OpendTect-6_4  6.4
Classes | Functions


class  PreStack::AGC
 Processor for PreStack AGC. More...
class  PreStack::AngleComputer
 Computes angles for PreStack::Gather. More...
class  PreStack::VelocityBasedAngleComputer
 Computes angles for PreStack::Gather from velocity model. More...
class  PreStack::ModelBasedAngleComputer
 Computes angles for PreStack::Gather from ElasticModel. More...
class  PreStack::AngleCompParams
 Base class for AngleMute and AngleMuteComputer. More...
class  PreStack::AngleMuteBase
class  PreStack::AngleMute
 Angle mute. More...
class  PreStack::AngleMuteComputer
 Computes angle mute. More...
class  PreStack::EventExporter
 Outputs an ascii string with all PreStack event, each pick on one row. The columns are as follows: More...
class  PreStack::EventAscIO
 Ascii I/O for PreStack event. More...
class  PreStack::EventImporter
 PreStack event importer. More...
class  PreStack::EventReader
 Reader for PreStack events. More...
class  PreStack::EventWriter
 Writer for PreStack events. More...
class  PreStack::EventDuplicator
 Duplicator for PreStack events. More...
class  PreStack::Event
 A Event is a set of picks on an event on a single PreStack gather. More...
class  PreStack::EventSet
 A EventSet is a set of Events on a single PreStack gather. More...
class  PreStack::EventManager
 A EventManager is a set of EventsSet on multiple PreStack gathers, and are identified under the same MultiID. More...
class  PreStack::SetPickUndo
 BinIDUndoEvent for PreStack pick. More...
class  PreStack::SetEventUndo
 UndoEvent for PreStack pick. More...
class  PreStack::EventsAPIMgr
 API Manager for PreStack Events. More...
class  PreStack::EventTracker
 Base class for algorithms that track PreStack events on a gather. More...
class  PSEventTranslatorGroup
 TranslatorGroup for PreStack Event. More...
class  PSEventTranslator
 Translator for PreStack Event. More...
class  dgbPSEventTranslator
 dgb PSEventTranslator. More...
class  PreStack::Gather
 PreStack gather. More...
class  PreStack::GatherSetDataPack
 A DataPack containing an objectset of gathers. More...
class  PreStack::LateralStack
 Lateral stack. More...
class  PreStack::Mute
 Processor for PreStack muting. More...
class  PreStack::MuteAscIO
 Ascii I/O for PreStack mute. More...
class  PreStack::MuteDef
 NamedObject for definition of a mute function. More...
class  MuteDefTranslatorGroup
 TranslatorGroup for mute definition. More...
class  MuteDefTranslator
 Translator for mute definition. More...
class  dgbMuteDefTranslator
 dgb MuteDefTranslator More...
class  PreStack::Processor
 Processes PreStack data at one cdp location. The algorithm is implemented in subclasses, and can be created by the PreStack::PF() factory. More...
class  PreStack::ProcessManager
 Orgainizes a number of PreStack::Processors into a chain which can be processed. More...
class  PreStackProcTranslatorGroup
 TranslatorGroup for PreStack processing. More...
class  PreStackProcTranslator
 Translator for PreStack processing. More...
class  dgbPreStackProcTranslator
 dgb PreStackProcTranslator More...
class  PreStack::PropCalc
 Calculates 'post-stack' properties of a PreStack data store. More...
class  PreStack::Stack
 Stacks PreStack data. More...
class  PreStack::TrimStatics::Iteration
class  PreStack::TrimStatics
 Processor for PreStack Trim Statics. More...
class  PreStack::SemblanceAlgorithm
 Base class for algorithms that compute semblance along a moveout. More...


 PreStack::PropCalc::mDeclareEnumUtils (LSQType) class Setup

Detailed Description

This module contains support for processing prestack gathers. See PreStack::ProcessManager for an example on how to make a chain of processing steps.

Function Documentation

PreStack::PropCalc::mDeclareEnumUtils ( LSQType  )

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B. V. 2019