![]() |
Provides the actual output to ... More...
Public Member Functions | |
void | addLocalCompZIntervals (const TypeSet< Interval< int > > &) |
virtual void | adjust2DLineStoredVolume () |
int | alignInputs (ObjectSet< Provider > &) |
int | comparePosAndAlign (Provider *, bool, Provider *, bool, bool) |
virtual bool | compDistBetwTrcsStats (bool force=false) |
void | computeNewStartPos (BinID &) |
void | computeRefStep () |
void | computeRefZ0 () |
void | enableAllOutputs (bool yn=true) |
void | enableOutput (int output, bool yn=true) |
uiString | errMsg () const |
virtual void | fillDataPackWithTrc (RegularSeisDataPack *) const |
float | getApplicableCrlDist (bool) const |
virtual void | getCompNames (BufferStringSet &) const |
virtual void | getCompOutputIDs (TypeSet< int > &) const |
Coord | getCoord (const BinID &) const |
Coord | getCurrentCoord () const |
BinID | getCurrentPosition () const |
virtual const SeisTrcInfo * | getCurrentTrcInfo () const |
const DataHolder * | getData (const BinID &relpos=BinID(0, 0), int idx=0) |
const DataHolder * | getDataDontCompute (const BinID &relpos) const |
bool | getDataUnavailableFlag () const |
const BinID & | getDesBufStepout () const |
Desc & | getDesc () |
const Desc & | getDesc () const |
const TrcKeyZSampling * | getDesiredVolume () const |
virtual float | getDistBetwTrcs (bool, const char *linenm=0) const |
BinID | getElementStepout () const |
virtual Pos::GeomID | getGeomID () const |
ObjectSet< Provider > & | getInputs () |
const TrcKeyZSampling * | getPossibleVolume () const |
virtual bool | getPossibleVolume (int outp, TrcKeyZSampling &) |
float | getRefStep () const |
float | getRefZ0 () const |
const BinID & | getReqBufStepout () const |
virtual BinID | getStepoutStep () const |
int | getTotalNrPos (bool) |
BinID | getTrcInfoBid () const |
virtual void | initSteering () |
bool | is2D () const |
virtual bool | isOK () const |
bool | isOutputEnabled (int output) const |
virtual bool | isSingleTrace () const |
const TypeSet< Interval< int > > & | localCompZIntervals () const |
virtual int | moveToNextTrace (BinID startpos=BinID(-1,-1), bool firstcheck=false) |
virtual bool | needStoredInput () const |
int | nrOutputs () const |
virtual void | prepareForComputeData () |
virtual void | prepPriorToBoundsCalc () |
virtual bool | prepPriorToOutputSetup () |
virtual void | prepSteeringForStepout (const BinID &) |
void | resetDesiredVolume () |
void | resetMoved () |
void | resetZIntervals () |
void | setCurLineName (const char *) |
virtual bool | setCurrentPosition (const BinID &) |
void | setDataUnavailableFlag (bool yn) |
virtual void | setDesBufStepout (const BinID &, bool wait=false) |
void | setDesiredVolume (const TrcKeyZSampling &) |
void | setExactZ (const TypeSet< float > &) |
void | setExtraZ (const Interval< float > &) |
virtual void | setGeomID (Pos::GeomID) |
void | setNeedInterpol (bool) |
void | setOutputInterestSize (bool preserve=false) |
void | setPossibleVolume (const TrcKeyZSampling &) |
virtual void | setRdmPaths (TypeSet< BinID > *truepath, TypeSet< BinID > *snappedpath) |
For directional attributes. More... | |
void | setRefStep (float step) |
void | setRefZ0 (float z0) |
virtual void | setReqBufStepout (const BinID &, bool wait=false) |
void | setSelData (const Seis::SelData *) |
void | setUseSC () |
virtual void | updateCSIfNeeded (TrcKeyZSampling &) const |
void | updateCurrentInfo () |
void | updateInputReqs (int input=-1) |
virtual void | updateStorageReqs (bool all=false) |
virtual bool | usesTracePosition () const |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static Provider * | create (Desc &, uiString &errmsg) |
static uiString | prepare (Desc &) |
Protected Member Functions | |
Provider (Desc &) | |
void | addParent (Provider *prov) |
virtual bool | allowParallelComputation () const |
virtual bool | checkInpAndParsAtStart () |
virtual bool | computeData (const DataHolder &output, const BinID &relpos, int t0, int nrsamples, int threadidx) const =0 |
void | computeDesInputCube (int inp, int out, TrcKeyZSampling &, bool usestepout=true) const |
float | crlDist () const |
virtual const BinID * | desStepout (int input, int output) const |
virtual const Interval< float > * | desZMargin (int input, int output) const |
virtual const Interval< int > * | desZSampMargin (int input, int output) const |
float | dipFactor () const |
virtual bool | doNotReUseDH () const |
void | fillInputRangesArray (Array2DImpl< BasicInterval< int > > &, int, const BasicInterval< int > &) |
virtual bool | finalizeCalculation (bool scs) |
DataHolder * | getDataHolder (const BinID &relpos) |
int | getDataIndex (int input) const |
float | getExtraZFromSampInterval (int, int) const |
float | getExtraZFromSampPos (float) const |
virtual bool | getInputData (const BinID &relpos, int idx) |
virtual bool | getInputOutput (int input, TypeSet< int > &) const |
float | getInputValue (const DataHolder &, int inputidx, int sampleidx, int z0) const |
float | getInterpolInputValue (const DataHolder &, int inputidx, float sample, int z0) const |
float | getInterpolInputValue (const DataHolder &, int inputidx, float zval) const |
virtual SeisMSCProvider * | getMSCProvider (bool &) const |
virtual BinDataDesc | getOutputFormat (int output) const |
virtual bool | getZ0StoredData (float &z0) const |
float | getZAtSample (int idx) const |
virtual bool | getZStepStoredData (float &step) const |
float | inlDist () const |
bool | isNew2DLine () const |
bool | isUsedMultTimes () |
float | lineDist () const |
float | maxSecureDip () const |
virtual int | minTaskSize () const |
virtual bool | preProcCommonToAllThreads (const DataHolder &out, const BinID &relpos) |
void | removeDataHolder (const BinID &relpos) |
virtual const BinID * | reqStepout (int input, int output) const |
virtual const Interval< float > * | reqZMargin (int input, int output) const |
virtual const Interval< int > * | reqZSampMargin (int input, int output) const |
void | setInput (int input, Provider *) |
virtual bool | setNrThreads (int idx) |
void | setOutputValue (const DataHolder &output, int outputidx, int sampleidx, int z0, float val) const |
void | setUsedMultTimes () |
void | stdPrepSteering (const BinID &) |
float | trcDist () const |
virtual bool | useInterTrcDist () const |
float | zFactor () const |
bool | zIsTime () const |
Static Protected Member Functions | |
static Provider * | internalCreate (Desc &, ObjectSet< Provider > &, bool &issame, uiString &) |
Protected Attributes | |
ObjectSet< Provider > | allexistingprov_ |
bool | alreadymoved_ |
BinID | currentbid_ |
const SeisTrcInfo * | curtrcinfo_ |
bool | dataunavailableflag_ |
BinID | desbufferstepout_ |
Desc & | desc_ |
TrcKeyZSampling * | desiredvolume_ |
uiString | errmsg_ |
TypeSet< float > | exactz_ |
Interval< float > | extraz_ |
Pos::GeomID | geomid_ |
ObjectSet< Provider > | inputs_ |
bool | isusedmulttimes_ |
DataHolderLineBuffer * | linebuffer_ |
TypeSet< Interval< int > > | localcomputezintervals_ |
bool | needinterp_ |
TypeSet< int > | outputinterest_ |
ObjectSet< Provider > | parents_ |
TrcKeyZSampling * | possiblevolume_ |
int | prevtrcnr_ |
ProviderTask * | providertask_ |
float | refstep_ |
float | refz0_ |
BinID | reqbufferstepout_ |
const Seis::SelData * | seldata_ |
BinID | trcinfobid_ |
bool | useshortcuts_ |
Friends | |
class | ProviderTask |
Provides the actual output to ...
protected |
inlineprotected |
virtual |
Reimplemented in Attrib::StorageProvider.
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Attrib::CEEMD, Attrib::Tutorial, Attrib::Horizon, Attrib::GLCM_attrib, Attrib::SimilaritybyAW, Attrib::IntegratedTrace, Attrib::GrubbsFilter, Attrib::WellLog, VolProcAttrib, Attrib::VolStatsBase, Attrib::Texture, Attrib::SpecDecomp, Attrib::Similarity, Attrib::Shift, Attrib::Semblance, Attrib::Scaling, Attrib::SampleValue, Attrib::Relief, Attrib::Reference, Attrib::PSAttrib, Attrib::Position, Attrib::Mathematics, Attrib::Instantaneous, Attrib::Hilbert, Attrib::GapDecon, Attrib::Frequency, Attrib::FingerPrint, Attrib::Event, Attrib::Evaluate, Attrib::Energy, Attrib::DipFilter, Attrib::Convolve, Attrib::Coherency, and Attrib::StorageProvider.
protectedvirtual |
Should be used for check after inputs are set, for extra checks at other time use isOK()
Reimplemented in Attrib::Frequency, and Attrib::StorageProvider.
virtual |
Reimplemented in Attrib::StorageProvider.
protectedpure virtual |
The system will use the algorithm specified in this function to compute the attribute's outputs. The results will be stored as different series in the DataHolder output.
output | |
relpos | |
t0 | |
nrsamples | |
threadidx | thread identifier that may be handy when using multiple threads. |
Implemented in Attrib::StorageProvider, Attrib::VolStatsBase, Attrib::Tutorial, Attrib::Horizon, Attrib::GLCM_attrib, Attrib::SimilaritybyAW, Attrib::GrubbsFilter, Attrib::CorrMultiAttrib, Attrib::CEEMD, Attrib::VolStats, Attrib::Texture, Attrib::Similarity, Attrib::Shift, Attrib::Semblance, Attrib::Scaling, Attrib::Position, Attrib::GapDecon, Attrib::FingerPrint, Attrib::Event, Attrib::Evaluate, Attrib::WellLog, Attrib::SpecDecomp, Attrib::Relief, Attrib::Reference, Attrib::PSAttrib, Attrib::FreqFilter, Attrib::Energy, Attrib::DipFilter, Attrib::Coherency, Attrib::Frequency, Attrib::Convolve, Attrib::Hilbert, Attrib::Mathematics, Attrib::Instantaneous, Attrib::MadAGC, Attrib::IntegratedTrace, Attrib::EventFreq, Attrib::SampleValue, Attrib::MatchDelta, Attrib::DeltaResample, and VolProcAttrib.
protected |
The system uses the margin and stepout requirements to compute the ideal desired volume for each input
void Attrib::Provider::computeNewStartPos | ( | BinID & | ) |
void Attrib::Provider::computeRefStep | ( | ) |
If an attribute uses as inputs stored cubes with a different z step the smallest one will be taken as reference step
void Attrib::Provider::computeRefZ0 | ( | ) |
If an attribute uses as inputs stored cubes with a different z0 the smallest one will be taken as reference z0
Also creates all inputs, the input's inputs, and so on
protected |
protectedvirtual |
The system will try to supply the attribute with the desired stepout, but will not take the desired stepout into account when computing the volume that can be computed.
Reimplemented in Attrib::Tutorial, Attrib::GLCM_attrib, Attrib::SimilaritybyAW, Attrib::Texture, Attrib::GrubbsFilter, Attrib::VolStatsBase, Attrib::Similarity, Attrib::Semblance, and Attrib::DipFilter.
protectedvirtual |
The gate is specified in the depth-unit of the survey (e.g. seconds, feet or meters), and is in addition to the gate specified in desZSampMargin. The system will try to supply the attribute with the desired gate, but will not take the desired gate into account when computing the volume that can be computed.
Reimplemented in Attrib::Mathematics, Attrib::GLCM_attrib, Attrib::GrubbsFilter, Attrib::CorrMultiAttrib, Attrib::Similarity, Attrib::Shift, Attrib::Semblance, Attrib::Position, Attrib::Event, and Attrib::VolStatsBase.
protectedvirtual |
The gate is specified in the trace samples, and is in addition to the gate specified in desZMargin. The system will try to supply the attribute with the desired gate, but will not take the desired gate into account when computing the volume that can be computed.
Reimplemented in Attrib::Tutorial, Attrib::MadAGC, Attrib::SimilaritybyAW, Attrib::EventFreq, Attrib::Texture, Attrib::MatchDelta, Attrib::GapDecon, Attrib::DipFilter, Attrib::DeltaResample, Attrib::GLCM_attrib, Attrib::IntegratedTrace, Attrib::CEEMD, Attrib::SpecDecomp, Attrib::Hilbert, Attrib::FreqFilter, Attrib::Energy, Attrib::Convolve, and Attrib::Scaling.
protected |
inlineprotectedvirtual |
void Attrib::Provider::enableAllOutputs | ( | bool | yn = true | ) |
void Attrib::Provider::enableOutput | ( | int | output, |
bool | yn = true |
) |
uiString Attrib::Provider::errMsg | ( | ) | const |
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in Attrib::StorageProvider.
protected |
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Called one all computeData have returned.
scs | is true if all computeData were successful. |
float Attrib::Provider::getApplicableCrlDist | ( | bool | ) | const |
virtual |
Reimplemented in Attrib::CEEMD, Attrib::SpecDecomp, and Attrib::StorageProvider.
virtual |
Coord Attrib::Provider::getCurrentCoord | ( | ) | const |
BinID Attrib::Provider::getCurrentPosition | ( | ) | const |
inlinevirtual |
const DataHolder* Attrib::Provider::getData | ( | const BinID & | relpos = BinID(0, 0) , |
int | idx = 0 |
) |
const DataHolder* Attrib::Provider::getDataDontCompute | ( | const BinID & | relpos | ) | const |
protected |
protected |
Gets the index of the serie needed in the input DataHolder
bool Attrib::Provider::getDataUnavailableFlag | ( | ) | const |
inline |
Desc& Attrib::Provider::getDesc | ( | ) |
const Desc& Attrib::Provider::getDesc | ( | ) | const |
inline |
virtual |
Reimplemented in Attrib::StorageProvider.
BinID Attrib::Provider::getElementStepout | ( | ) | const |
protected |
protected |
virtual |
Reimplemented in Attrib::StorageProvider.
protectedvirtual |
Gets all imput data, including data for which a stepout is required
Reimplemented in Attrib::IntegratedTrace, Attrib::EventFreq, Attrib::SampleValue, Attrib::Mathematics, Attrib::Instantaneous, Attrib::Hilbert, Attrib::Tutorial, Attrib::MadAGC, Attrib::GLCM_attrib, Attrib::SimilaritybyAW, Attrib::GrubbsFilter, Attrib::CorrMultiAttrib, Attrib::CEEMD, Attrib::VolStats, Attrib::VolStatsBase, Attrib::Texture, Attrib::Similarity, Attrib::Shift, Attrib::Semblance, Attrib::Scaling, Attrib::Reference, Attrib::Position, Attrib::MatchDelta, Attrib::GapDecon, Attrib::FingerPrint, Attrib::Event, Attrib::Evaluate, Attrib::DeltaResample, Attrib::Horizon, Attrib::WellLog, Attrib::SpecDecomp, Attrib::Relief, Attrib::PSAttrib, Attrib::Frequency, Attrib::FreqFilter, Attrib::Energy, Attrib::DipFilter, Attrib::Convolve, and Attrib::Coherency.
protectedvirtual |
Specifies the outputs needed for calculation among all those provided by the input data; very usefull when steering used as input data
Reimplemented in Attrib::VolStats, Attrib::VolStatsBase, Attrib::Tutorial, Attrib::SimilaritybyAW, Attrib::CorrMultiAttrib, Attrib::CEEMD, Attrib::WellLog, Attrib::Texture, Attrib::SpecDecomp, Attrib::Scaling, Attrib::Relief, Attrib::Reference, Attrib::PSAttrib, Attrib::Frequency, Attrib::FreqFilter, Attrib::Event, Attrib::Energy, Attrib::DipFilter, Attrib::Convolve, Attrib::Coherency, Attrib::GLCM_attrib, Attrib::Similarity, Attrib::Shift, Attrib::Semblance, Attrib::Position, Attrib::Hilbert, Attrib::Evaluate, Attrib::Mathematics, and Attrib::Instantaneous.
protected |
protected |
protected |
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Attrib::StorageProvider.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Attrib::StorageProvider.
inline |
virtual |
Reimplemented in Attrib::StorageProvider.
float Attrib::Provider::getRefStep | ( | ) | const |
inline |
inline |
virtual |
Reimplemented in Attrib::StorageProvider.
int Attrib::Provider::getTotalNrPos | ( | bool | ) |
inline |
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Attrib::StorageProvider.
inlineprotected |
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Attrib::StorageProvider.
inlinevirtual |
protected |
staticprotected |
Creates the provider needed and all its input providers
bool Attrib::Provider::is2D | ( | ) | const |
inlineprotected |
virtual |
Reimplemented in Attrib::Horizon.
bool Attrib::Provider::isOutputEnabled | ( | int | output | ) | const |
virtual |
Reimplemented in Attrib::VolStatsBase, Attrib::Shift, Attrib::Position, and Attrib::Convolve.
inlineprotected |
protected |
inlineprotected |
inlineprotectedvirtual |
virtual |
-1 | something went wrong |
0 | finished, no more positions |
1 | arrived at new position |
Reimplemented in Attrib::StorageProvider.
virtual |
Reimplemented in Attrib::StorageProvider.
inline |
Must be called before getting inputs/outputs etc. from a Desc
virtual |
Everything is known now.
Reimplemented in Attrib::Horizon, Attrib::WellLog, VolProcAttrib, Attrib::Texture, Attrib::GapDecon, Attrib::DipFilter, and Attrib::Coherency.
virtual |
Z refstep is known now, this is meant to be used before possible- and desired- volumes are computed
Reimplemented in Attrib::GrubbsFilter, Attrib::VolStats, Attrib::VolStatsBase, Attrib::Similarity, Attrib::Shift, Attrib::Semblance, Attrib::PSAttrib, Attrib::Position, Attrib::Frequency, Attrib::Convolve, and Attrib::Coherency.
virtual |
returns whether the outputs plan acquired from the parameter file has to be overruled
Reimplemented in Attrib::CEEMD, and Attrib::SpecDecomp.
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Computes things that are common to all threads; typically initialization of class variables which rely on input data (and thus cannot be inited before in other prep* functions)
inlinevirtual |
protected |
protectedvirtual |
The system will supply the attribute with the required stepout, and use it to compute the volume that can be computed.
Reimplemented in Attrib::Texture, Attrib::MadAGC, Attrib::GLCM_attrib, Attrib::Similarity, Attrib::Shift, Attrib::Semblance, Attrib::Position, Attrib::Convolve, and Attrib::Coherency.
protectedvirtual |
protectedvirtual |
The gate is specified in the trace samples, and is in addition to the gate specified in reqZMargin. The system will supply the attribute with the required gate, and use it to compute the volume that can be computed.
Reimplemented in Attrib::Instantaneous, Attrib::Mathematics, and Attrib::Convolve.
void Attrib::Provider::resetDesiredVolume | ( | ) |
void Attrib::Provider::resetMoved | ( | ) |
void Attrib::Provider::resetZIntervals | ( | ) |
void Attrib::Provider::setCurLineName | ( | const char * | ) |
virtual |
void Attrib::Provider::setDataUnavailableFlag | ( | bool | yn | ) |
virtual |
Reimplemented in Attrib::StorageProvider.
void Attrib::Provider::setDesiredVolume | ( | const TrcKeyZSampling & | ) |
The desired volume is the ideal volume required by the user
void Attrib::Provider::setExactZ | ( | const TypeSet< float > & | ) |
void Attrib::Provider::setExtraZ | ( | const Interval< float > & | ) |
virtual |
protected |
void Attrib::Provider::setNeedInterpol | ( | bool | ) |
inlineprotectedvirtual |
void Attrib::Provider::setOutputInterestSize | ( | bool | preserve = false | ) |
protected |
void Attrib::Provider::setPossibleVolume | ( | const TrcKeyZSampling & | ) |
The possible volume is the volume that can really be computed taking care of all margins and stepouts
virtual |
For directional attributes.
Special case for attributes (like PreStack) which inputs are not treated as normal input cubes and thus not delivering adequate cs automaticly
Reimplemented in Attrib::VolStats.
void Attrib::Provider::setRefStep | ( | float | step | ) |
void Attrib::Provider::setRefZ0 | ( | float | z0 | ) |
virtual |
Reimplemented in Attrib::StorageProvider.
void Attrib::Provider::setSelData | ( | const Seis::SelData * | ) |
protected |
The same provider can be used multiple times which allows the attribute to be computed only once
inline |
protected |
protected |
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in Attrib::PSAttrib.
void Attrib::Provider::updateCurrentInfo | ( | ) |
void Attrib::Provider::updateInputReqs | ( | int | input = -1 | ) |
virtual |
Reimplemented in Attrib::StorageProvider.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Attrib::StorageProvider.
virtual |
Reimplemented in Attrib::FingerPrint.
protected |
protected |
friend |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2022