OpendTect  7.0
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678910]
 CA2DBitMapGeneratorGenerates Array2D bitmap from Array2D<float>
 CA2DBitMapGenParsArray2D Bitmap generation parameters
 CA2DBitMapInpDataArray2D<float>& + statistics
 CA2DBitMapPosSetupArray2D Bitmap generation setup
 CHDF5::AccessImplBrief Mixin for common stuff
 CPreStack::AngleCompParamsBase class for AngleMute and AngleMuteComputer
 CFlatView::AnnotationAnnotation data for flatviewers
 CFlatView::AppearanceFlatviewer appearance
 CInterpolate::Applier2D< T >Specification for a 2D interpolator
 CArray2DFilterParsParameters for Array2DFilterer
 CArray2DMatrix< fT >Matrix class based on Array2D. Initialized to 0
 CArray2DMatrix< float >
 CArrayImplBase< T >
 CArrayND< T >An ArrayND is an array with a given number of dimensions and a size
 CArrayND< ArrType >
 CArrayND< AT >
 CArrayND< float >
 CArrayND< float_complex >
 CArrayND< int >
 CArrayND< vT >
 CArrayNDDumper< T >Dumps contents of ArrayND objects
 CArrayNDInfoContains the information about the size of ArrayND, and in what order the data is stored (if accessable via a pointer)
 CArrayNDIterIterates through all samples in an ArrayND
 CArrayNDProbDenFuncPDF based on ArrayND implementation
 CArrayNDSliceBaseBase class of Array1DSlice and Array2DSlice. Access-tool to another ArrayND with higher dimensionality
 CHDF5::ArrayNDTool< T >
 CArrayNDWindowTapers the N-dimentional ArrayND with a windowFunction
 CArrayNDWrapperAccess tool to another array with a lower number of dimensions
 CascbinistreamReads from a stream that was created in ascbinostream style.
 CascbinostreamWrites to a stream that can be Ascii or Binary
 CTable::AscIOAscii I/O using Format Description
 CascistreamOpendTect standard ascii format file reading
 CascostreamOpendTect standard ascii format file writing
 CAttributeSetCreatorCreates attribute set
 CFlatView::AuxDataClass that represents non-bitmap data to be displayed in a flatviewer, such as markers, lines and more
 CFlatView::Annotation::AxisDataThings like well tracks, cultural data, 2-D line positions
 CAxisLayout< T >Helps making nice axes for graphs
 CThreads::BarrierWaits for a number of threads to reach a certain point (i.e. the call to Barrier::waitForAll). Once everyone has arrived, everyone is released
 CStats::BaseCalc< T >Base class to calculate mean, min, max, etc.. can be used either as running values (Stats::RunCalc) or in parallel (Stats::ParallelCalc)
 CSEGY::BasicFileInfoBasic data from a SEG-Y fle
 CBasicInterval< T >Base class for Interval<T>
 CBendPoints2CoordsInter/Extra-polate bendpoints to get the coordinates
 CBinDataDescDescription of binary data
 CSEGY::BinHeader400 byte SEG-Y binary header
 CBinIDSortingBinID sorting parameters
 CBinIDSortingAnalyserAnalyses whether input BinIDs are sorted
 CBitMap2RGBDraws bitmaps on RGBArray according to FlatView specs. Assumes bitmaps are 100% aligned with array, only sizes may differ
 CBitMapMgrManages bitmaps
 CSeis::Blocks::BlockBase class for single block
 CEM::BodyA body that can deliver an implicit body
 CEM::BodyOperatorOperators for implicit body. Each BodyOperator has two children, either a Body or a BodyOperator
 CBoolTypeSetTypeNeeded because the std lib has a crazy specialization vector<bool>
 CSeis::BoundsDomain-specific data boundary details
 CcalcFingParsObjectFingerPrint Attribute parameters calculator
 CStats::CalcSetupSetup for the Stats::RunCalc and Stats::ParallelCalc objects
 CCallBackCallBacks object-oriented (object + method)
 CCallBackerInherit from this class to be able to send and/or receive CallBacks
 CEM::CBDataSetThread safe set of EMObjectCallbackData
 CCBVSInfoData available in CBVS format header and trailer
 CCBVSIOBase class for CBVS reader and writer
 CCBVSIOMgrBase class for CBVS read and write manager
 CChangeNotifyBlockerPrevents change notifications coming out of a MonitoredObject
 CChangeTrackerUpdates a variable when changes occur
 CBatch::ClusterProgDefBase class for Cluster prog definitions
 CSeis::Blocks::ColumnBase class for column of blocks
 COS::CommandExecParsSpecifies how to execute a command
 COS::CommandLauncherLaunches machine commands
 CThreads::CommandLaunchMgrStarts MachineCommand's using a multi-threaded Threads::WorkManager queue
 CFlatView::DataDispPars::CommonCommon to VD and WVA
 CArray3DFloodfill< T >::Compartment
 CCompoundKeyConcatenated short keys separated by dots. Used for Object identifiers in the Object Manager, or stratigraphic IDs
 CConnData connection
 CConnComponentsClassify connected components of a binarized array 2D, components are sorted in size. User could get the best quadratic fit for the component if needed
 CConnComponents3DClassify connected components of a binarized array 3D, components are sorted in size
 CConstDataPackRef< T >
 CPosInfo::CrdBidOffsJust hold inl, crl, x, y and offs. For 2D, crl=nr
 CPosInfo::CubeDataFillerFills CubeData object. Requires inline- and crossline-sorting
 CPosInfo::CubeDataIndexCubeData index for fast trace number <-> BinID lookups
 CPosInfo::CubeDataIteratorIterates through CubeData
 CPosInfo::CubeDataPosPosition in a CubeData
 CCurvatureClass to calculate curvature from 9 regularly sampled points
 CCWTContinuous Wavelet Transform
 CWellTie::D2TModelMgrManages the D2T models used during TWTS
 CDAGTetrahedraTreeDelaunay triangulation for 3D points. Should make sure all the points are defined
 CDAGTriangleTreeReference: "Parallel Incremental Delaunay Triangulation", by Kohout J.2005
 CDataClipperA DataClipper gets a bunch of data and determines at what value to clip if a certain clip percentage is desired
 CDataClipSamplerData clipping sampler
 CDataColDefColumn definition in tabular data sets
 CFlatView::DataDispParsData display parameters
 CDataDistributionChanger< VT >
 CDataDistributionInfoExtracter< VT >
 CAttrib::DataHolderHolds the attribute data
 CAttrib::DataHolderLineBufferAttribute DataHolder Line Buffer
 CDataInpSpecSpecification of input characteristics
 CDataInterpreter< T >Byte-level data interpreter
 CDataInterpreter< double >
 CDataInterpreter< float >
 CDataInterpreter< int >
 CDataInterpreter< od_int64 >
 CDataPointSetDisplayPropInterface for DataPointSet Displays
 CDataPointSet::DataRowData point with group. Group 0 means 'inactive', it can never be selected
 CDataSqueezer< T >Fits values into a pre-defined range
 CDataTypeData type
 CDateInfoA date info class
 CZDomain::DefDefinition of z-domain
 CAttrib::DescIDAttribDesc ID: each Desc has a unique ID in a set; the boolean isstored allows us to know whether this Desc is to be found in the DescSet dedicated for stored Attributes
 CAttrib::DescSetManManages attribute description set
 CAttrib::DescSetsHolderPack to carry DescSet Managers for live attributes and DescSets for stored data, both in 2D and 3D
 CAttrib::DescSetupSetup class for Attrib::Desc
 CDeSpiker< VT, IT >
 CPosInfo::DetectorDetermines many geometry parameters from a series of Coords with corresponding BinID or trace numbers and offsets if prestack
 CDipPCABase class to calculate Dip/Azimuth using the method of PCA
 CWell::DisplayPropertiesDisplay properties of a well
 CDragControllerAuxiliary class to control dragger speed. The idea is that slowly moving the mouse forces the dragger to move only one inl/crl/z per (few) pixel(s), while moving it fast can have it cover many lines per pixel
 CFlatView::AuxData::EditPermissionsExplains what part of an AuxData's appearance may be edited by the user
 CElasticFormulaRepositoryElasticFormula repository
 CWell::ElasticModelComputerExtraction of an ElasticModel from Well::Data either from the time-depth model or from at least a velocity Log
 CElasticPropGenComputes elastic properties using parameters in ElasticPropSelection and PropertyRefSelection
 CElasticPropGuessGuesses elastic properties using parameters in ElasticPropSelection and PropertyRefSelection
 CTable::TargetInfo::Selection::ElemHolds the 'value' of a certain selection
 CEM::EMObjectCallbackDataEM object callback data
 CEM::EMObjectIteratorIterator that iterates a number of positions (normally all) on an EMObject. The object is created by EMObject::createIterator, and the next() function is called until no more positions can be found
 CAttrib::EngineManThe attribute engine manager
 CEntryDataBasic group for letting the user select an object
 CEvalParamDescription of attribute parameters to evaluate
 CPreStack::EventA Event is a set of picks on an event on a single PreStack gather
 CEventButtonEvent button
 CPreStack::EventsAPIMgrAPI Manager for PreStack Events
 CPreStack::EventTrackerBase class for algorithms that track PreStack events on a gather
 CMath::ExpressionParsed Math expression
 CMath::ExpressionOperatorDescExpression desc to build UI
 CMath::ExpressionOperatorDescGroupGroup of similar expression descs
 CMath::ExpressionParserParses a string with a mathematical expression
 CAttrib::ExtAttribCalcGeneric class for attribs that does not come from the attribute engine
 CFactoryBaseBase class for Factories ( Factory, Factory1Param, Factory2Param and Factory3Param. )
 CEM::FaultAuxDataFault surface data
 CEM::FaultStickClass to hold Fault-stick coordinates and compute the normal
 CFaultTrcDataProviderFaultTrace data provider
 CFaultTrcHolderFaultTrace holder
 CFourier::FFTCC1DComputes 1D FFT for any size of data. This function is used internally by the ND computation
 CFFTFilterClassical FFT filter, use set to set up data step, min and max frequency and type of the filter (minfreq not required for highpass, maxfreq not required for lowpass)
 CFileFormatA file format description for simple selection of files
 CFileFormatListA list of file formats for simple selection of files
 CTable::FileFormatRepositoryHolds system- and user-defined formats for different data types ('groups')
 CFilePathFile pathname tools
 CFileSpecSpecification for one or more files
 CODMad::FileSpecSpecifies file name and optional mask filename
 COD::FileSystemAccessInterface to files and directories, whether local or cloud
 CPos::FilterDecides whether a given position should be included
 CFlatPosDataPositioning of flat 'bulk' data. Only the 'x1' axis can be irregular
 CFontDataData needed to make an actual font
 CFourierInterpolBaseBase class for fourier interpolation
 CEM::FSStoFault3DConverterFaultStickSet to Fault3D converter
 CGapDeconACorrViewGapDecon Attribute autocorrelation preview in a 2d viewer
 CGeom2DImpHandlerThis class has a set of static functions handling 2D geometries during seismic import routines that eventually use a SeisTrcWriter. While importing 2D seismic data you just need to call:
 CSurvey::GeometryManagerMakes geometries accessible from a geometry ID, or a MultiID.
 CGeomIDProviderClass providing a current line key
 CGestureEventStores event information from gesture event
 CGlobExprGlob-expression matching like UNIX shells
 CGrid2DRepresents a grid of 2D lines in an Inl-Crl plane
 CGridder2DGeneric interface for 2D gridding
 CStats::GrubbsGrubbs' test to detect outliers in a univariate data set assumed to come from a normally distributed population
 CSEGY::HdrEntryDescribes one tape or trace header field,
 CSEGY::HdrEntryConstraintsSet of constraints on various needed header values
 CSEGY::HdrEntryKeyDataHeader key info collected by scanning SEG-Y file
 CHiddenParam< O, V >Workaround manager when you cannot add class members to a class due to binary compability issues
 CHilbertTransformClass to compute Hilbert Transform
 CHistEqualizerClass to do histogram equalization of datasets
 CEM::Hor2DSeisLineIteratorHorizon2D line iterator
 CHorizonGridderBase class for Horizon Gridders
 CHorizonModifierModifies horizons
 CEM::HorizonUtilsGroup of utilities for horizons: here are all functions required in od_process_attrib_em for computing data on, along or between 2 horizons
 CHostDataHost name and aliases
 CHostNFailInfoHolds host-specific status information
 CIbmFormatIBM Format
 CPos::IdxPair2CoordEncapsulates linear transform from (i,j) index to (x,y) coordinates
 CPos::IdxPairDataSetA sorted set of IdxPairs and associated data buffer
 CPos::IdxPairValueSetA sorted set of IdxPairs and associated values
 CEM::ImplicitBodyImplicit representation of a body
 CColTab::IndexedLookUpTableLooks up color for certain value. Keeps a pre-calc list of colors
 CIndexInfoInfo on (floating-point) position in an array or StepInterval
 CZDomain::InfoInformation of z-domain
 CAttrib::InputSpecSpecification of input data of an attribute
 CIntegerID< IntType >Single integer ID with comparison but no automatic conversion. Making a subclass is optional, but recommended when using multiple IntegerID objects at the same time. Subclassing is mandatory when you want a customized undefined value or a different condition for valid values
 CIntegerID< od_int32 >
 CIntegerID< std::int32_t >
 CIntegerID< std::uint16_t >
 CIntervalND< T >Ranges in N dimensions
 CSeis::Blocks::IOClassBase class for Reader and Writer. For comments see master branch
 CEM::IOObjInfoInfo on IOObj for earthmodel
 CIOObjSelConstraintsHolds constraints on IOObj selection
 CIsoContourTracerTracing the z-level contour of a 2D scalar field
 CJobDescProvInterface for providing parameter files for jobs (job descriptions). Two implementations are pre-cooked: KeyReplace-JDP and InlineSplit-JDP
 CBatch::JobDispatcherBase class (with factory) for methods to kick-off an OD batch job
 CJobInfoAll information on a job
 CBatch::JobSpecData we need to specify an OD batch job
 CKeyBindingsClass for setting keybindings
 CKeyBindManManages keybindings
 CKeyboardEventKeyboard event
 CWell::LASImporterImports files in LAS ( Log Ascii Standard ) format
 CLatLongGeographical coordinates in Decimal Degrees but with conv to deg, min, sec
 CLatLong2CoordEstimates to/from LatLong coordinates
 CStrat::LayerData for a layer
 CStrat::LayerModelA model consisting of layer sequences
 CStrat::LayerSequenceA sequence of layers
 CStrat::LaySeqAttribCalcCalculates attributes from layer sequences
 CGrid2D::LineLine in an Inl-Crl plane
 CLine2A Line2 is a line on XY-plane, and it is defined in slope-intercept form y = slope*x + y-intercept; for making operations easier
 CPosInfo::Line2DDataPosition info for a 2D line
 CPosInfo::Line2DDataIteratorIterates through Line2DData
 CPosInfo::Line2DPosOne position on a 2D line
 CLine3A Line3 is a line in space, with the following equations:
 CInterpolate::LinearReg3D< T >Linear 3D interpolation
 CInterpolate::LinearReg3DWithUdf< T >Linear 3D interpolation with standard undef handling
 CPosInfo::LineDataPosition info for a line - in a 3D cube, that would be an inline. Stored as (crossline-)number segments
 CLineFrom2DSpaceHoughTransformFinds lines in Array2D<float>'s regions with high values
 CLineRectangleClipper< T >Clips a line between two points by a rectangle. The line may be completely outside, completely inside or partially inside. If partially inside, new endpoints are calculated
 CPosInfo::LineSet2DDataPosition info for a set of 2D lines
 CLinSolver< T >LinSolver - Solves linear systems of equations on the form A*x=B. A is a matrix of the size N*N, x is a column vector of the size N and B is a column vector of the size N
 CLinSolver< double >
 CLinStats2DLinear stats in 2D
 CLinStats3DLinear stats in 3D
 CPick::LocationPick location in space,
 CThreads::LockA lock of a type that (hopefully) suits your needs. To use it, you need the Locker class
 CThreads::LockerLocks the lock, shutting out access from other threads if needed
 CWell::LogDisplayParsLog display parameters
 CWell::LogDisplayParSetLog display parameter set
 COS::MachineCommandEncapsulates an actual command to execute + the machine to run it on
 CWell::ManWell manager
 CColTab::MapperMaps data values to colortable positions: [0,1]
 CWell::MarkerRangeRange of markers (typically describing zone of interest)
 CMathFunctionND< RT, PT >Multidimensional Mathematical function
 CMathFunctionSampler< RT, PT >Makes a MathFunction indexable through an operator[]
 CSeis::Blocks::MemColumnSummarySummary of a column for use in maps
 CMFVCViewManagerA control for flatviewers with different zoom properties and settings
 COD::ModDepModule Dependency
 COD::ModDepMgrDependency manager - provides tools for the dependencies between the different OpendTect 'modules'
 CMonitorableIterBase< ITyp >Base class for MonitoredObject iterators. Inherit from one of its subclasses
 CMonitorLockProtects a MonitoredObject against change
 CMouseCursorDefinition of a mouse cursor, can be either a predefined shape (from the enum, or a file.)
 CMouseCursorChangerClass to automatically change cursor, and change it back automatically when class is running out of scope
 CMouseCursorManagerSets another cursor for current application
 CMoveoutComputerBase class for computing a moveout curve
 CMultiDimStorage< T >
 CMultiDimStorage< Geometry::IndexedGeometry * >
 CMultiDimStorage< int >
 CMultiDimStorage< MarchingCubesModel >
 CMultiDimStorage< PreStack::EventSet * >
 CMultiDimStorage< Vel::Pick >
 CMultiIDCompound key consisting of ints
 CMuterSets start or end part of a float series to 0
 CThreads::MutexIs a lock that allows a thread to have exlusive rights to something
 CNLACreationDescDescription of how a NLA analysis Feature set is to be created
 CNLADataPreparerPrepare data for usage in NLA training
 CNLADesignSimple description of NLA design, viewed from user's perspective
 CNLAModelMinimum Interface for NLA models
 CNotifierAccessInterface class for Notifier. See comments there.
 CNotifyStopperTemporarily disables a Notifier
 CObjectWithNameObject with a name
 CObjQueue< T >Queue of objects
 Cod_streamOD base class for stream read/write
 CWell::odIOBase class for Reader and Writer
 CODPolygon< T >(Closed) sequence of connected 2-D coordinates
 CODPolygon< double >
 CODPolygon< float >
 CODPolygon< int >
 CODQtObjectSet< OD, QT >
 CODSessionDTect session save/restore
 COffsetAzimuthStores offset and azimuth as an int, wich makes it easy to compare them without having to think of epsilons when comparing
 COD::Pair< T1, T2 >
 COD::Pair< int, int >
 CAttrib::ParamA parameter that is used by an attribute
 CParamLine2A ParamLine2 is a line in space, with the following equations:
 CPCAPerforms Pricipal Component Analysis on samples with N variables
 CPeriodicValue< T, P >PeriodicValue handles periodic data through mathematical operations
 CPerThreadObjectRepository< T >Class that keeps one object per thread. This enables temporary passing of objects (such as strings) where needed
 CPerThreadObjectRepository< BufferString >
 CPhasePhase calculates the phase distribution of a N-dimensional signal. The phase is the inverse tangent of the ratio between imaginary and real parts of the signal
 CPlane3A Plane3 is a plane in space, with the equation: Ax + By + Cz + D = 0
 CPlane3CoordSystemDefines a 2D coordinate system on a 3D plane and transforms between the 3D space and the coordinate system
 CPlaneFrom3DSpaceHoughTransformFinds planes in Array3D<float>'s regions with high values. All positions in the array above a threshold (defined by cliprate) are used to find the planes
 COD::PlatformPlatform or Operating System
 CPluginInfoInformation about plugin for outside world
 CGeom::Point2D< T >Basic point class
 CGeom::Point2D< double >
 CGeom::Point2D< float >
 CGeom::Point2D< int >
 CGeom::Point2D< Pos::Ordinate_Type >
 CGeom::Point3D< T >
 CPoly2HorVolCalculate volume between horizon and polygon
 CPolynomialND< T >PolynomialND is a N-dimensional polynomial with arbitary orders in each dimension. It can be fitted any ArrayND. To access the polynomial's data use getValue. getValue3D is optimized for third order, tree-dimensional cases
 CInterpolate::PolyReg1D< T >
 CInterpolate::PolyReg1DWithUdf< T >PolyReg1D which smoothly handles undefined values
 CInterpolate::PolyReg3D< T >Interpolate 3D regularly sampled, using a 3rd order surface
 CPolyTrendPolynomial trend with order 0 (mean), 1 (linear) or 2 (parabolic) The trend is derived from a set of values with positions and can be applied thereafter on any other position
 CDataPointSet::PosReal Coord3D-position storable in BinIDValueSet + trc nr
 CEM::PosAttribPosition attribute
 CPosAuxInfoAuxiliary data possibly needed at location. Mostly a seismic thing
 CPosAuxInfoSelectionSelection of aux info at location. Note that BinID is always selected
 CEM::PosIDIs an identifier for each position in the earthmodel
 CSeis::PosIndexerBuilds an index of a list of positions, making it easy to find a specific position
 CPosVecDataSetData set consisting of data vectors
 CProbDenFuncDrawStores one draw of a probability density function
 CVolProc::ProcessorSits on top and runs ChainOutput for each Geometry
 CProcessTime2DepthKeys for
 CProgressMeterInterface where processes can report their progress
 CPreStack::PropCalcCalculates 'post-stack' properties of a PreStack data store
 CAttrib::ProviderFactoryFactory for attribute providers
 CPtrManBase< T >
 CQList< T >
 CQObjPtrClass with a pointer to a QObject. The pointer will be set to null when the QObject goes out of scope
 CQRSolver< T >QRSolver - QR decomposition of a matrix A For an m-by-n matrix A, with m>=n, the QR decomposition is A = Q*R, where Q is an m-by-n orthogonal matrix, and R is an n-by-n upper-triangular matrix
 CQuaternionQuaternion is an extension to complex numbers
 CQueueEntry< T >One single queue entry
 CQueueEntry< T * >
 CRandLocGenParsDialog for creating (a) pick set(s)
 CStats::RandomGeneratorRandom Generator
 CEM::RandomLineByShiftGeneratorCreates random line from another by shifting it
 CEM::RandomLineSetByContourGeneratorCreates random lines along the contours of a surface
 CRangeLimitedDataDistributionExtracter< vT >Does some work to limit the range of distribution extraction
 CRawDataArrayRaw binary data access.
 CSeis::RawTrcsSequenceBuffer to a set of entire traces ( header + component data ) Can contain traces for several positions
 CRColLineBuilder< T >Creates a line in RowCol space
 CWell::ReadAccessBase class for object reading data from data store into Well::Data
 CSeisImporter::ReaderTraces from the import storage
 CWell::ReaderReads Well::Data from any data store
 CThreads::ReadWriteLockLock that permits multiple readers to lock the object at the same time, but it will not allow any readers when writelocked, and no writelock is allowed when readlocked
 CGeom::Rectangle< T >Basic 2D rectangle class
 CGeom::Rectangle< double >
 CRefLayerBase class for all Acoustic and Elastic impedance layers This object uses SI values exclusively for all its properties
 CEM::RelationTreeA Relation tree where a parent-child relationship means a top-bottom relationship for the horizons
 CStrat::RepositoryAccessRepository of all stratigraphic descriptions defining the building blocks of subsurface descriptions
 COD::RGBImageClass for Red, Green, Blue image
 COD::RGBImageLoaderClass To load image files, and return the image data in RGBImage object
 CRuntimeLibLoaderGives access to any runtime library (DLL/so), from a full filepath. The library does thus no need to be inside the current path. This library stays loaded until the object is destroyed
 CSafeFileIOProtects file IO when you can't afford to have partly written things after write errors or have a file garbled by multiple access
 CSamplingData< T >Holds the fundamental sampling info: start and interval
 CSamplingData< double >
 CSamplingData< float >
 CSamplingData< int >
 CSamplingData< PT >
 CSamplingData< VT >
 CScalerScaling of floating point numbers
 CSEGY::ScanInfoInfo collected by scanning a SEG-Y file
 CSEGY::ScanRangeInfoRange info collected by scanning SEG-Y file
 CMPE::SectionTrackerTracks sections of EM::EMObject with ID EM::SectionID
 CStats::SectorPartDataPart of a data sector
 CSeis2DLineIOProviderProvides read/write to/from 2D seismic lines. Only interesting if you want to add your own 2D data I/O
 CSeis2DLinePutterInterface for object that writes 2D seismic data
 CSeisCBVSPSIOImplementation class: I/O from a CBVS prestack seismic data store
 CStrat::SeisEventEvent tied to a stratigraphic level
 CSeisIOObjInfoInfo on IOObj for seismics
 CSeisJobExecProvProvides job runners and postprocessor for seismic processing
 CSeisMSCProviderReads seismic data into buffers providing a Moving Virtual Subcube of seismic data
 CSeisPacketInfoInformation for a packet of seismics, AKA tape header info
 CSeisPSImpDataMgrManages import of acquisition-sorted PS data. May take loads of memory
 CSeisPSIOProviderPrestack Seismics objects provider
 CSeisPSReaderReads from a prestack seismic data store
 CSeisPSWriterWrites to a prestack seismic data store
 CSeisResamplerWill sub-sample in inl and crl, and re-sample in Z
 CSeisStoreAccessBase class for seis reader and writer
 CSeisTrcSeismic trace
 CSeisTrcBufSet of seismic traces
 CSeisTrcInfoInformation for a seismic trace, AKA trace header info
 CSeisTrcPropCalcCalculates properties of a trace component
 CSeis::SelDataInput (sub-)selection data from a cube or lineset
 CTable::TargetInfo::SelectionSelected element/positioning This selects the specific form and where/how it can be found in the file, or explicit values for the form elements
 CSelector< T >Interface for classes that select on basis of a key
 CSelector< Coord3 >
 CAttrib::SelInfoSupplies lists of available attribute input
 CSeis::SelSetupSetup for subselection of seismic data
 CAttrib::SelSpecSpecifies an attribute selection (ID or output number of NN)
 CPreStack::SemblanceAlgorithmBase class for algorithms that compute semblance along a moveout
 CSeparStringList encoded in a string
 CSeis::SeqIOBase class for Seismic Sequential IO classes
 COD::SetBase class for all sets used in OpendTect
 CSettingsAccessFunctionality to access specific user settings and/or environment variables from different parts of OpendTect in order to avoid duplication of definitions and code
 CMPE::SetupMPE Setup read/save
 CuiDialog::SetupDescription of properties of dialog
 CSharedLibAccessGives access to shared libs on runtime. Plugins should be loaded via the Plugin Manager (see plugins.h)
 CSincInterpolatorA sinc interpolator for bandlimited uniformly-sampled functions y(x)
 CSincTableManagerA manager used for constructing the table necessary for Sinc interpolations
 CGeom::Size2D< T >Basic 2D sizes (width/height) class
 CGeom::Size2D< float >
 CGeom::Size2D< int >
 CSortedList< T >A SortedList is a list where all objects are stored in ascending order. The objects should be capable of doing <,> and ==. If allowmultiples is true, multiple objects with the same value are allowed in the list
 CSortedList< IDT >
 CSortedList< int >
 CSortedList< postuple >
 CSortedList< size_type >
 CSortedPointers< T >A SortedPointers keeps track of ids and their corresponding pointer. Each id can only be present once
 CSortedTable< IDT, T >A SortedTable keeps track of ids and their corresponding values. Each id can only be present once
 CSortedTable< int, Coord >
 CSpectrogramSpectrogram calculates the spectrogram of a N-dimensional signal. The spectrogram is the square of the absolute values of the FourierTransform, and is the 'traditional' way to view a signal's frequency distribution
 CMath::SpecVarSpecial variables for Math Formulae/Expressions
 CSphereRepresents a point in spherical coordinates. The angle phi lies in the horizontal plane, theta in the vertical plane
 CThreads::SpinLockIs an alternative to Mutex. It is a lock which causes a thread trying to acquire it to simply wait in a loop ("spin") while repeatedly checking if the lock is available. Because they avoid overhead from operating system process re-scheduling or context switching, spinlocks are efficient if threads are only likely to be blocked for a short period
 CThreads::SpinRWLockIs an alternative to ReadWriteLock. It is a lock which causes a thread trying to acquire it to simply wait in a loop ("spin") while repeatedly checking if the lock is available. Because they avoid overhead from operating system process re-scheduling or context switching, spinlocks are efficient if threads are only likely to be blocked for a short period
 CPos::IdxPairDataSet::SPosSet Position: position in IdxPairDataSet
 CPos::IdxPairValueSet::SPosPosition in IdxPairValueSet; an iterator
 CStaticsDescSpecifies Statics as a horizon and either a horizon attribute or a constant velocity. Velocity is always in m/s
 CStatusInfoEncapsulates status message from a running client
 CVolProc::StepAn algorithm/calculation/transformation that takes one scalar volume as input, processes it, and puts the output in another volume
 CEM::StoredObjAccessAccess to stored EM Objects
 CStreamDataHolds data to use and close an iostream. Usually created by StreamProvider
 CStreamProviderProvides I/O stream for file or system command
 COD::StringEncapsulates the read-access-only part of strings in OD
 CStringBuilderBuilds a string by adding strings. Much faster than string manipulation. Only supports adding
 CStringPairA StringPair has two strings, first() and second()
 CWell::SubSelDataHolds a set of logs and markers. This object does not own logs. It borrows from the Well::Data object or from users of an instance
 CEM::SurfaceAuxDataSurface data
 CSurfaceInfoSurface info name/attribname with an ID (usually the EM-ID)
 CEM::SurfaceIODataData interesting for Surface I/O
 CEM::SurfaceIODataSelectionSurface I/O data selection
 CSurveyDiskLocationSurvey location on disk
 CSurveyFileUtility class to work with OpendTect survey/project zip files
 CvisSurvey::SurveyObjectBase class for all 'Display' objects
 CTaskRunnerClass that can execute a task
 CThreads::ThreadIs the base class for all threads. Start it by creating it and give it the function or CallBack to execute
 CTimeDepthModelConverts between time, depth and velocity given a model. The velocity model can be either RMO-velocities in time, or interval velocity in either depth or time. The times are always TWT, in SI units (seconds). The depths units correspond to SI().depthsInFeet(), and are TVDSS depths (0 at sea-level, not at SRD, positive below sea-level and increasing downwards
 CTopList< VT, AVT >Is a class that holds a "top N" list with the N highest (or lowest) values that is added. Each value has an associated value that can be used as an identifier of where the value comes from or something like that
 CTraceDataA set of data buffers and their interpreters
 CSEGY::TrcHeaderDefStores HdrEntry info of the needed fields from the trace header
 CTrcKeyRepresents a unique trace position in one of the surveys that OpendTect is managing
 CTrcKeySamplingHorizontal sampling (inline and crossline range and steps)
 CTrcKeySamplingIteratorFinds next BinID in TrcKeySampling; initializes to first position
 CTrcKeyZSamplingHor+Vert sampling in 3D surveys
 CTriangle2DInterpolatorFor a given triangulated geometry(set of points), interpolating any point located in or nearby the goemetry. If the point is located outside of the boundary of the geometry, we compare azimuth to find related points and then apply inverse distance to calculate weights
 CSEGY::TxtHeader3200 byte SEG-Y text header
 CTypeQueue< T >Queue of basic data types
 Cui3DViewer2ImagePrint scene dialog box
 CuiAttrDescEdCreaterAttribute description editor creator
 CuiAttribPanelAttribute preview in a 2d viewer
 CuiAttrSelDataUser interface for attribute selection data
 CuiAxisDataConvenient base class to carry axis data: 1) the AxisHandler which handles the behaviour and positioning of an axis in a 2D plot 2) axis scaling parameters 3) axis ranges
 CuiAxisHandlerBaseBase class for Axis Handlers
 CuiBatchJobDispatcherLauncherLaunches the UI of a Batch::JobDispatcher
 CuiButtonMessengerButton Abstract Base class
 CCmdDrive::UIEntityConvenience class UIEntity offers access to shared functionality of uiAction and uiObject, given their base class CallBacker. Since toolbar buttons are no longer uiToolButtons but uiActions, unspecified UI objects have to be passed as CallBackers
 CuiFileDialogDialog to get a file or directory name from user
 CuiFileSelectorSetupSetup for any file or directory selection process
 CuiFileSelToolSelects file or directory in some form of UI. 1-1 coupled with a certain SystemAccess / protocol
 CuiFileSelToolProviderFile selector for a File::SystemAccess type
 CuiFlatViewWinBase class for windows containing one or more uiFlatViewer(s)
 CuiFuncDispBaseBase class for function displays
 CuiGenInputDlgEntryHow to get input from user - for uiGenInputDlg
 CuiGraphicsSceneAxisTo draw simple axes for a 2D coordinate system
 CuiIconManager for icons of different sizes
 CuiIOObjDialog letting the user select an object. It returns an IOObj* after successful go()
 CuiLayerSequenceGenDescBase class for LayerSequenceGenDesc editors - with factory
 CMPE::uiMPEEngineHolder class for MPE ui-factories. Is normally only retrieved by MPE::uiMPE()
 CuiMsgMainWinSetterSets the uiMSG's main window temporary during the scope of the object
 CuiODHelpMenuMgrThe OpendTect help menu manager
 CuiStringString that is able to hold international (UTF-8) strings for the user interface
 CuiSurveyFileManage OpendTect survey/project files (SurveyFiles) in a UI setting
 CuiUserShowWaitTells user something is happening
 CuiWorld2UiClass to provide coordinate conversion between a cartesian coordinate system (or any other transformed cartesian) and UI coordinate system(screen coordinate system.)
 CValues::Undef< T >Templatized undefined values
 CValues::Undef< bool >Undefined bool
 CValues::Undef< BufferString >
 CValues::Undef< char * >Undefined char*
 CValues::Undef< char >Undefined char
 CValues::Undef< const char * >Undefined const char*
 CValues::Undef< Coord >Undefined Coord
 CValues::Undef< Coord3 >Undefined Coord3
 CValues::Undef< double >Undefined double
 CValues::Undef< float >Undefined float
 CValues::Undef< float_complex >Undefined float_complex
 CValues::Undef< long double >Undefined long double
 CValues::Undef< OD::Color >Undefined Color
 CValues::Undef< Pos::GeomID >
 CValues::Undef< std::int16_t >Undefined od_int16
 CValues::Undef< std::int32_t >Undefined od_int32
 CValues::Undef< std::int64_t >Undefined od_int64
 CValues::Undef< std::uint16_t >Undefined od_uint16
 CValues::Undef< std::uint32_t >Undefined od_uint32
 CValues::Undef< std::uint64_t >Undefined od_uint64
 CValues::Undef< StringView >
 CUndefArrayHandlerClass that handles undefvalues in arrays that are in a format described by a BinDataDesc
 CUndoEventHolds the information on how to undo/redo something.
 CUnitOfMeasureRepositoryRepository of all Units of Measure in the system
 CStrat::UnitRefIterIterator on Ref Nodes
 CuiSurvey::Util'Menu' item on window. First is always 'X,Y <-> I/C'
 CValSeriesTrackerBase class for a tracker that tracks something (e.g. min, max, a certain value)++ from one ValueSeries<float> to another
 CValueSeries< T >Interface to a series of values
 CValueSeries< AT >
 CValueSeries< double >
 CValueSeries< float >
 CValueSeries< RT >
 CValueSeries< TT >
 CValueSeries< vT >
 CValueSeries< VT >
 CValueSeriesEvFinder< VT, PT >Event finder in gate
 CValueSeriesInterpolator< T >
 CValueSeriesInterpolator< float >
 COD::JSON::ValueSetHolds values and sets of values. Is base class for either Array or Object
 CVBrickSpecVertical bricking specification
 CVectorAccess< T, IT >Simple vector-based container simplifying index-based work
 CVectorAccess< T *, size_type >
 CVectorAccess< T, size_type >
 CFlatView::ViewerFlat Viewer using FlatView::Data and FlatView::Appearance
 CVel::Vrms2VintRms velocity to interval velocity conversion
 CVrms2VintRms velocity to interval velocity conversion
 CWaveletTransformWaveletTransform is a ND wavelet transform
 CWeightedClassCounter< T >Finds out which class is the best from a series of weighted data points
 CWellDataIOProviderWell::Data and sub-objects provider from data stores
 CWellHorIntersectFinderUsed to give well/horizon intersection. In theory more than one intersection is possible ( in case of faults or deviated tracks along the horizon ) but only one pos will be returned
 CStats::WindowedCalc< T >RunCalc manager which buffers a part of the data
 CThreads::WorkThe abstraction of something that can be done. It can be an ordinary CallBack, a static function (must return bool) or a TaskFunction on a CallBackerinheriting class, or a Task. The three examples are shown below
 CVel::WorkerClass that should be used for applying functions of the Vel namespace
 CWell::WriteAccessBase class for object reading data from data store into Well::Data
 CWell::WriterWrites Well::Data to any data storage
 CZAxisTransformSamplerSamples Z-axis transformed data
 CZipArchiveInfoGives information of zip archives
 CZipFileInfoZip file information
 CZipHandlerHandles zipping and unzipping of files
 CZipUtilsZip Utilities
 CZoeppritzCoeffZoeppritz Coefficients
 CFlatView::ZoomMgrManages zoom factors. Will always provide a new zoom when forward() called, using fwdFac(). For back, will stop at initial
 CWell::ZRangeSelectorParameters (zrg, sampling method) to extract well data

Generated at for the OpendTect seismic interpretation project. Copyright (C): dGB Beheer B.V. 1995-2024