OpendTect  7.0
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EM::Horizon2D Class Reference

2D Horizon. The Horizon is only present along 2d lines, set by addLine. Each position's subid is formed by RowCol( lineid, tracenr ).getInt64(). If multiple z-values per trace is needed, multiple sections can be added. More...

Inheritance diagram for EM::Horizon2D:

Public Member Functions

 Horizon2D (EM::EMManager &)
Array1D< float > * createArray1D (Pos::GeomID geomid, const ZAxisTransform *=0) const
Array1D< float > * createArray1D (SectionID, Pos::GeomID geomid, const ZAxisTransform *zt=0) const
EMObjectIteratorcreateIterator (const TrcKeyZSampling *=nullptr) const override
const Horizon2DGeometrygeometry () const override
Horizon2DGeometrygeometry () override
Coord3 getCoord (const TrcKey &) const override
Coord3 getPos (const EM::PosID &) const override
Coord3 getPos (const EM::SubID &) const override
Coord3 getPos (EM::SectionID, Pos::GeomID geomid, int trc) const
Coord3 getPos (Pos::GeomID, int trc) const
Coord3 getPosition (EM::SectionID, int lidx, int trcnr) const
Coord3 getPosition (int lidx, int trcnr) const
TypeSet< Coord3getPositions (int lineidx, int trcnr) const
OD::GeomSystem getSurveyID () const override
const char * getTypeStr () const override
uiString getUserTypeStr () const override
float getZ (const TrcKey &) const override
float getZValue (const Coord &, bool allow_udf=true, int nr=0) const override
bool hasZ (const TrcKey &) const override
bool isAttrib (const TrcKey &, int attr) const override
bool isNodeSourceType (const PosID &, NodeSourceType) const override
bool isNodeSourceType (const TrcKey &, NodeSourceType) const override
void removeAll () override
void removeSelected (const Selector< Coord3 > &selector, TaskRunner *tr) override
bool setArray1D (const Array1D< float > &, const StepInterval< int > &trcrg, Pos::GeomID geomid, bool onlyfillundefs)
bool setArray1D (const Array1D< float > &, Pos::GeomID geomid, bool onlyfillundefs)
bool setArray1D (const Array1D< float > &arr, const StepInterval< int > &trcrg, SectionID sid, Pos::GeomID geomid, bool onlyfillundefs)
bool setArray1D (const Array1D< float > &arr, SectionID sid, Pos::GeomID geomid, bool onlyfillundefs)
void setAttrib (const TrcKey &, int attr, int yn, bool addtohist) override
void setNewName () override
void setNodeSourceType (const TrcKey &, NodeSourceType) override
bool setPos (const EM::PosID &, const Coord3 &, bool addtohist) override
bool setPos (const EM::SubID &, const Coord3 &, bool addtohist) override
bool setPos (Pos::GeomID geomid, int trcnr, float z, bool addtohist)
bool setZ (const TrcKey &, float z, bool addtohist) override
bool setZAndNodeSourceType (const TrcKey &, float z, bool addtohist, NodeSourceType type=Auto) override
bool unSetPos (const EM::PosID &, bool addtohist) override
bool unSetPos (const EM::SubID &, bool addtohist) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from EM::Horizon
 ~Horizon ()
void fillPar (IOPar &par) const override
void setNoLevelID ()
void setStratLevelID (Strat::LevelID lvlid)
Strat::LevelID stratLevelID () const
bool usePar (const IOPar &par) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from EM::Surface
virtual void apply (const Pos::Filter &)
EMObjectIteratorcreateIterator (const TrcKeyZSampling *=nullptr) const override
const char * dbInfo () const
bool enableGeometryChecks (bool) override
void fillPar (IOPar &) const override
bool isAtEdge (const EM::PosID &) const override
bool isGeometryChecksEnabled () const override
bool isLoaded () const override
Executorloader () override
Executorsaver () override
virtual Executorsaver (IOObj *)
void setDBInfo (const char *s)
bool usePar (const IOPar &) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from EM::EMObject
virtual void addPosAttrib (int attr)
virtual int addPosAttribName (const char *)
bool canSetSectionName () const
void changePosID (const EM::PosID &from, const EM::PosID &to, bool addtohistory)
EMObjectIteratorcreateIterator (const EM::SectionID &, const TrcKeyZSampling *t=0) const
void emptyRemovedPolySelectedPosBox ()
uiString errMsg () const
virtual void fillDisplayPar (IOPar &) const
Geometry::ElementgeometryElement ()
const Geometry::ElementgeometryElement () const
virtual void getLinkedPos (const EM::PosID &posid, TypeSet< EM::PosID > &) const
virtual const OD::ColorgetLockColor () const
virtual const Array2D< char > * getLockedNodes () const
Coord3 getPos (const EM::SectionID &, const EM::SubID &subid) const
const TypeSet< PosID > * getPosAttribList (int attr) const
const MarkerStyle3DgetPosAttrMarkerStyle (int attr) const
const TrcKeyZSampling getRemovedPolySelectedPosBox ()
const OD::ColorgetSelectionColor () const
Interval< float > getZRange (bool compute_if_needed=false) const
bool hasBurstAlert () const
virtual bool hasLockedNodes () const
virtual bool hasNodeSourceType (const PosID &) const
virtual bool hasPosAttrib (int attr) const
const ObjectIDid () const
virtual bool isChanged () const
virtual bool isDefined (const EM::PosID &) const
bool isDefined (const EM::SectionID &, const EM::SubID &subid) const
virtual bool isDefined (const EM::SubID &) const
virtual bool isEmpty () const
bool isFullyLoaded () const
bool isInsideSelRemoval () const
virtual bool isLocked () const
virtual bool isNodeLocked (const PosID &) const
virtual bool isNodeLocked (const TrcKey &) const
virtual bool isOK () const
virtual bool isPosAttrib (const EM::PosID &, int attr) const
virtual bool isPosAttribLocked (int attr) const
bool isSelRemoving () const
bool isZInDepth () const
virtual void lock (bool yn)
virtual void lockAll ()
virtual void lockPosAttrib (int attr, bool yn)
const MultiIDmultiID () const
virtual int nrPosAttribs () const
int nrSections () const
virtual int posAttrib (int idx) const
virtual const char * posAttribName (int) const
const OD::ColorpreferredColor () const
const OD::LineStylepreferredLineStyle () const
void removeAllUnSeedPos ()
void removeListOfSubIDs (const TypeSet< EM::SubID > &)
void removeListOfSubIDs (const TypeSet< EM::SubID > &, const EM::SectionID &)
virtual void removePosAttribList (int attr, bool addtohistory=true)
bool removeSection (SectionID, bool hist)
void removeSelected (const TypeSet< EM::SubID > &)
virtual void resetChangedFlag ()
void saveDisplayPars () const
Geometry::ElementsectionGeometry (const SectionID &)
const Geometry::ElementsectionGeometry (const SectionID &) const
SectionID sectionID (int) const
int sectionIndex (const SectionID &) const
BufferString sectionName (const SectionID &) const
void setBurstAlert (bool yn)
virtual void setChangedFlag ()
void setErrMsg (const uiString &m)
void setFullyLoaded (bool yn)
virtual void setLockColor (const OD::Color &)
void setMultiID (const MultiID &)
virtual void setNodeLocked (const TrcKey &, bool locked)
bool setPos (const EM::SectionID &, const EM::SubID &subid, const Coord3 &crd, bool addtohistory)
virtual void setPosAttrib (const EM::PosID &, int attr, bool yn, bool addtohistory=true)
 Sets/unsets the posattrib depending on yn. More...
void setPosAttrMarkerStyle (int attr, const MarkerStyle3D &)
void setPreferredColor (const OD::Color &, bool addtohistory=false)
void setPreferredLineStyle (const OD::LineStyle &)
bool setSectionName (const SectionID &, const char *, bool addtohistory)
void setSelectionColor (const OD::Color &)
EMObjectsetZDomain (const ZDomain::Info &)
void setZInDepth ()
void setZInTime ()
mDeprecatedDef uiString uiName () const
virtual void unlockAll ()
bool unSetPos (const EM::SectionID &, const EM::SubID &subid, bool addtohistory)
virtual bool useDisplayPar (const IOPar &)
const ZDomain::InfozDomain () const
const UnitOfMeasurezUnit () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from SharedObject
 SharedObject (const char *nm=nullptr)
 SharedObject (const SharedObject &)
- Public Member Functions inherited from NamedCallBacker
 NamedCallBacker (const char *nm=0)
 NamedCallBacker (const NamedCallBacker &)
virtual Notifier< NamedCallBacker > & objectToBeDeleted () const
bool operator== (const NamedCallBacker &oth) const
bool operator== (const NamedObject &oth) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from CallBacker
 CallBacker ()
 CallBacker (const CallBacker &)
virtual ~CallBacker ()
bool attachCB (const NotifierAccess &, const CallBack &, bool onlyifnew=false) const
bool attachCB (const NotifierAccess *notif, const CallBack &cb, bool onlyifnew=false) const
void detachAllNotifiers () const
 Call from the destructor of your inherited object. More...
void detachCB (const NotifierAccess &, const CallBack &) const
void detachCB (const NotifierAccess *notif, const CallBack &cb) const
virtual bool isCapsule () const
bool isNotifierAttached (const NotifierAccess *) const
 Only for debugging purposes, don't use. More...
void stopReceivingNotifications () const
virtual CallBackertrueCaller ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from NamedObject
 NamedObject (const char *nm=nullptr)
 NamedObject (const NamedObject &oth)
virtual ~NamedObject ()
virtual BufferString getName () const
bool getNameFromPar (const IOPar &)
const name_typename () const override
NamedObjectoperator= (const NamedObject &)
bool operator== (const NamedObject &oth) const
virtual void setName (const char *nm)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ObjectWithName
virtual ~ObjectWithName ()
bool hasName (const char *nm) const
bool hasName (const name_type &nm) const
void putNameInPar (IOPar &) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from RefCount::Referenced
void addObserver (WeakPtrBase *obs)
 Not for normal use. May become private. More...
int nrRefs () const
 Only for expert use. More...
void ref () const
bool refIfReffed () const
 Don't use in production, for debugging. More...
void removeObserver (WeakPtrBase *obs)
 Not for normal use. May become private. More...
bool tryRef () const
 Not for normal use. May become private. More...
void unRef () const
void unRefNoDelete () const

Static Public Member Functions

static Horizon2Dcreate (const char *nm)
static EMObjectcreate (EM::EMManager &)
static void initClass ()
static StringView typeStr ()
static uiString userTypeStr ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from EM::Horizon
static IOObjContext ioContext (bool is2d, bool forread)
static IOObjContext ioContext (bool is2d, const ZDomain::Info *zinfo, bool forread)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from EM::Surface
static BufferString getParentChildFileName (const IOObj &)
static BufferString getParFileName (const IOObj &)
static BufferString getSetupFileName (const IOObj &)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from EM::EMObject
static int sEdgeControlNode ()
static int sIntersectionNode ()
static int sPermanentControlNode ()
static int sSeedNode ()
static int sTemporaryControlNode ()
static int sTerminationNode ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SharedObject
static Notifier< SharedObject > & instanceCreated ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CallBacker
static void createReceiverForCurrentThread ()
static void removeReceiverForCurrentThread ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from RefCount::Referenced
static bool isSane (const Referenced *)

Protected Member Functions

 ~ Horizon2D ()
const IOObjContextgetIOObjContext () const override
void initNodeSourceArray (const TrcKey &)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from EM::Horizon
 Horizon (EMManager &)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from EM::Surface
 Surface (EMManager &)
 ~Surface ()
Geometry::ElementgeometryElementInternal () override
Geometry::ElementsectionGeometryInternal (const SectionID &) override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from EM::EMObject
 EMObject (EMManager &)
 must be called after creation More...
 ~EMObject ()
void posIDChangeCB (CallBacker *)
const MarkerStyle3DpreferredMarkerStyle3D () const
virtual void prepareForDelete () const
void prepareForDelete () override
void setPreferredMarkerStyle3D (const MarkerStyle3D &)
void useDisplayPars (const IOPar &)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SharedObject
virtual ~SharedObject ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from NamedCallBacker
void sendDelNotif () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from RefCount::Referenced
 Referenced ()
 Referenced (const Referenced &)
virtual ~Referenced ()
Referencedoperator= (const Referenced &)

Protected Attributes

Horizon2DGeometry geometry_
Array1D< char > * nodesource_
StepInterval< int > trackingsampling_
- Protected Attributes inherited from EM::Horizon
Strat::LevelID stratlevelid_
- Protected Attributes inherited from EM::Surface
BufferString dbinfo
- Protected Attributes inherited from EM::EMObject
TypeSet< int > attribs_
int burstalertcount_ = 0
bool changed_ = false
uiString errmsg_
bool fullyloaded_ = false
bool haslockednodes_ = false
ObjectID id_
bool insideselremoval_ = false
OD::Color lockcolor_
bool locked_ = false
class EMManagermanager_
BufferString objname_
ObjectSet< PosAttribposattribs_
TrcKeyZSampling removebypolyposbox_
OD::Color selectioncolor_
bool selremoving_ = false
Threads::Lock setposlock_
MultiID storageid_
const ZDomain::Defzdomain_
- Protected Attributes inherited from NamedCallBacker
Threads::Atomic< bool > delalreadytriggered_
Notifier< NamedCallBackerdelnotif_
- Protected Attributes inherited from NamedObject
BufferString name_

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from EM::EMObject
enum  NodeSourceType { None = (int)'0' , Manual =(int)'1' , Auto =(int)'2' , Gridding =(int)'3' }
- Public Types inherited from ObjectWithName
typedef OD::String name_type
- Public Attributes inherited from EM::EMObject
CNotifier< EMObject, const EMObjectCallbackData & > change
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from EM::EMObject
static const char * nrposattrstr ()
static const char * posattrposidstr ()
static const char * posattrprefixstr ()
static const char * posattrsectionstr ()

Detailed Description

2D Horizon. The Horizon is only present along 2d lines, set by addLine. Each position's subid is formed by RowCol( lineid, tracenr ).getInt64(). If multiple z-values per trace is needed, multiple sections can be added.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Horizon2D()

EM::Horizon2D::Horizon2D ( EM::EMManager )

◆ ~ Horizon2D()

EM::Horizon2D::~ Horizon2D ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ create() [1/2]

static Horizon2D* EM::Horizon2D::create ( const char *  nm)

◆ create() [2/2]

static EMObject* EM::Horizon2D::create ( EM::EMManager )

◆ createArray1D() [1/2]

Array1D<float>* EM::Horizon2D::createArray1D ( Pos::GeomID  geomid,
const ZAxisTransform = 0 
) const

◆ createArray1D() [2/2]

Array1D<float>* EM::Horizon2D::createArray1D ( SectionID  ,
Pos::GeomID  geomid,
const ZAxisTransform zt = 0 
) const

◆ createIterator()

EMObjectIterator* EM::Horizon2D::createIterator ( const TrcKeyZSampling = nullptr) const

Reimplemented from EM::EMObject.

◆ geometry() [1/2]

const Horizon2DGeometry& EM::Horizon2D::geometry ( ) const

Reimplemented from EM::Horizon.

◆ geometry() [2/2]

Horizon2DGeometry& EM::Horizon2D::geometry ( )

Implements EM::Horizon.

◆ getCoord()

Coord3 EM::Horizon2D::getCoord ( const TrcKey ) const

Implements EM::Horizon.

◆ getIOObjContext()

const IOObjContext& EM::Horizon2D::getIOObjContext ( ) const

Implements EM::Horizon.

◆ getPos() [1/4]

Coord3 EM::Horizon2D::getPos ( const EM::PosID ) const

Reimplemented from EM::EMObject.

◆ getPos() [2/4]

Coord3 EM::Horizon2D::getPos ( const EM::SubID ) const

Reimplemented from EM::EMObject.

◆ getPos() [3/4]

Coord3 EM::Horizon2D::getPos ( EM::SectionID  ,
Pos::GeomID  geomid,
int  trc 
) const

◆ getPos() [4/4]

Coord3 EM::Horizon2D::getPos ( Pos::GeomID  ,
int  trc 
) const

◆ getPosition() [1/2]

Coord3 EM::Horizon2D::getPosition ( EM::SectionID  ,
int  lidx,
int  trcnr 
) const

◆ getPosition() [2/2]

Coord3 EM::Horizon2D::getPosition ( int  lidx,
int  trcnr 
) const

◆ getPositions()

TypeSet<Coord3> EM::Horizon2D::getPositions ( int  lineidx,
int  trcnr 
) const

◆ getSurveyID()

OD::GeomSystem EM::Horizon2D::getSurveyID ( ) const

Implements EM::Horizon.

◆ getTypeStr()

const char* EM::Horizon2D::getTypeStr ( ) const

Implements EM::EMObject.

◆ getUserTypeStr()

uiString EM::Horizon2D::getUserTypeStr ( ) const

Implements EM::EMObject.

◆ getZ()

float EM::Horizon2D::getZ ( const TrcKey ) const

Implements EM::Horizon.

◆ getZValue()

float EM::Horizon2D::getZValue ( const Coord ,
bool  allow_udf = true,
int  nr = 0 
) const

Convenience function. If you need speed, don't use it.

Implements EM::Horizon.

◆ hasZ()

bool EM::Horizon2D::hasZ ( const TrcKey ) const

Implements EM::Horizon.

◆ initClass()

static void EM::Horizon2D::initClass ( )

◆ initNodeSourceArray()

void EM::Horizon2D::initNodeSourceArray ( const TrcKey )

◆ isAttrib()

bool EM::Horizon2D::isAttrib ( const TrcKey ,
int  attr 
) const

Implements EM::Horizon.

◆ isNodeSourceType() [1/2]

bool EM::Horizon2D::isNodeSourceType ( const PosID ,
) const

Reimplemented from EM::EMObject.

◆ isNodeSourceType() [2/2]

bool EM::Horizon2D::isNodeSourceType ( const TrcKey ,
) const

Reimplemented from EM::EMObject.

◆ removeAll()

void EM::Horizon2D::removeAll ( )

Reimplemented from EM::Surface.

◆ removeSelected()

void EM::Horizon2D::removeSelected ( const Selector< Coord3 > &  selector,
TaskRunner tr 

Reimplemented from EM::EMObject.

◆ setArray1D() [1/4]

bool EM::Horizon2D::setArray1D ( const Array1D< float > &  ,
const StepInterval< int > &  trcrg,
Pos::GeomID  geomid,
bool  onlyfillundefs 

◆ setArray1D() [2/4]

bool EM::Horizon2D::setArray1D ( const Array1D< float > &  ,
Pos::GeomID  geomid,
bool  onlyfillundefs 

◆ setArray1D() [3/4]

bool EM::Horizon2D::setArray1D ( const Array1D< float > &  arr,
const StepInterval< int > &  trcrg,
SectionID  sid,
Pos::GeomID  geomid,
bool  onlyfillundefs 

◆ setArray1D() [4/4]

bool EM::Horizon2D::setArray1D ( const Array1D< float > &  arr,
SectionID  sid,
Pos::GeomID  geomid,
bool  onlyfillundefs 

◆ setAttrib()

void EM::Horizon2D::setAttrib ( const TrcKey ,
int  attr,
int  yn,
bool  addtohist 

Implements EM::Horizon.

◆ setNewName()

void EM::Horizon2D::setNewName ( )

Reimplemented from EM::EMObject.

◆ setNodeSourceType()

void EM::Horizon2D::setNodeSourceType ( const TrcKey ,

Reimplemented from EM::EMObject.

◆ setPos() [1/3]

bool EM::Horizon2D::setPos ( const EM::PosID ,
const Coord3 ,
bool  addtohist 

Reimplemented from EM::EMObject.

◆ setPos() [2/3]

bool EM::Horizon2D::setPos ( const EM::SubID ,
const Coord3 ,
bool  addtohist 

Reimplemented from EM::EMObject.

◆ setPos() [3/3]

bool EM::Horizon2D::setPos ( Pos::GeomID  geomid,
int  trcnr,
float  z,
bool  addtohist 

◆ setZ()

bool EM::Horizon2D::setZ ( const TrcKey ,
float  z,
bool  addtohist 

Implements EM::Horizon.

◆ setZAndNodeSourceType()

bool EM::Horizon2D::setZAndNodeSourceType ( const TrcKey ,
float  z,
bool  addtohist,
NodeSourceType  type = Auto 

Implements EM::Horizon.

◆ typeStr()

static StringView EM::Horizon2D::typeStr ( )

◆ unSetPos() [1/2]

bool EM::Horizon2D::unSetPos ( const EM::PosID ,
bool  addtohist 

Reimplemented from EM::EMObject.

◆ unSetPos() [2/2]

bool EM::Horizon2D::unSetPos ( const EM::SubID ,
bool  addtohist 

Reimplemented from EM::EMObject.

◆ userTypeStr()

static uiString EM::Horizon2D::userTypeStr ( )

Member Data Documentation

◆ geometry_

Horizon2DGeometry EM::Horizon2D::geometry_

◆ nodesource_

Array1D<char>* EM::Horizon2D::nodesource_

'0'- non interpreted, '1'- manual interpreted, '2' - auto interpreted. '3' - Gridding. enum NodeSourceType

◆ trackingsampling_

StepInterval<int> EM::Horizon2D::trackingsampling_

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2024