColor (const OD::Color &)
void setToolTip (const uiString &)
void setVSzPol (SzPolicy)
void shallowRedraw ()
int stretch (bool hor) const
SzPolicy szPol (bool hor=true) const
const uiStringtoolTip () const
void translateText () override
bool visible () const
virtual int width () const
 Actual size in pixels. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from uiBaseObject
 uiBaseObject (const char *nm, uiBody *=0)
virtual ~uiBaseObject ()
int beginCmdRecEvent (const BufferString &msg)
int beginCmdRecEvent (const char *msg=0)
int beginCmdRecEvent (od_uint64 id, const char *msg=0)
uiBodybody ()
const uiBodybody () const
void clear ()
void endCmdRecEvent (int refnr, const char *msg=0)
void endCmdRecEvent (od_uint64 id, int refnr, const char *msg=0)
void finalise ()
bool finalised () const
void finalize ()
bool finalized () const
const QWidget * getWidget () const
virtual Notifier< uiBaseObject > & postFinalise ()
virtual Notifier< uiBaseObject > & postFinalize ()
virtual Notifier< uiBaseObject > & preFinalise ()
virtual Notifier< uiBaseObject > & preFinalize ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from NamedCallBacker
 NamedCallBacker (const char *nm=0)
 NamedCallBacker (const NamedCallBacker &)
virtual Notifier< NamedCallBacker > & objectToBeDeleted () const
bool operator== (const NamedCallBacker &oth) const
bool operator== (const NamedObject &oth) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from CallBacker
 CallBacker ()
 CallBacker (const CallBacker &)
virtual ~CallBacker ()
bool attachCB (const NotifierAccess &, const CallBack &, bool onlyifnew=false) const
bool attachCB (const NotifierAccess *notif, const CallBack &cb, bool onlyifnew=false) const
void detachAllNotifiers () const
 Call from the destructor of your inherited object. More...
void detachCB (const NotifierAccess &, const CallBack &) const
void detachCB (const NotifierAccess *notif, const CallBack &cb) const
virtual bool isCapsule () const
bool isNotifierAttached (const NotifierAccess *) const
 Only for debugging purposes, don't use. More...
void stopReceivingNotifications () const
virtual CallBackertrueCaller ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from NamedObject
 NamedObject (const char *nm=nullptr)
 NamedObject (const NamedObject &oth)
virtual ~NamedObject ()
virtual BufferString getName () const
bool getNameFromPar (const IOPar &)
const name_typename () const override
NamedObjectoperator= (const NamedObject &)
bool operator== (const NamedObject &oth) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ObjectWithName
virtual ~ObjectWithName ()
bool hasName (const char *nm) const
bool hasName (const name_type &nm) const
void putNameInPar (IOPar &) const

Public Attributes

Notifier< uiTablecolDeleted
Notifier< uiTablecolInserted
CNotifier< uiTable, int > columnClicked
Notifier< uiTabledoubleClicked
Notifier< uiTableleftClicked
Notifier< uiTablerightClicked
CNotifier< uiTable, int > rowClicked
Notifier< uiTablerowDeleted
Notifier< uiTablerowInserted
Notifier< uiTableselectionChanged
Notifier< uiTableselectionDeleted
Notifier< uiTablevalueChanged
- Public Attributes inherited from uiObject
Notifier< uiObjectclosed
 Triggered when object closes. More...
CNotifier< uiObject, uiRect & > setGeometry
 triggered when getting a new geometry A reference to the new geometry is passed which can be manipulated, before the geometry is actually set to the QWidget. More...

Protected Member Functions

void cellObjChangedCB (CallBacker *)
bool getSelected ()
virtual void popupMenu (CallBacker *)
void removeRCs (const TypeSet< int > &, bool col)
void update (bool row, int nr)
void updateCellSizes (const uiSize *sz=0)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from uiObject
 uiObject (uiParent *, const char *nm)
 uiObject (uiParent *, const char *nm, uiObjectBody &)
virtual bool closeOK ()
 hook. Accepts/denies closing of window. More...
uiObjectBodyobjBody ()
const uiObjectBodyobjBody () const
void triggerSetGeometry (const i_LayoutItem *, uiRect &)
 setGeometry should be triggered by this's layoutItem More...
void updateToolTip (CallBacker *=nullptr)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from uiBaseObject
void setBody (uiBody *b)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from NamedCallBacker
void sendDelNotif () const

Protected Attributes

OD::ButtonState buttonstate_
bool istablereadonly_
RowCol newcell_
RowCol notifcell_
TypeSet< RowColnotifcells_
TypeSet< int > notifcols_
TypeSet< int > notifrows_
bool seliscols_
ObjectSet< SelectionRangeselranges_
Setup setup_
- Protected Attributes inherited from uiObject
uiString tooltip_
uiObjEventFilter * uiobjeventfilter_
- Protected Attributes inherited from NamedCallBacker
Threads::Atomic< bool > delalreadytriggered_
Notifier< NamedCallBackerdelnotif_
- Protected Attributes inherited from NamedObject
BufferString name_

Private Member Functions

uiTableBodymkbody (uiParent *, const char *, int, int)

Private Attributes

uiSize lastsz


class i_tableMessenger
class uiTableBody

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from uiObject
static int baseFldSize ()
static int iconSize ()
static void setTabOrder (uiObject *first, uiObject *second)
static void updateToolTips ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from uiBaseObject
static void addCmdRecorder (const CallBack &)
static void removeCmdRecorder (const CallBack &)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CallBacker
static void createReceiverForCurrentThread ()
static void removeReceiverForCurrentThread ()

Detailed Description


Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ResizeMode


◆ SelectionBehavior


◆ SelectionMode


No cell can be selected by the user.


a single range of cells.


multiple ranges of cells.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ uiTable() [1/2]

uiTable::uiTable ( uiParent ,
const Setup ,
const char *  nm 

◆ uiTable() [2/2]

uiTable::uiTable ( uiParent ,
const char *  nm 

◆ ~uiTable()

virtual uiTable::~uiTable ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ cellObjChangedCB()

void uiTable::cellObjChangedCB ( CallBacker )

◆ clearCell()

void uiTable::clearCell ( const RowCol )

◆ clearCellObject()

void uiTable::clearCellObject ( const RowCol )

◆ clearTable()

void uiTable::clearTable ( )

◆ columnLabel() [1/2]

const char* uiTable::columnLabel ( const RowCol rc) const

◆ columnLabel() [2/2]

const char* uiTable::columnLabel ( int  ) const

◆ columnWidth()

int uiTable::columnWidth ( int  ) const

◆ currentCell()

RowCol uiTable::currentCell ( ) const

◆ currentCol()

int uiTable::currentCol ( ) const

◆ currentRow()

int uiTable::currentRow ( ) const

◆ editCell()

void uiTable::editCell ( const RowCol ,
bool  replace = false 

◆ ensureCellVisible()

void uiTable::ensureCellVisible ( const RowCol )

◆ getCell() [1/2]

RowCol uiTable::getCell ( uiGroup )

◆ getCell() [2/2]

RowCol uiTable::getCell ( uiObject )

◆ getCellGroup()

uiGroup* uiTable::getCellGroup ( const RowCol ) const

◆ getCellObject()

uiObject* uiTable::getCellObject ( const RowCol ) const

◆ getColor()

OD::Color uiTable::getColor ( const RowCol ) const

◆ getDValue()

double uiTable::getDValue ( const RowCol ) const

◆ getdValue()

double uiTable::getdValue ( const RowCol rc) const

◆ getFValue()

float uiTable::getFValue ( const RowCol ) const

◆ getfValue()

float uiTable::getfValue ( const RowCol rc) const

◆ getHeaderBackground()

OD::Color uiTable::getHeaderBackground ( int  ,
bool  isrow 
) const

◆ getInt64Value()

od_int64 uiTable::getInt64Value ( const RowCol ) const

◆ getIntValue()

int uiTable::getIntValue ( const RowCol ) const

◆ getNotifCells()

const TypeSet<RowCol>& uiTable::getNotifCells ( ) const

◆ getNotifRCs()

const TypeSet<int>& uiTable::getNotifRCs ( ) const

◆ getSelBehavior()

SelectionBehavior uiTable::getSelBehavior ( ) const

◆ getSelected()

bool uiTable::getSelected ( )

◆ getSelectedCells()

bool uiTable::getSelectedCells ( TypeSet< RowCol > &  ) const

◆ getSelectedCols()

bool uiTable::getSelectedCols ( TypeSet< int > &  ) const

◆ getSelectedRows()

bool uiTable::getSelectedRows ( TypeSet< int > &  ) const

◆ gridShown()

bool uiTable::gridShown ( ) const

◆ handleLongTabletPress()

bool uiTable::handleLongTabletPress ( )

Reimplemented from uiObject.

◆ hideColumn()

void uiTable::hideColumn ( int  ,

◆ hideRow()

void uiTable::hideRow ( int  ,

◆ insertColumns() [1/2]

void uiTable::insertColumns ( const RowCol rc,
int  count 

◆ insertColumns() [2/2]

void uiTable::insertColumns ( int  col,
int  count 

◆ insertRows() [1/2]

void uiTable::insertRows ( const RowCol rc,
int  count 

◆ insertRows() [2/2]

void uiTable::insertRows ( int  row,
int  count 

◆ isCellChecked()

bool uiTable::isCellChecked ( const RowCol ) const

◆ isCellReadOnly()

bool uiTable::isCellReadOnly ( const RowCol ) const

◆ isCellVisible()

bool uiTable::isCellVisible ( const RowCol ) const

◆ isColumnHidden()

bool uiTable::isColumnHidden ( int  ) const

◆ isColumnReadOnly()

bool uiTable::isColumnReadOnly ( int  ) const

◆ isColumnSelected()

bool uiTable::isColumnSelected ( int  ) const

◆ isColumnStretchable()

bool uiTable::isColumnStretchable ( int  ) const

◆ isLeftHeaderHidden()

bool uiTable::isLeftHeaderHidden ( ) const

◆ isRowHidden()

bool uiTable::isRowHidden ( int  ) const

◆ isRowReadOnly()

bool uiTable::isRowReadOnly ( int  ) const

◆ isRowSelected()

bool uiTable::isRowSelected ( int  ) const

◆ isRowStretchable()

bool uiTable::isRowStretchable ( int  ) const

◆ isSelected()

bool uiTable::isSelected ( const RowCol ) const

◆ isTableReadOnly()

bool uiTable::isTableReadOnly ( ) const

◆ isTopHeaderHidden()

bool uiTable::isTopHeaderHidden ( ) const

◆ maxNrOfSelections()

int uiTable::maxNrOfSelections ( ) const

◆ mkbody()

uiTableBody& uiTable::mkbody ( uiParent ,
const char *  ,
int  ,

◆ needOfVirtualKeyboard()

bool uiTable::needOfVirtualKeyboard ( ) const

◆ newCell()

const RowCol& uiTable::newCell ( ) const

◆ notifiedCell()

const RowCol& uiTable::notifiedCell ( ) const

◆ nrCols()

int uiTable::nrCols ( ) const

◆ nrRows()

int uiTable::nrRows ( ) const

◆ popupMenu()

virtual void uiTable::popupMenu ( CallBacker )

◆ popupVirtualKeyboard()

void uiTable::popupVirtualKeyboard ( int  globalx = -1,
int  globaly = -1 

◆ removeAllSelections()

void uiTable::removeAllSelections ( )

◆ removeColumn() [1/2]

void uiTable::removeColumn ( const RowCol rc)

◆ removeColumn() [2/2]

void uiTable::removeColumn ( int  )

◆ removeColumns()

void uiTable::removeColumns ( const TypeSet< int > &  )

◆ removeRCs()

void uiTable::removeRCs ( const TypeSet< int > &  ,
bool  col 

◆ removeRow() [1/2]

void uiTable::removeRow ( const RowCol rc)

◆ removeRow() [2/2]

void uiTable::removeRow ( int  )

◆ removeRows()

void uiTable::removeRows ( const TypeSet< int > &  )

◆ resizeColumnsToContents()

void uiTable::resizeColumnsToContents ( )

◆ resizeColumnToContents()

void uiTable::resizeColumnToContents ( int  )

◆ resizeHeaderToContents()

void uiTable::resizeHeaderToContents ( bool  hor)

◆ resizeRowsToContents()

void uiTable::resizeRowsToContents ( )

◆ resizeRowToContents()

void uiTable::resizeRowToContents ( int  )

◆ rowHeight()

int uiTable::rowHeight ( int  ) const

◆ rowLabel() [1/2]

const char* uiTable::rowLabel ( const RowCol rc) const

◆ rowLabel() [2/2]

const char* uiTable::rowLabel ( int  ) const

◆ selectColumn()

void uiTable::selectColumn ( int  col)

◆ selectedRanges()

const ObjectSet<SelectionRange>& uiTable::selectedRanges ( ) const

◆ selectItems()

void uiTable::selectItems ( const TypeSet< RowCol > &  ,

◆ selectRow()

void uiTable::selectRow ( int  row)

◆ setCellChecked()

void uiTable::setCellChecked ( const RowCol ,
bool  yn 

◆ setCellGroup()

void uiTable::setCellGroup ( const RowCol ,
The uiObject should be given a NULL pointer as uiParent* at construction.

◆ setCellObject()

void uiTable::setCellObject ( const RowCol ,
The uiObject should be given a NULL pointer as uiParent* at construction.

◆ setCellReadOnly()

void uiTable::setCellReadOnly ( const RowCol ,

◆ setCellToolTip()

void uiTable::setCellToolTip ( const RowCol ,
const uiString  

◆ setColor()

void uiTable::setColor ( const RowCol ,
const OD::Color  

◆ setColumnLabel() [1/2]

void uiTable::setColumnLabel ( const RowCol rc,
const uiString lbl 

◆ setColumnLabel() [2/2]

void uiTable::setColumnLabel ( int  ,
const uiString  

◆ setColumnLabels() [1/2]

void uiTable::setColumnLabels ( const BufferStringSet )

◆ setColumnLabels() [2/2]

void uiTable::setColumnLabels ( const uiStringSet )

◆ setColumnReadOnly()

void uiTable::setColumnReadOnly ( int  ,

◆ setColumnResizeMode()

void uiTable::setColumnResizeMode ( ResizeMode  )

Default is Stretch.

◆ setColumnSortIndicator()

void uiTable::setColumnSortIndicator ( int  ,
bool  asc 

◆ setColumnStretchable()

void uiTable::setColumnStretchable ( int  ,

◆ setColumnToolTip()

void uiTable::setColumnToolTip ( int  ,
const uiString  

◆ setColumnWidth()

void uiTable::setColumnWidth ( int  col,
int  w 

◆ setColumnWidthInChar()

void uiTable::setColumnWidthInChar ( int  col,
float  w 

◆ setCurrentCell()

void uiTable::setCurrentCell ( const RowCol ,
bool  noselection = false 

◆ setDefaultColLabels()

void uiTable::setDefaultColLabels ( )

◆ setDefaultRowLabels()

void uiTable::setDefaultRowLabels ( )

◆ setHeaderBackground()

void uiTable::setHeaderBackground ( int  ,
const OD::Color ,
bool  isrow 

◆ setLabelAlignment()

void uiTable::setLabelAlignment ( Alignment::HPos  ,
bool  cols 

◆ setLabelBGColor()

void uiTable::setLabelBGColor ( int  ,
OD::Color  ,
bool  isrow 

◆ setLeftHeaderHidden()

void uiTable::setLeftHeaderHidden ( bool  )

◆ setLeftMargin()

void uiTable::setLeftMargin ( int  )

◆ setMouseTracking()

void uiTable::setMouseTracking ( bool  )

◆ setNotifiedCell()

void uiTable::setNotifiedCell ( const RowCol rc)

◆ setNrCols()

void uiTable::setNrCols ( int  )

◆ setNrRows()

void uiTable::setNrRows ( int  )

◆ setPixmap()

void uiTable::setPixmap ( const RowCol ,
const uiPixmap  

◆ setPrefHeightInRows()

void uiTable::setPrefHeightInRows ( int  )

◆ setPrefWidthInChars()

void uiTable::setPrefWidthInChars ( int  )

◆ setRowHeight()

void uiTable::setRowHeight ( int  row,
int  h 

◆ setRowHeightInChar()

void uiTable::setRowHeightInChar ( int  row,
float  h 

◆ setRowLabel() [1/2]

void uiTable::setRowLabel ( const RowCol rc,
const uiString lbl 

◆ setRowLabel() [2/2]

void uiTable::setRowLabel ( int  ,
const uiString  

◆ setRowLabels() [1/2]

void uiTable::setRowLabels ( const BufferStringSet )

◆ setRowLabels() [2/2]

void uiTable::setRowLabels ( const uiStringSet )

◆ setRowReadOnly()

void uiTable::setRowReadOnly ( int  ,

◆ setRowResizeMode()

void uiTable::setRowResizeMode ( ResizeMode  )

Default is ResizeToContents.

◆ setRowStretchable()

void uiTable::setRowStretchable ( int  ,

◆ setRowToolTip()

void uiTable::setRowToolTip ( int  ,
const uiString  

◆ setSelected()

void uiTable::setSelected ( const RowCol ,
bool  yn = true 

◆ setSelectionBehavior()

void uiTable::setSelectionBehavior ( SelectionBehavior  )

◆ setSelectionMode()

void uiTable::setSelectionMode ( SelectionMode  )

◆ setSortable()

void uiTable::setSortable ( bool  )

◆ setTableReadOnly()

void uiTable::setTableReadOnly ( bool  )

◆ setText() [1/3]

void uiTable::setText ( const RowCol ,
const char *   

◆ setText() [2/3]

void uiTable::setText ( const RowCol ,
const OD::String  

◆ setText() [3/3]

void uiTable::setText ( const RowCol ,
const uiString  

◆ setTopHeaderHidden()

void uiTable::setTopHeaderHidden ( bool  )

◆ setTopMargin()

void uiTable::setTopMargin ( int  )

◆ setup() [1/2]

Setup& uiTable::setup ( )

◆ setup() [2/2]

const Setup& uiTable::setup ( ) const

◆ setValue() [1/6]

void uiTable::setValue ( const RowCol ,

◆ setValue() [2/6]

void uiTable::setValue ( const RowCol ,
double  ,
int  nrdec 

◆ setValue() [3/6]

void uiTable::setValue ( const RowCol ,

◆ setValue() [4/6]

void uiTable::setValue ( const RowCol ,
float  ,
int  nrdec 

◆ setValue() [5/6]

void uiTable::setValue ( const RowCol ,

◆ setValue() [6/6]

void uiTable::setValue ( const RowCol ,

◆ showGrid()

void uiTable::showGrid ( bool  )

◆ showOuterFrame()

void uiTable::showOuterFrame ( bool  )

◆ text()

const char* uiTable::text ( const RowCol ) const

◆ update()

void uiTable::update ( bool  row,
int  nr 

◆ updateCellSizes()

void uiTable::updateCellSizes ( const uiSize sz = 0)

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ i_tableMessenger

friend class i_tableMessenger

◆ uiTableBody

friend class uiTableBody

Member Data Documentation

◆ body_

uiTableBody* uiTable::body_

◆ buttonstate_

OD::ButtonState uiTable::buttonstate_

◆ colDeleted

Notifier<uiTable> uiTable::colDeleted

◆ colInserted

Notifier<uiTable> uiTable::colInserted

◆ columnClicked

CNotifier<uiTable,int> uiTable::columnClicked

◆ doubleClicked

Notifier<uiTable> uiTable::doubleClicked

◆ istablereadonly_

bool uiTable::istablereadonly_

◆ lastsz

uiSize uiTable::lastsz

◆ leftClicked

Notifier<uiTable> uiTable::leftClicked

◆ newcell_

RowCol uiTable::newcell_

◆ notifcell_

RowCol uiTable::notifcell_

◆ notifcells_

TypeSet<RowCol> uiTable::notifcells_

◆ notifcols_

TypeSet<int> uiTable::notifcols_

◆ notifrows_

TypeSet<int> uiTable::notifrows_

◆ rightClicked

Notifier<uiTable> uiTable::rightClicked

◆ rowClicked

CNotifier<uiTable,int> uiTable::rowClicked

◆ rowDeleted

Notifier<uiTable> uiTable::rowDeleted

◆ rowInserted

Notifier<uiTable> uiTable::rowInserted

◆ selectionChanged

Notifier<uiTable> uiTable::selectionChanged

◆ selectionDeleted

Notifier<uiTable> uiTable::selectionDeleted

◆ seliscols_

bool uiTable::seliscols_

◆ selranges_

ObjectSet<SelectionRange> uiTable::selranges_

◆ setup_

Setup uiTable::setup_

◆ valueChanged

Notifier<uiTable> uiTable::valueChanged

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2024