OpendTect-6_4  6.4
Classes | Functions


class  AnnotBufferFiller
class  AnnotBufferFiller::LineInfo
class  uiAmplSpectrum
class  uiApplService
 Services from application level to 'Part servers'. More...
class  uiApplPartServer
 Makes available certain services that are needed on a higher level. More...
class  uiArray1DInterpolSel
class  uiArr2DFilterPars
class  uiArr2DFilterParsDlg
class  uiArray2DInterpolSel
class  uiArray2DInterpol
class  uiInvDistInterpolPars
class  uiInverseDistanceArray2DInterpol
class  uiTriangulationArray2DInterpol
class  uiExtensionArray2DInterpol
class  uiAxisData
 Convenient base class to carry axis data: 1) the AxisHandler which handles the behaviour and positioning of an axis in a 2D plot 2) axis scaling parameters 3) axis ranges. More...
class  uiAxisHandler
 Handles an axis on a plot. More...
class  uiBaseMapObject
class  uiBaseMap
class  uiBatchJobDispatcherLauncher
 launches the UI of a Batch::JobDispatcher More...
class  uiSingleBatchJobDispatcherLauncher
 launcher for a single-process job dispatcher More...
class  uiBatchJobDispatcherSel
 Lets user select a batch job dispatcher suited for the job. More...
class  uiBatchProcDlg
class  uiBinIDTable
class  uiBuildListFromList
 Base class for element allowing the building of lists of items from available 'ingredients'. More...
class  uiBuildListFromList::Setup
class  uiButtonStateEdit
class  uiCheckList
 Group of check boxes. Ensures a certain policy is honored. More...
class  uiColorTableSel
class  uiColorTable
class  uiColorTableGroup
class  uiColorTableToolBar
class  uiColTabImport
class  uiColorTableMan
class  uiColTabMarkerDlg
class  uiColTabMarkerCanvas
class  uiColorTableCanvas
class  uiCompoundParSel
 Single-line element allowing multi-parameter to be set via a dialog. More...
class  uiCheckedCompoundParSel
 CompoundParSel providing something that is optional. More...
class  uiConstantVel
class  Coords::uiCoordSystem
class  Coords::uiCoordSystemSelGrp
class  Coords::uiCoordSystemDlg
class  Coords::uiCoordSystemSel
class  uiDirectionalPlot
 creates a directional plot: Rose diagrams and more. More...
class  uiDlgGroup
class  uiSingleGroupDlg
class  uiTabStackDlg
class  uiEditObjectList
 Base class for element allowing maintenance of lists of (usually smaller) objects. More...
class  uiFileInput
 A file-name input. More...
class  uiFileInput::Setup
class  uiFillPattern
 one-line element for fill pattern selection. No text label. More...
class  uiFontSettingsGroup
class  uiSelFonts
class  uiFreqFilterSelFreq
class  uiFunctionDisplay
 displays a function of (X,Y) pairs on a canvas - optionally a Y2. More...
class  uiGenInput
 General Input Element. More...
class  uiGenInputDlgEntry
 specifies how to get input from user - for uiGenInputDlg More...
class  uiGenInputGrp
class  uiGenInputDlg
 dialog with only uiGenInputs More...
class  uiGraphicsSaveImageDlg
class  uiScaleBarItem
 It adds a graphic scale made from polygons. More...
class  uiGraphicsSceneAxis
 To draw simple axes for a 2D coordinate system. More...
class  uiGraphicsSceneAxisMgr
 Manages uiGraphicsSceneAxis. More...
class  uiCrossHairItem
class  uiGraphicsView
class  uiGridder2DSel
class  uiInverseDistanceGridder2D
class  uiGVFreehandAreaSelectionTool
class  uiHandleDLSiteFail
class  uiHistogramDisplay
class  uiHistogramSel
class  uiInterpolationLayerModelGrp
class  uiZSliceInterpolationModel
class  uiInterpolationLayerModel
class  uiIOSelect
 UI element for selection of data objects. More...
class  uiIOSelect::Setup
class  uiIOFileSelect
class  uiIssueReporterDlg
 reports issues to Usually crash reports. More...
class  uiListBoxFilter
 A filter field attaching itself to a listbox. More...
class  uiMapperRangeEditor
class  uiMultiMapperRangeEditWin
class  uiMarkerStyle2D
class  uiMarkerStyle3D
class  uiMathExpression
class  uiMathExpression::Setup
class  uiMathExpressionVariable
class  uiMeasureDlg
class  uiMenuHandler
class  uiTreeItemTBHandler
class  NotSavedPrompter
class  uiObjectItemView
 Embeds some uiObjects in a uiGraphicsView following a horizontal layout. Objects can be dynamically removed and added from the graphicsview. More...
class  uiObjectItemViewWin
 A uiMainWin that holds embedded uiObjects and controls. More...
class  uiObjectItemViewWin::Setup
class  uiObjectItemViewInfoBar
class  uiObjectItemViewControl
class  uiObjectItemViewAxisPainter
class  uiOfferInfoWin
 Non-modal window able to display local, handy info for the user. More...
class  uiOfferInfo
 Tool button with the 'i' popping up a uiOfferInfoWin if pushed. More...
class  uiPluginMan
 Shows loaded plugins and allows adding. More...
class  uiPluginSel
class  uiPolarDiagram
 Displays a polar diagram which can be used to set the azimuth and the dip by gyrating the pointer. Azimuth is set by circular motion while dip is set by linear motion towards or away from the center. More...
class  uiPositionTable
class  uiPropertyValFld
class  uiProxyDlg
class  uiNetworkUserQuery
class  uiRayTracer1D
class  uiRayTracer1D::Setup
class  uiVrmsRayTracer1D
class  uiRayTracerSel
class  uiRGBArrayCanvas
 Provides a canvas where a uiRGBArray is pre-drawn. More...
class  uiRockPhysForm
class  uiSaveImageDlg
class  uiSaveWinImageDlg
class  uiScaler
class  uiSelLineStyle
 Group for defining line properties Provides selection of linestyle, linecolor and linewidth. More...
class  uiSelLineStyle::Setup
class  uiSelectFromList
 Select entry from list. More...
class  uiSelectFromList::Setup
class  uiGetObjectName
 Get a name from user, whilst displaying names that already exist. More...
class  uiGetObjectName::Setup
class  uiGetChoice
 Get an action from a series of possibilities from user. More...
class  uiSettings
class  uiSettingsGroup
class  uiSettingsDlg
class  uiGeneralSettingsGroup
class  uiVisSettingsGroup
class  uiShortcutsDlg
 : setup a dialog where the user can select which key will be used as shortcuts. More...
class  uiSlicePos
 Toolbar for setting slice position _ base class. More...
class  uiSliceSel
class  uiSliceSelDlg
class  uiLinePosSelDlg
class  uiStatsDisplay
class  uiStatsDisplayWin
 Stats display main window. See uistatsdisplay.h for details. More...
class  uiStepOutSel
 allows selection of stepouts. More...
class  uiStepout3DSel
 allows selection of stepouts, extension to third direction (Z). More...
class  uiStratLevelSel
 Selector for stratigraphic levels. More...
class  uiTaskRunner
class  uiTableImpDataSel
 Table-based data import selection. More...
class  uiTextFile
class  uiTextFileDlg
class  uiTextFileDlg::Setup
class  uiTime2DepthZTransformBase
class  uiTreeItem
class  uiTreeItemRemover
class  uiTreeTopItem
class  uiTreeItemFactory
class  uiTreeFactorySet
class  uiUnitSel
 Selector for UnitOfMeasure's. More...
class  uiUnitSel::Setup
class  uiEventTracker
class  uiVariogramDlg
class  uiVariogramDisplay
class  uiVarWizard
 'Server' for flexible wizards. More...
class  uiVarWizardDlg
 Dialog in flexible wizard series. More...
class  uiFunctionDrawer
class  uiFuncSelDraw
class  uiWindowFuncSelDlg
class  uiWindowFunctionSel
class  uiWindowGrabDlg
class  uiWindowGrabber
class  uiWizard
class  World2UiData
class  uiWorld2Ui
 Class to provide coordinate conversion between a cartesian coordinate system (or any other transformed cartesian) and UI coordinate system(screen coordinate system.) More...
class  uiZAxisTransform
class  uiZAxisTransformSel
class  uiZRangeInput


mODTextTranslationClass(uiMarkerStyle2D) public uiMarkerStyle2D::uiMarkerStyle2D (uiParent *, const Setup &)

Detailed Description

User Interface Tools

The uiTools module is a collection of tools that are based on the uiBase module (and thus on Qt services) but that combine uiBase services without accessing Qt at all. Throughout OpendTect, Qt is not directly accessed from anywhere else other than uiBase, not from uiTools either.

Some commonly used classes:

Function Documentation

mODTextTranslationClass (uiMarkerStyle2D) public uiMarkerStyle2D::uiMarkerStyle2D ( uiParent ,
const Setup &   

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B. V. 2019