OpendTect  7.0

OpendTect Top Level. More...


class  ArrowSubItem
class  dgbODSessionTranslator
class  ImageSubItem
class  Line2DTreeItemFactory
class  MeasureToolMan
class  ODSession
 dTect session save/restore More...
class  ODSessionTranslator
class  ODSessionTranslatorGroup
class  ScaleBarSubItem
class  uiODSceneMgr::Scene
class  uiFaultStickTransferDlg::Setup
class  uiContourTreeItem
 Tree item for Contour display on 3D horizons. More...
class  VolProc::uiDataTreeItem
class  uiFaultStickTransferDlg
class  uiFirewallProcSetter
class  uiKeyBindingSettingsGroup
class  uiOD2DLineSetAttribItem
class  uiOD2DLineTreeItem
class  uiODAnnotParentTreeItem
class  uiODAnnotSubItem
class  uiODAnnotTreeItem
class  uiODAnnotTreeItemFactory
class  uiODApplMgr
 Application level manager - ties part servers together. More...
class  uiODApplMgrAttrVisHandler
 Does visualization-related work for uiODApplMgr. More...
class  uiODApplMgrDispatcher
 Dispatches work for Appl Mgr. More...
class  uiODApplService
 uiApplService for OD More...
class  uiODAttribTreeItem
class  uiODBodyDisplayDataTreeItem
class  uiODBodyDisplayParentTreeItem
class  uiODBodyDisplayTreeItem
class  uiODBodyDisplayTreeItemFactory
class  uiODCrosslineParentTreeItem
class  uiODCrosslineTreeItem
class  uiODCrosslineTreeItemFactory
class  uiODDataTreeItem
class  uiODDisplayTreeItem
class  uiODEarthModelSurfaceDataTreeItem
class  uiODEarthModelSurfaceTreeItem
class  uiODEditAttribColorDlg
class  uiODFaultParentTreeItem
class  uiODFaultSetDataTreeItem
class  uiODFaultSetParentTreeItem
class  uiODFaultSetTreeItem
class  uiODFaultSetTreeItemFactory
class  uiODFaultStickSetParentTreeItem
class  uiODFaultStickSetTreeItem
class  uiODFaultStickSetTreeItemFactory
class  uiODFaultSurfaceDataTreeItem
class  uiODFaultToolMan
class  uiODFaultTreeItem
class  uiODFaultTreeItemFactory
class  uiODHelpMenuMgr
 The OpendTect help menu manager. More...
class  uiODHorizon2DParentTreeItem
class  uiODHorizon2DTreeItem
class  uiODHorizon2DTreeItemFactory
class  uiODHorizonParentTreeItem
class  uiODHorizonTreeItem
class  uiODHorizonTreeItemFactory
class  uiODInlineParentTreeItem
class  uiODInlineTreeItem
class  uiODInlineTreeItemFactory
class  uiODLangMenuMgr
 The OpendTect language menu manager. More...
class  uiODLine2DParentTreeItem
class  uiODMain
 OpendTect application top level object. More...
class  uiODMenuMgr
 The OpendTect menu manager. More...
class  uiODParentTreeItem
class  uiODPickSetParentTreeItem
class  uiODPickSetTreeItem
class  uiODPickSetTreeItemFactory
class  uiODPlaneDataTreeItem
class  uiODPolygonParentTreeItem
class  uiODPolygonTreeItem
class  uiODPolygonTreeItemFactory
class  uiODPSEventsParentTreeItem
class  uiODPSEventsTreeItem
class  uiODPSEventsTreeItemFactory
class  uiODRandomLineParentTreeItem
class  uiODRandomLineTreeItem
class  uiODRandomLineTreeItemFactory
class  uiODSceneMgr
 Manages the scenes and the corresponding trees. More...
class  uiODSceneTreeItem
class  uiODTreeItem
class  uiODTreeItemFactory
class  uiODTreeTop
class  uiODView2DFaultParentTreeItem
class  uiODView2DFaultSS2DParentTreeItem
class  uiODView2DFaultSS2DTreeItem
class  uiODView2DFaultSS2DTreeItemFactory
class  uiODView2DFaultSSParentTreeItem
class  uiODView2DFaultSSTreeItem
class  uiODView2DFaultSSTreeItemFactory
class  uiODView2DFaultTreeItem
class  uiODView2DFaultTreeItemFactory
class  uiODView2DHor2DParentTreeItem
class  uiODView2DHor2DTreeItem
class  uiODView2DHor2DTreeItemFactory
class  uiODView2DHor3DParentTreeItem
class  uiODView2DHor3DTreeItem
class  uiODView2DHor3DTreeItemFactory
class  uiODView2DPickSetParentTreeItem
class  uiODView2DPickSetTreeItem
class  uiODView2DPickSetTreeItemFactory
class  uiODView2DTreeItem
class  uiODView2DTreeItemFactory
class  uiODView2DTreeTop
class  uiODView2DVariableDensityTreeItem
class  uiODView2DVariableDensityTreeItemFactory
class  uiODView2DWiggleVarAreaTreeItem
class  uiODView2DWiggleVarAreaTreeItemFactory
class  uiODViewer2D
 A 2D Viewer. More...
class  uiODViewer2DMgr
class  uiODViewer2DPosDlg
class  uiODViewer2DPosGrp
class  uiODVolrenAttribTreeItem
class  uiODVolrenParentTreeItem
class  uiODVolrenSubTreeItem
class  uiODVolrenTreeItem
class  uiODVolrenTreeItemFactory
class  uiODWellParentTreeItem
class  uiODWellTreeItem
class  uiODWellTreeItemFactory
class  uiODZsliceParentTreeItem
class  uiODZsliceTreeItem
class  uiODZsliceTreeItemFactory
class  uiPluginInitMgr
class  uiServiceClientMgr
class  uiSessionMan
 Session manager. More...

Detailed Description

OpendTect Top Level.


'Real systems have no top' (Betrand Meyer). What he meant is that real sytems cannot be characterised by a single function which can be split up into smaller functions and so on - the classical functional decomposition problem. Still, Object-oriented systems tend to have a top - a top level object containing or initiating the work.

In OpendTect, this object is of the class uiODMain. There is one instance which is accessible through the global function ODMainWin().

If you go down the responsibility graph from here you will find yourself in the world of the 'Application Logic'. This is software with the sole purpose of making this application do its work. In OO systems, as much intelligence and functionality needs to be put in general-purpose objects. In that sense, the usage of application logic objects needs to be minimised, and generalised objects re-usable in other applications should be preferred.

OpendTect obeys that rule but still a considerable amount of application-specific coding is unavoidable, especially in the area of the user interface. And in larger systems things get out of hand in no time because of the complexity of the task to manage everything. Therefore, we designed some 'complexity-stoppers'. The trouble with those kind of objects is that they themselves make it harder to understand what's going on in the system. It is much easier to understand:

"object A uses object B and C and then displays using D."


"object A asks its service manager S that it needs input data. S asks B and C for the data and passes it to A. A does its thing and reports S it's ready. S then asks D to display the data it asks from A."

In reality it's even worse than this. We wouldn't have done that if OpendTect were a nice little app of a few thousand lines of code. That is not the case. In larger systems dependency management is the name of the game. It becomes important to figure out what object 'knows' about what other objects and who is responsible for what. Further it becomes increasingly important to not only hide low-level details from high-level functionality, but also to make them independent of it. This is the foundation of the 'Dependency Inversion' principle. In the overview of the Programmer's manual you will see a reference to documentation on this.


As things are, two major things need to be introduced: the top-level manager objects and their responsibilities, and the 'Part Server' architecture.

First of all, the top-level manager objects. This is fairly straightforward. The application level problems are foremost:

All these things are uiODMain's responsibilities. The last item is done 'directly' by uiODMain (of course it uses some fairly high level objects to do that, but still). The first three are delegated to three closely cooperating manager objects: uiODMenuMgr, uiODSceneMgr, and uiODApplMgr .

To go to the second issue we'll ask the question: how does the application manager (the uiODApplMgr instance) get things done? Answer: it asks its 'Part Manager' objects to do the work. The only thing uiODApplMgr does is coordinate everything. The next question then is: what is such a 'Part Manager'? Answer: an object providing services for a certain type of things needed in OpendTect.

Example: The menu manager finds out that the user wants to do attribute editing (probably a menu item or button was clicked). The menu manager asks the application manager to take care of that. The application manager knows this is Attribute stuff, so it uses its uiAttribPartServer instance: it calls the editSet() method. During the editing however, the attrib part server may need data or services that are not strictly 'attribute' stuff. For example, when the user presses 'direct display' of attribute the attrib part server must know where to calculate the current attribute and it needs to deliver the data when finished.

When a part server needs external data or when it has info that may be important for other part servers, it calls the 'sendEvent()' method to notify (via its 'uiApplService' instance) the application manager. In this case the application manager will then ask its uiVisPartServer instance about the position of the current element.

Part servers are an absolute must to keep the complexity on the application level manageable. Already things are pretty complex; if all objects would 'know' about all other objects things would get out of hand very quickly to the point that lots of bugs are very hard to solve and maintenance would be a nightmare.

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2024