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uiFlatViewer Class Reference

Fulfills the FlatView::Viewer specifications using 'ui' classes. More...

Inheritance diagram for uiFlatViewer:

Public Member Functions

 uiFlatViewer (uiParent *)
 ~uiFlatViewer ()
void addAuxData (FlatView::AuxData *a) override
uiBitMapDisplaybitmapDisp ()
uiWorldRect boundingBox () const
uiFlatViewControlcontrol ()
FlatView::AuxDatacreateAuxData (const char *nm) const override
const uiWorldRectcurView () const
uiBorder getAnnotBorder () const
int getAnnotChoices (BufferStringSet &) const
const FlatView::AuxDatagetAuxData (int idx) const override
FlatView::AuxDatagetAuxData (int idx) override
AxesDrawergetAxesDrawer ()
const FlatPosDatagetFlatPosData (bool iswva)
MouseEventHandlergetMouseEventHandler ()
const Interval< double > & getSelDataRange (bool forx) const
uiRect getViewRect (bool withextraborders=true) const
const uiWorld2UigetWorld2Ui () const
void handleChange (unsigned int) override
int nrAuxData () const override
StepInterval< double > posRange (bool forx1) const
void reGenerate (FlatView::AuxData &) override
FlatView::AuxDataremoveAuxData (FlatView::AuxData *a) override
FlatView::AuxDataremoveAuxData (int idx) override
void removePack (::DataPackID) override
 Releases DataPack after removing from the list. More...
uiGraphicsViewrgbCanvas ()
void setAnnotChoice (const char *)
void setAnnotChoice (int) override
void setBoundingRect (const uiRect &)
void setExtraBorders (const uiSize &lt, const uiSize &rb)
void setExtraFactor (float f)
void setInitialSize (const uiSize &)
void setSeisGeomidsToViewer (TypeSet< Pos::GeomID > &)
void setSelDataRanges (Interval< double >, Interval< double >)
void setUseSelDataRanges (bool yn)
void setView (const uiWorldRect &)
void setViewToBoundingBox ()
void updateBitmapsOnResize (bool yn)
bool updatesBitmapsOnResize () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from uiGroup
 uiGroup (uiParent *, const char *nm="uiGroup", bool manage=true)
virtual ~uiGroup ()
uiObjectattachObj ()
const uiObjectattachObj () const
uiObjecthAlignObj ()
uiObjecthCenterObj ()
uiMainWinmainwin () override
 operator const uiGroupObj * () const
 operator const uiObject & () const
 operator uiGroupObj * ()
 operator uiObject & ()
uiParentparent ()
const uiParentparent () const
Notifier< uiBaseObject > & postFinalise () override
Notifier< uiBaseObject > & postFinalize () override
Notifier< uiBaseObject > & preFinalise () override
Notifier< uiBaseObject > & preFinalize () override
void setBorder (int l, int t, int r, int b)
void setBorder (int)
void setChildrenSensitive (bool)
void setFrame (bool yn=true)
void setHAlignObj (uiGroup *o)
void setHAlignObj (uiObject *)
void setHCenterObj (uiGroup *o)
void setHCenterObj (uiObject *)
void setHSpacing (int)
void setIsMain (bool)
 internal use only. Tells the layout manager it's a toplevel mngr. More...
void setNoBackGround ()
virtual void setSize (const uiSize &)
void setSpacing (int s=0)
void setVSpacing (int)
- Public Member Functions inherited from uiParent
uiSize actualsize (bool inclborder=true) const
uiSize actualSize (bool include_border) const
void addChild (uiBaseObject &)
void attach (constraintType t, int margin=-1)
void attach (constraintType t, uiObject *oth, int margin=-1, bool reciprocal=true)
void attach (constraintType t, uiParent *oth, int margin=-1, bool reciprocal=true)
void attachChild (constraintType tp, uiObject *child, uiObject *other, int margin, bool reciprocal)
OD::Color backgroundColor () const
const ObjectSet< uiBaseObject > * childList () const
void deepRedraw (CallBacker *=0)
virtual void display (bool yn, bool shrk=false, bool maximize=false)
const uiFontfont () const
bool hasFocus () const
bool isDisplayed () const
uiObjectmainObject ()
const uiObjectmainObject () const
void manageChild (uiBaseObject &, uiObjectBody &)
uiParentBodypbody ()
const uiParentBodypbody () const
int prefHNrPics () const
int prefVNrPics () const
virtual void reDraw (bool deep)
OD::Color roBackgroundColor () const
bool sensitive () const
void setBackgroundColor (const OD::Color &c)
void setCaption (const uiString &c)
void setCursor (const MouseCursor &c)
void setFocus ()
void setFont (const uiFont &f)
void setPrefHeight (int h)
void setPrefHeightInChar (float h)
void setPrefHeightInChar (int h)
void setPrefWidth (int w)
void setPrefWidthInChar (float w)
void setPrefWidthInChar (int w)
void setSensitive (bool yn=true)
void setStretch (int h, int v)
void shallowRedraw (CallBacker *=0)
int stretch (bool h) const
void translateText () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from uiBaseObject
 uiBaseObject (const char *nm, uiBody *=0)
virtual ~uiBaseObject ()
int beginCmdRecEvent (const BufferString &msg)
int beginCmdRecEvent (const char *msg=0)
int beginCmdRecEvent (od_uint64 id, const char *msg=0)
uiBodybody ()
const uiBodybody () const
void clear ()
void endCmdRecEvent (int refnr, const char *msg=0)
void endCmdRecEvent (od_uint64 id, int refnr, const char *msg=0)
void finalise ()
bool finalised () const
void finalize ()
bool finalized () const
virtual QWidget * getWidget ()
const QWidget * getWidget () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from NamedCallBacker
 NamedCallBacker (const char *nm=0)
 NamedCallBacker (const NamedCallBacker &)
virtual Notifier< NamedCallBacker > & objectToBeDeleted () const
bool operator== (const NamedCallBacker &oth) const
bool operator== (const NamedObject &oth) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from CallBacker
 CallBacker ()
 CallBacker (const CallBacker &)
virtual ~CallBacker ()
bool attachCB (const NotifierAccess &, const CallBack &, bool onlyifnew=false) const
bool attachCB (const NotifierAccess *notif, const CallBack &cb, bool onlyifnew=false) const
void detachAllNotifiers () const
 Call from the destructor of your inherited object. More...
void detachCB (const NotifierAccess &, const CallBack &) const
void detachCB (const NotifierAccess *notif, const CallBack &cb) const
virtual bool isCapsule () const
bool isNotifierAttached (const NotifierAccess *) const
 Only for debugging purposes, don't use. More...
void stopReceivingNotifications () const
virtual CallBackertrueCaller ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from NamedObject
 NamedObject (const char *nm=nullptr)
 NamedObject (const NamedObject &oth)
virtual ~NamedObject ()
virtual BufferString getName () const
bool getNameFromPar (const IOPar &)
const name_typename () const override
NamedObjectoperator= (const NamedObject &)
bool operator== (const NamedObject &oth) const
virtual void setName (const char *nm)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ObjectWithName
virtual ~ObjectWithName ()
bool hasName (const char *nm) const
bool hasName (const name_type &nm) const
void putNameInPar (IOPar &) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from FlatView::Viewer
 Viewer ()
virtual ~Viewer ()
void addPack (::DataPackID)
virtual Appearanceappearance ()
const Appearanceappearance () const
const TypeSet< ::DataPackID > & availablePacks () const
void clearAllPacks ()
void disableStatusBarUpdate ()
bool enableChange (bool yn)
 Returns previous state. More...
void enableStatusBarUpdate ()
virtual void fillAppearancePar (IOPar &iop) const
 Does not store any data, just how data is displayed. More...
const TypeSet< Pos::GeomID > & getAllSeisGeomids () const
virtual int getAnnotChoice (BufferStringSet &) const
void getAuxInfo (const Point &, IOPar &) const
Coord3 getCoord (const Point &) const
StepInterval< double > getDataPackRange (bool forx1) const
virtual Interval< float > getDataRange (bool wva) const
WeakPtr< FlatDataPackgetPack (bool wva, bool checkother=false) const
ZAxisTransformgetZAxisTransform () const
bool hasPack (bool wva) const
bool hasZAxisTransform () const
bool isAvailable (::DataPackID id) const
virtual bool isVertical () const
bool isVisible (bool wva) const
bool isVisible (VwrDest) const
bool needStatusBarUpdate () const
int nrDec () const
const FlatDataPackobtainPack (bool wva, bool checkother=false) const
DataPackID packID (bool wva) const
virtual void remove (const AuxData &)
void removeAllAuxData ()
void removeAuxDatas (ObjectSet< AuxData > &)
void removePack (VwrDest)
void removeUnusedPacks ()
void setPack (bool wva, ::DataPackID id, bool usedefs=true)
void setPack (VwrDest, FlatDataPack *, bool usedefs=true)
 Sets datapack to use on either wva or vd or both. More...
void setPack (VwrDest,::DataPackID, bool usedefs=true)
void setSeisGeomidsToViewer (TypeSet< Pos::GeomID > &)
void setVisible (bool wva, bool visibility)
bool setVisible (VwrDest, bool visibility, od_uint32 *ctype=nullptr)
bool setZAxisTransform (ZAxisTransform *)
void setZDomain (const ZDomain::Def &)
virtual void showAuxDataObjects (AuxData &, bool)
void storeDefaults (const char *key) const
virtual void updateProperties (const AuxData &)
virtual void useAppearancePar (const IOPar &iop)
void usePack (bool wva, ::DataPackID id, bool usedefs=true)
void usePack (VwrDest,::DataPackID, bool usedefs=true)
void useStoredDefaults (const char *key)
const ZDomain::InfozDomain () const

Static Public Member Functions

static int annotZVal ()
static int auxDataZVal ()
static int bitMapZVal ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from uiGroup
static uiGroupgtDynamicCastToGrp (QWidget *)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from uiBaseObject
static void addCmdRecorder (const CallBack &)
static void removeCmdRecorder (const CallBack &)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CallBacker
static void createReceiverForCurrentThread ()
static void removeReceiverForCurrentThread ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from FlatView::Viewer
static VwrDest getDest (bool dowva, bool dovd)
static const char * sKeyIsZSlice ()
static const char * sKeyVDData ()
static const char * sKeyVDVal ()
static const char * sKeyViewZnrDec ()
static const char * sKeyWVAData ()
static const char * sKeyWVAVal ()

Public Attributes

Notifier< uiFlatViewerannotChanged
 Annotation changed. More...
Notifier< uiFlatViewerdataChanged
 new DataPack set More...
Notifier< uiFlatViewerdispParsChanged
 Triggered with each bitmap update. More...
Notifier< uiFlatViewerdispPropChanged
 Triggered with property dlg change. More...
Notifier< uiFlatViewerviewChanged
 setView called More...

Protected Member Functions

uiWorldRect getBoundingBox (bool wva) const
void rangeUpdatedCB (CallBacker *)
void reSizeCB (CallBacker *)
void updateAnnotCB (CallBacker *)
void updateAuxDataCB (CallBacker *)
void updateBitmapCB (CallBacker *)
void updateCB (CallBacker *)
void updateTransforms ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from uiGroup
void attach_ (constraintType, uiObject *oth, int margin=-1, bool reciprocal=true) override
void bodyDel (CallBacker *)
uiObjectmainobject () override
virtual void reDraw_ (bool deep)
void reSizeChildren (const uiObject *, float, float)
void setFrameStyle (int)
void setShrinkAllowed (bool)
bool shrinkAllowed ()
void uiobjDel (CallBacker *)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from uiParent
 uiParent (const char *nm, uiParentBody *)
 ~uiParent ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from uiBaseObject
void setBody (uiBody *b)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from NamedCallBacker
void sendDelNotif () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from FlatView::Viewer
void addAuxInfo (bool, const Point &, IOPar &) const
bool shouldHandleChange () const

Protected Attributes

ObjectSet< FlatView::uiAuxDataDisplayauxdata_
 Must be declared after canvas_. More...
float extfac_
Threads::Atomic< bool > updateannot_
Threads::Atomic< bool > updateauxdata_
Threads::Atomic< bool > updatebitmap_
bool updatebitmapsonresize_
bool useseldataranges_
uiWorld2Ui w2ui_
uiWorldRect wr_
Interval< double > xseldatarange_
Interval< double > yseldatarange_
- Protected Attributes inherited from uiGroup
- Protected Attributes inherited from NamedCallBacker
Threads::Atomic< bool > delalreadytriggered_
Notifier< NamedCallBackerdelnotif_
- Protected Attributes inherited from NamedObject
BufferString name_
- Protected Attributes inherited from FlatView::Viewer
FlatView_CB_Rcvr * cbrcvr_
ZAxisTransformdatatransform_ = nullptr
Appearancedefapp_ = nullptr
TypeSet< ::DataPackIDids_
Threads::Lock lock_
bool needstatusbarupd_ = true


class uiFlatViewControl

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ObjectWithName
typedef OD::String name_type
- Public Types inherited from FlatView::Viewer
enum  DataChangeType {
  All =0xFFFFFFFF , BitmapData =0x0001 , DisplayPars =0x0002 , Annot =0x0004 ,
  Auxdata =0x0008
enum  VwrDest { WVA , VD , Both , None }

Detailed Description

Fulfills the FlatView::Viewer specifications using 'ui' classes.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ uiFlatViewer()

uiFlatViewer::uiFlatViewer ( uiParent )

◆ ~uiFlatViewer()

uiFlatViewer::~uiFlatViewer ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ addAuxData()

void uiFlatViewer::addAuxData ( FlatView::AuxData a)

Implements FlatView::Viewer.

◆ annotZVal()

static int uiFlatViewer::annotZVal ( )

◆ auxDataZVal()

static int uiFlatViewer::auxDataZVal ( )

◆ bitmapDisp()

uiBitMapDisplay* uiFlatViewer::bitmapDisp ( )

◆ bitMapZVal()

static int uiFlatViewer::bitMapZVal ( )

◆ boundingBox()

uiWorldRect uiFlatViewer::boundingBox ( ) const

◆ control()

uiFlatViewControl* uiFlatViewer::control ( )

◆ createAuxData()

FlatView::AuxData* uiFlatViewer::createAuxData ( const char *  nm) const

Implements FlatView::Viewer.

◆ curView()

const uiWorldRect& uiFlatViewer::curView ( ) const

May be reversed if display is reversed.

◆ getAnnotBorder()

uiBorder uiFlatViewer::getAnnotBorder ( ) const

◆ getAnnotChoices()

int uiFlatViewer::getAnnotChoices ( BufferStringSet ) const

◆ getAuxData() [1/2]

const FlatView::AuxData* uiFlatViewer::getAuxData ( int  idx) const

Implements FlatView::Viewer.

◆ getAuxData() [2/2]

FlatView::AuxData* uiFlatViewer::getAuxData ( int  idx)

Implements FlatView::Viewer.

◆ getAxesDrawer()

AxesDrawer& uiFlatViewer::getAxesDrawer ( )

◆ getBoundingBox()

uiWorldRect uiFlatViewer::getBoundingBox ( bool  wva) const

◆ getFlatPosData()

const FlatPosData* uiFlatViewer::getFlatPosData ( bool  iswva)

◆ getMouseEventHandler()

MouseEventHandler& uiFlatViewer::getMouseEventHandler ( )

◆ getSelDataRange()

const Interval<double>& uiFlatViewer::getSelDataRange ( bool  forx) const

◆ getViewRect()

uiRect uiFlatViewer::getViewRect ( bool  withextraborders = true) const

The rectangle onto which wr_ is projected

◆ getWorld2Ui()

const uiWorld2Ui& uiFlatViewer::getWorld2Ui ( ) const

◆ handleChange()

void uiFlatViewer::handleChange ( unsigned int  datachangetype)
datachangetypecan be any combination of DataChangeType.

Implements FlatView::Viewer.

◆ nrAuxData()

int uiFlatViewer::nrAuxData ( ) const

Implements FlatView::Viewer.

◆ posRange()

StepInterval<double> uiFlatViewer::posRange ( bool  forx1) const

◆ rangeUpdatedCB()

void uiFlatViewer::rangeUpdatedCB ( CallBacker )

◆ reGenerate()

void uiFlatViewer::reGenerate ( FlatView::AuxData )

Reimplemented from FlatView::Viewer.

◆ removeAuxData() [1/2]

FlatView::AuxData* uiFlatViewer::removeAuxData ( FlatView::AuxData a)

Implements FlatView::Viewer.

◆ removeAuxData() [2/2]

FlatView::AuxData* uiFlatViewer::removeAuxData ( int  idx)

Implements FlatView::Viewer.

◆ removePack()

void uiFlatViewer::removePack ( ::DataPackID  )

Releases DataPack after removing from the list.

Reimplemented from FlatView::Viewer.

◆ reSizeCB()

void uiFlatViewer::reSizeCB ( CallBacker )

◆ rgbCanvas()

uiGraphicsView& uiFlatViewer::rgbCanvas ( )

◆ setAnnotChoice() [1/2]

void uiFlatViewer::setAnnotChoice ( const char *  )

◆ setAnnotChoice() [2/2]

void uiFlatViewer::setAnnotChoice ( int  )

Reimplemented from FlatView::Viewer.

◆ setBoundingRect()

void uiFlatViewer::setBoundingRect ( const uiRect )

Sets extra borders on the right and at the bottom if boundingrect is smaller than getViewRect(false). Extraborders set will be same as their differences in width and height.

◆ setExtraBorders()

void uiFlatViewer::setExtraBorders ( const uiSize lt,
const uiSize rb 

◆ setExtraFactor()

void uiFlatViewer::setExtraFactor ( float  f)

when reporting boundingBox(), extends this amount of positions outward. Default 0.5.

◆ setInitialSize()

void uiFlatViewer::setInitialSize ( const uiSize )

◆ setSeisGeomidsToViewer()

void uiFlatViewer::setSeisGeomidsToViewer ( TypeSet< Pos::GeomID > &  )

◆ setSelDataRanges()

void uiFlatViewer::setSelDataRanges ( Interval< double >  ,
Interval< double >   

◆ setUseSelDataRanges()

void uiFlatViewer::setUseSelDataRanges ( bool  yn)

◆ setView()

void uiFlatViewer::setView ( const uiWorldRect )

◆ setViewToBoundingBox()

void uiFlatViewer::setViewToBoundingBox ( )

◆ updateAnnotCB()

void uiFlatViewer::updateAnnotCB ( CallBacker )

◆ updateAuxDataCB()

void uiFlatViewer::updateAuxDataCB ( CallBacker )

◆ updateBitmapCB()

void uiFlatViewer::updateBitmapCB ( CallBacker )

◆ updateBitmapsOnResize()

void uiFlatViewer::updateBitmapsOnResize ( bool  yn)

If true, will resize bitmaps as per the size of the window without maintaining the aspect ratio. Else it is the responsibility of the programmer to change view on resize.

◆ updateCB()

void uiFlatViewer::updateCB ( CallBacker )

◆ updatesBitmapsOnResize()

bool uiFlatViewer::updatesBitmapsOnResize ( ) const

◆ updateTransforms()

void uiFlatViewer::updateTransforms ( )

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ uiFlatViewControl

friend class uiFlatViewControl

Member Data Documentation

◆ annotChanged

Notifier<uiFlatViewer> uiFlatViewer::annotChanged

Annotation changed.

◆ auxdata_

ObjectSet<FlatView::uiAuxDataDisplay> uiFlatViewer::auxdata_

◆ axesdrawer_

AxesDrawer& uiFlatViewer::axesdrawer_

Must be declared after canvas_.

◆ bitmapdisp_

uiBitMapDisplay* uiFlatViewer::bitmapdisp_

◆ control_

uiFlatViewControl* uiFlatViewer::control_

◆ dataChanged

Notifier<uiFlatViewer> uiFlatViewer::dataChanged

new DataPack set

◆ dispParsChanged

Notifier<uiFlatViewer> uiFlatViewer::dispParsChanged

Triggered with each bitmap update.

◆ dispPropChanged

Notifier<uiFlatViewer> uiFlatViewer::dispPropChanged

Triggered with property dlg change.

◆ extfac_

float uiFlatViewer::extfac_

◆ updateannot_

Threads::Atomic<bool> uiFlatViewer::updateannot_

◆ updateauxdata_

Threads::Atomic<bool> uiFlatViewer::updateauxdata_

◆ updatebitmap_

Threads::Atomic<bool> uiFlatViewer::updatebitmap_

◆ updatebitmapsonresize_

bool uiFlatViewer::updatebitmapsonresize_

◆ useseldataranges_

bool uiFlatViewer::useseldataranges_

◆ view_

uiGraphicsView* uiFlatViewer::view_

◆ viewChanged

Notifier<uiFlatViewer> uiFlatViewer::viewChanged

setView called

◆ w2ui_

uiWorld2Ui uiFlatViewer::w2ui_

◆ worldgroup_

uiGraphicsItemGroup* uiFlatViewer::worldgroup_

◆ wr_

uiWorldRect uiFlatViewer::wr_

May be reversed if display is reversed.

◆ xseldatarange_

Interval<double> uiFlatViewer::xseldatarange_

◆ yseldatarange_

Interval<double> uiFlatViewer::yseldatarange_

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