OpendTect  7.0

This module contains horizon and fault tracking classes. More...


class  MPE::BaseHorizon3DExtender
 Sub class of SectionExtender. Use Horizon3DExtender instead. More...
class  MPE::BinIDSurfaceSourceSelector
 BinID SectionSourceSelector. More...
class  dgbMPESetupTranslator
 MPESetupTranslator for dgbMPESetup. More...
class  MPE::EMSeedPicker
 Handles adding of seeds and retracking of events based on new seeds. An instance of the class is usually available from each EMTracker. More...
class  MPE::EMTracker
 Tracks EM objects. More...
class  MPE::Engine
 Main engine for tracking EM objects like horizons, faults etc.,. More...
class  MPE::FaultEditor
 ObjectEditor to edit EM::Fault3D. More...
class  MPE::FaultStickSetEditor
 ObjectEditor to edit EM::FaultStickSet. More...
class  MPE::Horizon2DEditor
 ObjectEditor to edit EM::Horizon2D. More...
class  MPE::Horizon2DExtender
 SectionExtender to extend EM::Horizon2D. More...
class  MPE::Horizon2DSeedPicker
 EMSeedPicker to pick seeds in EM::Horizon2D. More...
class  MPE::Horizon2DSelector
 SectionSourceSelector to select EM::Horizon2D. More...
class  MPE::Horizon2DTracker
 EMTracker to track EM::Horizon2D. More...
class  MPE::Horizon3DExtender
 Used to extend EM::Horizon3D. More...
class  MPE::Horizon3DSeedPicker
 SeedPicker to pick seeds in EM::Horizon3D. More...
class  MPE::Horizon3DTracker
 EMTracker to track EM::Horizon3D. More...
class  MPE::HorizonAdjuster
 SectionAdjuster to adjust EM::Horizon. More...
class  MPE::HorizonEditor
 ObjectEditor to edit EM::Horizon3D. More...
class  MPE::HorizonTrackerMgr
 Executor to auto track. More...
class  MPESetupTranslator
 Translator for MPE::Setup. More...
class  MPESetupTranslatorGroup
 TranslatorGroup for MPE::Setup. More...
class  MPE::ObjectEditor
 Abstraction of EM Object editing. It gives lists of which nodes that may be moved, and in what manner. More...
class  MPE::Patch
class  MPE::PolygonBodyEditor
 ObjectEditor to edit EM::PolygonBody. More...
class  MPE::SectionAdjuster
 SequentialTask to adjust the section of an EM object with ID EM::SectionID. More...
class  MPE::SectionExtender
 SequentialTask to extend the section of an EM object with ID EM::SectionID. More...
class  MPE::SectionSourceSelector
 SequentialTask to select source of an EM section with ID EM::SectionID. More...
class  MPE::SectionTracker
 Tracks sections of EM::EMObject with ID EM::SectionID. More...
class  MPE::Setup
 MPE Setup read/save. More...
class  MPE::SurfaceSourceSelector
 Surface SectionSourceSelector. More...
class  MPE::TrackSettingsValidator

Detailed Description

This module contains horizon and fault tracking classes.

MPE stands for Model, Predict, Edit and is where all tracking and editing functions are located. The functionality is managed by the MPEEngine, and a static instance of that can be retrieved by MPE::engine().

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2024