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This module contains classes related to handling of Seismic data. More...
Classes | |
class | SEGY::BinHeader |
400 byte SEG-Y binary header More... | |
class | Seis::Blocks::Block |
Base class for single block. More... | |
class | BlocksSeisTrcTranslator |
class | Seis::Bounds |
contains domain-specific data boundary details. More... | |
class | Seis::Bounds2D |
class | Seis::Bounds3D |
class | CBVSSeisPS2DTranslator |
class | CBVSSeisPS3DTranslator |
class | CBVSSeisTrc2DTranslator |
CBVS translator for 2D Seismics. More... | |
class | CBVSSeisTrcTranslator |
class | Seis::Blocks::Column |
Base class for column of blocks. More... | |
class | SeisTrcTranslator::ComponentData |
Information for one component. More... | |
class | SeisIOSimple::Data |
class | Depth2TimeStretcher |
class | dgbWaveletTranslator |
class | Seis::Blocks::Dimensions |
class | SEGY::DirectDef |
class | SEGY::DirectReader |
class | SEGY::FileDataSet |
class | SEGY::FileIndexer |
class | SEGY::FilePars |
class | SEGY::FileReadOpts |
class | SEGY::FileSpec |
class | Seis::Blocks::GlobIdx |
class | Seis::Blocks::HDimensions |
class | SEGY::HdrCalc |
class | SEGY::HdrCalcSet |
class | SEGY::HdrDef |
class | SEGY::HdrEntry |
describes one tape or trace header field, More... | |
class | Seis::Blocks::HGeom |
class | Seis::Blocks::HGlobIdx |
class | Seis::Blocks::HLocIdx |
class | Seis::Blocks::IOClass |
Base class for Reader and Writer. For comments see master branch. More... | |
class | LinearD2TTransform |
class | LinearT2DTransform |
class | LinearVelTransform |
class | Seis::Blocks::LocIdx |
class | MultiCubeSeisPS3DTranslator |
class | MultiCubeSeisPSReader |
PS data store reader based on multiple 3D CBVS cubes. More... | |
class | Seis::MultiTraceSynthGenerator |
class | Seis::ObjectSummary |
class | Seis::ODSeqInp |
OpendTect-internal Seismic Sequential input. More... | |
class | Seis::ODSeqOut |
Seismic Sequential output via SeistrcWriter. More... | |
class | OffsetAzimuth |
Stores offset and azimuth as an int, wich makes it easy to compare them without having to think of epsilons when comparing. More... | |
class | SEGY::OffsetCalculator |
class | Seis::ParallelReader |
class | Seis::ParallelReader2D |
class | Seis::PolySelData |
selection data by polygon or polyline. More... | |
class | Seis::PosIndexer |
builds an index of a list of positions, making it easy to find a specific position. More... | |
class | Seis::PosKey |
class | Seis::PosKeyList |
class | Seis::PreLoadDataEntry |
class | Seis::PreLoadDataManager |
class | Seis::PreLoader |
class | RandomFlatDataPack |
FlatDataPack for random lines. More... | |
class | RandomSeisDataPack |
SeisDataPack for random lines. More... | |
class | Seis::RangeSelData |
selection data in simple ranges More... | |
class | Seis::RawScaledTrcsSequence |
Buffer to a set of entire traces ( header + component data ) Can contain traces for several positions. More... | |
class | Seis::RawScaledTrcsSequenceValueSeries |
class | Seis::RawTrcsSequence |
Buffer to a set of entire traces ( header + component data ) Can contain traces for several positions. More... | |
class | Seis::RawTrcsSequenceValueSeries |
class | Seis::RaySynthGenerator |
class | Seis::Blocks::Reader |
Reads data from Blocks Storage. For comments see master branch. More... | |
class | RegularFlatDataPack |
FlatDataPack for 2D and 3D seismic data. More... | |
class | RegularSeisDataPack |
SeisDataPack for 2D and 3D seismic data. More... | |
class | SEGY::ReSorter |
Re-sorts SEG-Y files, input must be 'scanned'. More... | |
class | SEGY::Scanner |
Scans SEG-Y file(s). For reports, you'd want to set rich info. More... | |
class | SEGYDirect2DLineGetter |
class | SEGYDirect2DLineIOProvider |
class | SEGYDirect2DLinePutter |
class | SEGYDirect2DPSReader |
reads from 2D PS data store reader based on SEG-Y files More... | |
class | SEGYDirect3DPSReader |
reads from 3D PS data store reader based on SEG-Y files More... | |
class | SEGYDirectSeisPS2DTranslator |
class | SEGYDirectSeisPS3DTranslator |
class | SEGYDirectSeisTrc2DTranslator |
SEGYDirect translator for 2D Seismics. More... | |
class | SEGYDirectSeisTrcTranslator |
class | SEGYDirectSurvGeom2DTranslator |
class | SEGYSeisTrcTranslator |
class | Seis2DCopier |
Copies line sets. More... | |
class | Seis2DDataSet |
Set of 2D lines comparable with 3D seismic cube. More... | |
class | Seis2DFrom3DExtractor |
Extracts 2D data from 3D Cube. More... | |
class | Seis2DLineGetter |
interface for object that reads 2D seismic data More... | |
class | Seis2DLineIOProvider |
Provides read/write to/from 2D seismic lines. Only interesting if you want to add your own 2D data I/O. More... | |
class | Seis2DLineMerger |
merges two 2D lines into a new one (same Line Set) More... | |
class | Seis2DLinePutter |
interface for object that writes 2D seismic data More... | |
class | Seis2DTo3D |
class | Seis2DTo3DInterPol |
class | Seis2DTo3DInterPolImpl |
class | SeisBayesClass |
Bayesian inversion/classification for seismic data using PDFs. More... | |
class | SeisBufReader |
class | SeisCBVS2DLineIOProvider |
class | SeisCBVS2DLinePutter |
class | SeisCBVSPS2DReader |
reads from a CBVS prestack seismic data store. More... | |
class | SeisCBVSPS2DWriter |
writes to a CBVS 2D prestack seismic data store. More... | |
class | SeisCBVSPS3DReader |
reads from a CBVS prestack seismic data store. More... | |
class | SeisCBVSPS3DWriter |
writes to a CBVS 3D prestack seismic data store. More... | |
class | SeisCBVSPSIO |
Implementation class: I/O from a CBVS prestack seismic data store. More... | |
class | SeisCubeCopier |
Copies cubes. The IOPar constructor wants an IOPar as you would pass to a SeisSingleTraceProc. More... | |
class | SeisDataPackFromDPS |
Class that creates a SeisDataPack from a DataPointSeti. Columns in DPS are represented by components in DP. More... | |
class | SeisDataPackWriter |
class | SeisDataPackZAxisTransformer |
Uses ZAxisTransform to output a transformed SeisDataPack for the specified input SeisDataPack. More... | |
class | SeisEventSnapper |
class | SeisEventSnapper3D |
class | SeisFixedCubeProvider |
class | SeisFlatDataPack |
Base class for RegularFlatDataPack and RandomFlatDataPack. More... | |
class | SeisImpBPSIF |
reads a BPSIF prestack data exchange file into a PS data store More... | |
class | SeisImpCBVSFromOtherSurvey |
class | SeisImporter |
Helps import or export of seismic data. More... | |
class | SeisInterpol |
class | SeisIOObjInfo |
Info on IOObj for seismics. More... | |
class | SeisIOSimple |
class | SeisJobExecProv |
Provides job runners and postprocessor for seismic processing. More... | |
class | SeisMerger |
Merges 2D and 3D post-stack data. More... | |
class | SeisMSCProvider |
Reads seismic data into buffers providing a Moving Virtual Subcube of seismic data. More... | |
class | SeisPacketInfo |
Information for a packet of seismics, AKA tape header info. More... | |
class | Pos::SeisProvider3D |
3D provider based on cube of PS data store More... | |
class | SeisPS2DReader |
reads from a 2D prestack seismic data store. More... | |
class | SeisPS2DTranslator |
class | SeisPS2DTranslatorGroup |
class | SeisPS3DReader |
reads from a 3D prestack seismic data store. More... | |
class | SeisPS3DTranslator |
class | SeisPS3DTranslatorGroup |
Translator mechanism is only used for selection etc. More... | |
class | SeisPSCopier |
class | SeisPSCubeSeisTrcTranslator |
class | SeisPSImpDataMgr |
Manages import of acquisition-sorted PS data. May take loads of memory. More... | |
class | SeisPSIOProvider |
Prestack Seismics objects provider. More... | |
class | SeisPSIOProviderFactory |
class | SeisPSMerger |
Prestack seismic data merger. More... | |
class | SeisPSReader |
reads from a prestack seismic data store. More... | |
class | SeisPSWriter |
writes to a prestack seismic data store. More... | |
class | SeisRandLineTo2D |
class | SeisRandLineTo2DGrid |
class | SeisRandomProvider |
class | SeisRandomRepository |
class | SeisResampler |
will sub-sample in inl and crl, and re-sample in Z More... | |
class | SeisScaler |
class | SeisScanner |
class | SeisSequentialWriter |
class | SeisSingleTraceProc |
Single trace processing executor. More... | |
class | SeisStdImporterReader |
class | SeisStoreAccess |
base class for seis reader and writer. More... | |
class | SeisTrc |
Seismic trace. More... | |
class | SeisTrc2DTranslator |
Base translator for 2D Seismics. More... | |
class | SeisTrc2DTranslatorGroup |
TranslatorGroup for 2D Seismic Data. More... | |
class | SeisTrcBuf |
set of seismic traces. More... | |
class | SeisTrcBufArray2D |
Array2D based on SeisTrcBuf. More... | |
class | SeisTrcBufDataPack |
FlatDataPack based on SeisTrcBuf. More... | |
class | SeisTrcFunction |
class | SeisTrcInfo |
Information for a seismic trace, AKA trace header info. More... | |
class | SeisTrcPropCalc |
calculates properties of a trace component More... | |
class | SeisTrcPropChg |
changes properties of one or all trace components. Component -1 (the default) changes all components. More... | |
class | SeisTrcReader |
reads from a seismic data store. More... | |
class | SeisTrcReaderSet |
advances and reads from multipe SeisTrcReader's More... | |
class | SeisTrcTranslator |
class | SeisTrcTranslatorGroup |
Seismic Trace translator. More... | |
class | SeisTrcValueSeries |
class | SeisTrcWriter |
class | SeisZAxisStretcher |
class | Seis::SelData |
contains input (sub-)selection data from a cube or lineset More... | |
class | Seis::SelSetup |
setup for subselection of seismic data More... | |
class | Seis::SeqInp |
Base class for Seismic Sequential input classes. More... | |
class | Seis::SeqIO |
Base class for Seismic Sequential IO classes. More... | |
class | Seis::SeqOut |
Base class for Seismic Sequential output classes. More... | |
class | Seis::SequentialReader |
class | SEGY::ReSorter::Setup |
class | Seis::StatsCollector |
class | Seis::SynthGenBase |
class | Seis::SynthGenerator |
class | Seis::TableSelData |
selection data in a table More... | |
class | SeisTrcTranslator::TargetComponentData |
ComponentData as it should be when the Translator puts it away. More... | |
class | Time2DepthStretcher |
class | SEGY::TrcHeader |
class | SEGY::TrcHeaderDef |
stores HdrEntry info of the needed fields from the trace header. More... | |
class | TwoDDataSeisTrcTranslator |
Dummy old translator used during conversion only. More... | |
class | TwoDSeisTrcTranslator |
Translator mechanism is only used for selection etc. More... | |
class | SEGY::TxtHeader |
3200 byte SEG-Y text header. More... | |
class | VelocityModelScanner |
class | VelocityStretcher |
class | Wavelet |
class | WaveletAscIO |
class | WaveletAttrib |
class | WaveletExtractor |
class | WaveletFunction |
class | WaveletTranslator |
class | WaveletTranslatorGroup |
class | WaveletValueSeries |
This module contains classes related to handling of Seismic data.
Seismic data is sampled data along a vertical axis. Many 'traces' will usually occupy a volume (3D seismics) or separate lines (2D data).
There's always lots of data, so it has to be stored efficiently. A consequence is that storage on disk versus usage in memory are - contrary to most other data types - closely linked. Instead of just loading the data in one go, we always need to prepare a subcube of data before the work starts.
Although this model may have its flaws and may be outdated in the light of ever increasing computer memory, it will probably satisfy our needs for some time at the start of the 21st century.
The SeisTrc class is designed to be able to even have 1, 2 or 4-byte data in the data() - the access functions get() and set() will know how to unpack and pack this from/to float. SeisTrc objects can also hold more than one component.
To keep the SeisTrc object small, a lot of operations and processing options have been moved to specialised objects - see seistrcprop.h and seissingtrcproc.h .
Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2022