OpendTect-6_4  6.4


class  EM::ImplicitBody
 Implicit representation of a body. More...
class  EM::Body
 A body that can deliver an implicit body. More...
class  EM::BodyOperator
 Operators for implicit body. Each BodyOperator has two children, either a Body or a BodyOperator. More...
class  EM::Expl2ImplBodyExtracter
class  EMBodyTranslatorGroup
 TranslatorGroup for EM::Body. More...
class  EMBodyTranslator
 Base class for all EM::Body Translators. More...
class  odEMBodyTranslator
 OpendTect format EM::Body Translator. More...
class  mcEMBodyTranslator
class  polygonEMBodyTranslator
class  randposEMBodyTranslator
class  EM::DataPackCommon
 Mixin to provide general services to Earth Model data packs. More...
class  EM::HorDataPack
 Flat data pack class for Horizons. More...
class  EM::FaultDataPack
 Flat data pack from attribute extraction on faults. More...
class  EM::FaultGeometry
 FaultGeometry base class. More...
class  EM::Fault
 Fault Surface base class. More...
class  EM::FaultStickUndoEvent
 Fault stick UndoEvent. More...
class  EM::FaultKnotUndoEvent
 Fault knot UndoEvent. More...
class  EM::Fault3DGeometry
 3D FaultGeometry. More...
class  EM::Fault3D
 3D Fault More...
class  EM::FaultAscIO
 Ascii I/O for Fault. More...
class  EM::FaultStick
 Class to hold Fault-stick coordinates and compute the normal. More...
class  EM::Fault3DPainter
 3D fault painter. More...
class  EM::FaultAuxData
 Fault surface data. More...
class  EM::FaultSet3D
 3D FaultSet More...
class  EM::FaultStickPainter
 Fault stick painter. More...
class  EM::FaultStickSetGeometry
 FaultStickSet geometry. More...
class  EM::FaultStickSet
 Fault stick set. More...
class  EM::FaultStickSetFlatViewEditor
 Fault stick set flat view editor. More...
class  EM::FSStoFault3DConverter::Setup
class  EM::FSStoFault3DConverter::FaultStick
class  EM::FSStoFault3DConverter
 FaultStickSet to Fault3D converter. More...
class  EM::Hor2DTo3D
 Horizon2D to Horizon3D. More...
class  EM::HorizonGeometry
 Horizon RowColSurfaceGeometry. More...
class  EM::Horizon
 Horizon Surface. More...
class  EM::Horizon2DGeometry
 2D HorizonGeometry More...
class  EM::Horizon2D
 2D Horizon. The Horizon is only present along 2d lines, set by addLine. Each position's subid is formed by RowCol( lineid, tracenr ).getInt64(). If multiple z-values per trace is needed, multiple sections can be added. More...
class  EM::Horizon3DGeometry
 3D HorizonGeometry More...
class  EM::Horizon3D
 3D Horizon. A Horizon is made up of one or more grids (so they can overlap at faults). The grids are defined by knot-points in a matrix and fillstyle in between the knots. More...
class  EM::ChildFinder
class  EM::Horizon3DAscIO
 Ascii I/O for Horizon3D. More...
class  EM::Horizon2DAscIO
 Ascii I/O for Horizon2D. More...
class  EM::HorizonPainter2D
 2D horizon painter More...
class  EM::HorizonPainter3D
 3D horizon painter More...
class  EM::HorizonPreLoader
 Horizon preloader More...
class  EM::HorizonUtils
 Group of utilities for horizons: here are all functions required in od_process_attrib_em for computing data on, along or between 2 horizons. More...
class  EM::HorizonSelInfo
class  EM::HorizonZTransform
 Z-transform that flattens a horizon. Everything else will also be flattened accordingly. In case of reverse faulting, the area between the two patches will not be included. More...
class  EM::HorizonZTransformer
 Horizon z-axis transformer More...
class  EM::IOObjInfo
 Info on IOObj for earthmodel. More...
class  EM::EMManager
 Manages the loaded/half loaded EM objects in OpendTect. More...
class  EM::MarchingCubesSurface
 Marching cubes surface. More...
class  EM::EMObjectCallbackData
 EM object callback data. More...
class  EM::CBDataSet
 Thread safe set of EMObjectCallbackData. More...
class  EM::EMObjectIterator
 Iterator that iterates a number of positions (normally all) on an EMObject. The object is created by EMObject::createIterator, and the next() function is called until no more positions can be found. More...
class  EM::PosAttrib
 Position attribute. More...
class  EM::EMObject
 Base class for all EarthModel objects. More...
class  EM::EMObjectPosSelector
 EMObject position selector. More...
class  EM::EMObjectRowColSelRemoval
 EMObject RowCol selection removal. More...
class  EM::PolygonBodyGeometry
 PolygonBody SurfaceGeometry. More...
class  EM::PolygonBody
 A Surface polygon Body. More...
class  EM::PosID
 Is an identifier for each position in the earthmodel. More...
class  EM::RandomLineSetByContourGenerator
 Creates random lines along the contours of a surface. More...
class  EM::RandomLineByShiftGenerator
 Creates random line from another by shifting it. More...
class  EM::RandomPosBody
 Random position Body. More...
class  EM::Region
class  EM::RegionBoundary
class  EM::RegionInlBoundary
class  EM::RegionCrlBoundary
class  EM::RegionZBoundary
class  EM::RegionHor3DBoundary
class  EM::RegionFaultBoundary
class  EM::RegionPolygonBoundary
class  EM::Region3D
class  EM::RowColIterator
 RowCol iterator. More...
class  EM::StickSet
 Stick set. More...
class  EMStickSetTranslatorGroup
 EM::StickSet TranslatorGroup. More...
class  EMStickSetTranslator
 EM::StickSet Translator. More...
class  lmkEMStickSetTranslator
 Landmark EM::StickSet Translator. More...
class  lmkEMStickSetReader
 Landmark EM::StickSet reader. More...
class  lmkEMStickSetWriter
 Landmark EM::StickSet writer. More...
class  EM::StoredObjAccess
 Access to stored EM Objects. More...
class  EM::Surface
 Base class for surfaces like horizons and faults. A surface is made up of one or more segments or patches, so they can overlap. More...
class  EM::SurfaceAuxData
 Surface data. More...
class  EM::SurfaceGeometry
 Surface geometry. More...
class  EM::RowColSurfaceGeometry
 RowCol SurfaceGeometry. More...
class  EM::dgbSurfaceReader
 Surface Reader. More...
class  EM::dgbSurfaceWriter
 Surface Writer. More...
class  EM::SurfaceIOData
 Data interesting for Surface I/O. More...
class  EM::SurfaceIODataSelection
 Surface I/O data selection. More...
class  Pos::EMSurfaceProvider
 Provider based on surface(s) More...
class  Pos::EMSurfaceProvider3D
 EMSurfaceProvider for 3D positioning. More...
class  Pos::EMSurfaceProvider2D
 EMSurfaceProvider for 2D positioning. More...
class  Pos::EMSurface2DProvider3D
 EMSurfaceProvider for 3D positions with 2D Horizon. More...
class  Pos::EMImplicitBodyProvider
 EM implicit body provider for 3D positioning. More...
class  Pos::EMRegion3DProvider
 EM Region provider for 3D positioning. More...
class  EMHorizon3DTranslatorGroup
 TranslatorGroup for EM::Horizon3D. Reads/writes 3D EM::Horizon3D to storage. More...
class  EMHorizon2DTranslatorGroup
 TranslatorGroup for EM::Horizon2D. More...
class  EMAnyHorizonTranslatorGroup
 TranslatorGroup for EM::Horizon. More...
class  EMFault3DTranslatorGroup
 TranslatorGroup for EM::Fault3D. More...
class  EMFaultSet3DTranslatorGroup
 TranslatorGroup for EM::FaultSet3D. More...
class  EMFaultStickSetTranslatorGroup
 TranslatorGroup for EM::FaultStickSet. More...
class  EMSurfaceTranslator
 Translator for EM::Surface. More...
class  dgbEMSurfaceTranslator
 dgb EMSurfaceTranslator More...
class  dgbEMHorizon3DTranslator
 dgbEMSurfaceTranslator for EM::Horizon3D. More...
class  dgbEMHorizon2DTranslator
 dgbEMSurfaceTranslator for EM::Horizon2D. More...
class  dgbEMFault3DTranslator
 dgbEMSurfaceTranslator for EM::Fault3D. More...
class  dgbEMFaultStickSetTranslator
 dgbEMSurfaceTranslator for EM::FaultStickSet. More...
class  EMFaultSet3DTranslator
 Translator for EM::FaultSet3D. More...
class  dgbEMFaultSet3DTranslator
class  EM::dgbSurfDataWriter
 Writes auxdata to file. More...
class  EM::dgbSurfDataReader
 Reads auxdata from file. More...
class  EM::EMUndo
 Set position UndoEvent. More...
class  EM::EMUndoEvent
class  EM::SetPosUndoEvent
class  EM::SetAllHor3DPosUndoEvent
 UndoEvent for setting all positions on a EM::Horizon3D section. More...
class  EM::SetPosAttribUndoEvent
 UndoEvent for setting position attribute. More...
class  EM::PosIDChangeEvent
 Saves information from a EMObject::changePosID call. More...
class  EM::SetPrefColorEvent
 UndoEvent to set preferred Color. More...
class  FaultTrace
 Subclass of Coord3List that represents a fault trace. More...
class  FaultTrcHolder
 FaultTrace holder. More...
class  FaultTraceExtractor
 FaultTrace extractor. More...
class  FaultTraceExtractor3D
class  FaultTraceExtractor2D
class  FaultTrcDataProvider
 FaultTrace data provider. More...
class  HorizonGridder
 Base class for Horizon Gridders. More...
class  InvDistHor3DGridder
class  TriangulationHor3DGridder
class  ExtensionHor3DGridder
class  ContinuousCurvatureHor3DGridder
class  EM::HorizonMerger
 A subclass of ParallelTask that merges horizons. More...
class  EM::Horizon3DMerger
 3D HorizonMerger More...
class  HorizonModifier
 Modifies horizons. More...
class  EM::RelationTree::Node
class  EM::RelationTree
 A Relation tree where a parent-child relationship means a top-bottom relationship for the horizons. More...
class  HorizonScanner
 Executor to scan horizons. More...
class  HorizonSorter
 Executor to sort horizons. More...
class  lmkEMFault3DTranslator
 Landmark EM::Fault3D EMSurfaceTranslator. More...
class  lmkEMFault3DReader
 Landmark EM::Fault3D reader. More...
class  lmkEMFault3DWriter
 Landmark EM::Fault3D writer. More...
class  Poly2HorVol
 Calculate volume between horizon and polygon. More...

Detailed Description

Objects like horizons, faults and bodies are all earth model objects. Such objects can be described in various ways, and the EM way is the way we have chosen for OpendTect.

A big part of this module deals with surfaces of some kind. Horizons, faults, and sets of (fault-)sticks each have their own peculiarities.

Most interesting classes:

Earth models have the nasty habit of changing over time. Therefore, edit history matters are handled by the Undo objects.

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B. V. 2019